GROND - Gamma-Ray Burst Optical/Near-Infrared Detector |
GROND is an imaging instrument to investigate
Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows and other transients
simultaneously in seven filter bands. Several dichroic
beamsplitters feed light into three NIR channels and
four visual channels, each equipped with its own detector.
GROND has become operational in 2007.
GROND has been built by the high-energy group of MPE in collaboration
with the LSW Tautenburg and ESO. GROND is operated as a PI-instrument
at the MPI/ESO 2.2m telescope on La Silla (Chile).
GROND data are not publicly available - please contact the PI (jcg@mpe.mpg.de).
For MPI observers: the following
list gives an overview on the observations
(password protected).
GROND Documentation
GROND Positions
Diploma/Master and Bachelor theses
Diploma/Master and Bachelor theses are always available - most of these
are advertised at the corresponding
Bachelor and
pages of the TU Munich.
Feel free to contact the GROND-PI, Jochen Greiner at
jcg@mpe.mpg.de in any case.
The GROND team typically hires at least one PhD-student per year, sometimes
more depending on the success of soft money applications. We also
welcome PhD students coming with their own money. Interested parties
should contact the GROND-PI, Jochen Greiner at
GROND and the Press
See separate page.
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Jochen Greiner
Last modified: Fri Nov 6 21:04:36 MET 2015