Online Proceedings
Talk slides or posters can be downloaded by clicking on the title!
Alig, Christian | |
Arshakian, Tigran | Optical continuum flares from the relativistic jet: evidence for non-virial BLR |
Axon, David | Reflections on the Kicked Black Holes in E1821+643 & NGC 7603 |
Barth, Aaron | New Reverberation Mapping Results from the Lick AGN Monitoring Project |
Behar, Ehud | |
Bennert, Nicola | The Evolution of BH Mass Scaling Relations |
Bicknell, Geoffrey | AGN Feedback in Galaxy Evolution, movies |
Burkert, Andreas | |
Burtscher, Leonard | Dissecting the center of Centaurus A and NGC 4151 |
Camenzind, Max | Large-Scale Jets from Cores to Clusters |
Crain, Robert | GIMIC-Galaxies-Intergalactic Medium Interaction Calculation |
Davies, Richard | The Impact of Nuclear Star Formation on Gas Inflow to AGN |
Davis, Shane | The Radiative Efficiency of Accretion Flows in AGN |
Decarli, Roberto | The MBH-Mhost relation through Cosmic Time |
Dorodnitsyn, Anton | |
Elitzur, Moshe | AGN Tori - Theoretical Implications |
Engel, Hauke | |
Esquej, Pilar | Evolution of Tidal disruption events discovered by XMM-Newton |
Fanidakis, Nikolaos | AGN in hierarchical galaxy formation models |
Gabanyi, Krisztina Eva | The sharpest view of the earliest radio quasars |
Gadotti, Dimitri | The growth of supermassive black holes in bulges and elliptical galaxies |
Gaibler, Volker | Magnetic Fields in Large-scale Jets |
Genzel, Reinhard | |
Heymann, Frank | |
Hicks, Erin | The Nuclear Environments of SeyfertGalaxies - Molecular Gas and Stars within the Central 100 pc and Black Hole Masses |
Hirschmann, Michaela | The evolution of the intrinsic scatter of massive black holes |
Hönig, Sebastian | CONSTRAINING THE
Huarte-Espinosa, Martin | |
Impellizzeri, Violette | The molecular torus around NGC 1052 |
Johansson, Peter | Equal and unequal mass mergers of disk and elliptical galaxies with black holes |
Khochfar, Sadegh | |
Komossa, Stefanie | |
Kormendy, John | |
Krause, Martin | Radiation pressure and turbulence in AGN tori |
Krolik, Julian | The black hole takes and the black hole gives... |
Laor, Ari | The BLR Profile Signature of a Binary BH |
Leipski, Christian | The Spitzer View of FR-I Radio Galaxies |
Lobanov, Andrei | Relation between Ultracomact Jets, Supermassive Black Holes,
and Nuclear Regions in AGN |
Maciejewski, Witold | Nuclear spirals: a mechanism of gas inflow to innermost parsecs |
Madigan, Ann-Marie | A New Secular Instability in Eccentric Stellar Disks around Massive Black Holes |
Masegosa, Josefa | |
Meisenheimer, Klaus | Observations of dusty molecular tori |
Mezcua, Mar | Black Hole Masses in X-shaped radio sources |
Müller, Andreas | |
Naab, Thorsten | |
Nayakshin, Sergei | Nuclear Star Clusters and SMBHs: competitive feedback |
Netzer, Hagai | From BLR and NLR to BH and SF |
Neumayer, Nadine | |
Piconcelli, Enrico | Revealing Type II Quasars in Dust-Obscured Galaxies (DOGs) from SWIRE |
Porth, Oliver | Relativistic Jet collimation and acceleration |
Pott, Jörg-Uwe | New results from the Keck interferometer -- Recent observations of several AGN demonstrate extended capabilities |
Preto, Miguel | |
Prieto, Almudena | Genuine spectral energy distributions of AGN |
Ramolla, Michael | |
Ramos Almeida, Cristina | The Infrared Nuclear Emission of Seyfert Galaxies on Parsec Scales: Testing the Clumpy Torus Models |
Risaliti, Guido | |
Schartmann, Marc | Obscuring and feeding supermassive black holes with nuclear star clusters |
Silk, Joseph | |
Sunyaev, Rashid | |
Tristram, Konrad | Resolving the dusty cores of nearby AGN with MIR interferometry |
Ulubay-Siddiki, Ayse | |
If your contribution is not in the list and you would like to add it or if you have further questions,
please contact either Christian Alig or
Marc Schartmann.