The 2004 Ringberg Castle Workshop on AGN Physics
Scientific Programme
Monday, 22. November, 2004
Session I: Observational manifestations of relativistic effects
Chair: |
H. Netzer |
08.50-08.55 | Welcome address |
G. Hasinger |
08.55-09.00 | Opening Remarks |
Th. Boller |
09.00-09.20 | Fe K-line astrophysics: The past, the present and the future |
A.C. Fabian |
09.25-09.45 | Transient Fe Emission Features in AGN: A
New Diagnostic of Accreting Systems |
J. Turner |
09.50-10.10 | Flux and energy modulation of Fe K emission
in NGC3516 and implications for the black hole mass |
Iwasawa |
10.15-10.35 | A reflection-dominated interpretation of the NLS1 1H 0707-495:
X-ray spectrum and variability |
G. Miniutti |
10.40-11.00 Coffee break
11.00-11.20 | Partial
covering and reflection in NLS1 |
L. Gallo | |
11.25-11.45 | XMM-Newton/Chandra
Fe K line statistics and the role of ionized accretion discs |
Th. Boller |
11.50-12.10 | The Fe line
in the mean XMM-Newton X-ray spectra of type 1 and type 2 AGN |
A. Streblyanskaya |
12.30-14.00 Lunch
Chair: |
K. Pounds |
14.00-14.20 | Some effects of strong gravity on AGN X-ray light curves |
P. Arevalo |
14.25-14.45 | Gravitational redshift in optical emission lines of
Seyfert galaxies |
W. Kollatschny |
14.50-15.10 | AGN Jet Physics |
T. Krichbaum |
15.15-15.35 | An
overlooked effect of General Relativity and some implications concerning fast spinning BH |
B. Aschenbach |
15.40-16.00 Coffee break
16.00-16.30 Open Discussion
Moderators: A.C. Fabian and K. Pounds
Tuesday 23. November, 2004
Session II: Black Hole
Mass, Accretion Processes
and Variability
(i) Mass and Accretion rate: Observation and Theory
Chair: | M. Gaskell |
08.45-09.05 | Black Hole Accretion in the Local Universe |
L. Ho |
09.10-09.30 | New BH Mass,
Accretion Rate, and Metallicity Measurements of High Redshift AGN |
O. Shemmer |
09.35-09.55 | First Steps Toward Constraining Supermassive Black-Hole Growth |
M. Vestergaard |
10.00-10.20 | Black Hole Growth by Accretion |
S. Mathur |
10.25-10.50Coffee break
Chair: | D.
10.50-11.20 | Time Dependent Mass, Accretion Rate and Metallicity |
H. Netzer |
11.25-11.45 | The fundamental
plane of active black holes and the accretion modes of AGN |
A. Merloni |
11.50-12.10 | Magnetized accretion flow, jets, and coronae |
Mineshige |
12.15-12.35 | Physics of Super-Eddington Accretion Discs |
Kawaguchi |
12.40-14.00 Lunch
14.00-14.20 | Are the accretion rates super-Eddington in NLS1s? |
S. Collin |
14.25-14.45 | Radiation
hydrodynamical simulations of supercritical accretion flows |
K. Ohsuga |
14.50-15.10 | Soft X-ray emission of NLS1: disk hot skin vs. outflow |
B. Czerny |
15.10-15.30 | Specific features
of the X-ray spectra of NLS1s |
Y. Tanaka |
15.35-16.00 Coffee break
(ii) Variability
Chair: | K.
16.00-16.20 | What AGN continuum
variability is telling us about AGN physics |
Gaskell |
16.25-16.45 | Spectra and variability patterns of Seyferts |
A. Zdziarski |
16.50-17.10 | The origins of variability in AGN
and the AGN-X-ray binary connection |
P. Uttley |
17.15-17.45 Open Discussion
Moderators: H. Netzer and J. Turner
Wednesday, 24. November, 2004
Session III: Physics of the surrounding material
(i) Mass outflows
Chair: | D.
Lutz |
08.30-08.50 | The Connection Between Narrow-Line
Regions and Outflowing Absorbers in Seyfert Galaxies |
M. Crenshaw |
08.55-09.15 | The AGN outflow in
Mrk 279: Results from a deep simultaneous Chandra/HST/FUSE campaign |
N. Arav |
09.20-09.40 | Dynamical and
Spectral Modeling of Ionized Gas and Nuclear Environment in NGC 3783 |
D. Chelouche |
09.45-10.05 | X-ray evidence for massive outflows in AGN |
K. Pounds |
10.10-10.20 | Outflows from AGN: New evidence from UV and IR spectral features | M. Ward |
10.25-10.50 Coffee break
10.50-11.10 | The Physical Significance of AGN Outflows |
E. Behar |
11.15-11.35 | X-ray insights into interpreting CIV Blueshifts
and Optical/UV continua |
S. Gallagher |
11.40-12.00 | A view of
AGN Accretion Flows by Means of Double-Peaked Emission lines |
Eracleous |
12.05-12.25 | The nature of the accretion disk and surrounding material in the nucleus of NGC 1097 |
T.Storchi- Bergmann |
12.30-12.50 | Radiative & Hydromagnetic Driving of Winds in AGN |
J. Everett |
12.55-13.15 | Outflows from AGN | A. King |
13.20-14.15 Lunch
(ii) dust
Chair: | H. Kunieda
14.15-14.35 | Infrared constraints on dust properties and torus |
D. Lutz |
14.40-15.00 | The AGN dusty torus -observational clues for
its structure and dynamics |
M. Elitzur |
15.05-15.25 | Some effects of dust in AGN |
A. Laor |
15.30-15.50 | Active star formation close around AGN |
R. Davies |
16.00-16.30 Open Discussion
Moderators: A. Laor and M. Ward
16.30-17.00 Coffee break
Session IV: General Issues
Chair: | S.
Mineshige |
17.00-17.20 | AGN Spectral
Energy Distribution: its origin and influence on emission line ratios and kinematics |
K. Leighly |
17.25-17.45 | A 4D Eigenvector 1 Parameter Space:
An H-R Diagram for Quasars |
J. Sulentic |
17.50-18.10 | Strategy of AGN observations with Astro-E2 | H. Kunieda |
Thursday, 25. November, 2004
Session V: Insight into AGN physics from recent surveys
Chair: | S.
Gallagher |
09.00-09.20 | AGN Accretion History revealed from X-ray surveys |
G. Szokoly |
09.25-09.45 | Broad Absorption Line Quasars from the SDSS DR3 |
P. Hall |
09.50-10.10 | Physical models of AGN evolution
based on new results from the 2dF survey |
L. Miller |
10.15-10.35 | Quasar Physics from SDSS, Chandra, and Spitzer | G. Richards |
10.40-11.00 Coffee break
11.00-11.20 |
The Iron line background |
M. Brusa |
11.25-11.45 | The Role of Accretion in Massive
Starbursting Galaxies |
Alexander |
11.50-12.10 | Unveiling EXO's in Large Multi-Band Surveys |
A. Koekemoer |
12.15-12.35 | The light-up and evolution of AGN from
hard X-ray surveys |
A. Comastri |
12.40-14.00 Lunch
Chair: | M.
Eracleous |
14.00-14.20 | The Host Galaxies of Radio-Loud AGN |
Kauffmann |
14.25-14.45 | A survey of hard X-ray
emitting AGN selected by the Chandra Multiwavelength Project |
J. Silverman |
14.50-15.10 | AGN host galaxies from 0.5<z<3: young stars and mergers?
K. Jahnke |
15.15-15.35 | The Chandra and
XMM-Newton view of optically defined samples of Compton-thick Seyfert 2 galaxies |
M. Guainazzi |
15.40-15-50 | Sub-mm detection of high redshift type 2 QSO | V. Mainieri |
15.55-16.15 Open Discussion
Moderators: G. Kauffmann and P. Hall
Other Participants
W. Brinkmann (MPE Garching)
I. Balestra (MPE Garching)
S. Hess (Johann-Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main)
D. Porquet (MPE)