In the recent months, the XEUS mission concept has gained significant
support and priority in the strategic planning excercises and a joint
mission between ESA, NASA and JAXA is now within reach. In parallel
significant technological advances and breakthroughs have been
achieved, which allow a ~10 square meter mirror and detector
spacecraft to be placed in an L2 orbit.
At the last XEUS Science Advisory Group meeting in conjunction with the ESLAB symposium
it was decided that it is urgently necessary to inform the whole XEUS
and the wider community about the significant developments in the
XEUS project. This is in particular important, because in the framework
of the Cosmic Vision strategic process, a mission proposal for XEUS will
have to be written in the next few months. In order to prepare for this we
need to sharpen up the science case.
We are in the process of preparing the scientific programme for the meeting
and we expect a mixture between scientific overview talks, contributed
science talks and technology presentations. We will post a web page.
Please mark these dates in your calendar and let my secretary, Frau
Jacobs, know of any travel arrangements you require (Hotel reservation
etc.): Frau Jacobs: Tel 089/30000-3403, For further
information how to reach MPE please see the link below.
Please feel free to distribute this invitation to potentially interested
scientist in your environment.