GRB 090423 at redshift 8 - the most distant object we know to date
GRB 090423 at a redshift of about 8 is by far the most distant
gamma-ray burst seen to date, and also the most distant object
of the Universe we know so far. As such, its discovery is an important
event for astrophysics and cosmology.
Pending an accurate determination of the redshift (8.0 or 8.2 or anything
similar), the following rough numbers apply:
look-back time: 13 Gyr
age of the Universe: 600 Myr (4.5% of 13.66 Billion years)
luminosity distance: 85 Gpc
Since some years, Gamma-ray bursts were believed (at least within the
GRB community) to be ideal probes for the early Universe. The discovery
of GRB 090423 is a wonderful confirmation of this believe.
The quick succession of two record-breaking GRBs (the previous record
holder was GRB 080913, Greiner et al. 2009,
ApJ 693, 1610) implies that
present-day routine follow-up strategies are now adequate to not miss
high-redshift afterglows, and let us hope that even more distant GRBs
will be identified to allow us to study the era of the formation of the
first stars.
Details on GRB 090423
History of events
- Apr 23, 07:55 UT Swift detects burst, slews with its narrow-field
instruments, and find X-ray afterglow (Krimm et al.,
GCN 9198)
At that time, this GRB is not visible anymore from Chile
- Apr 23, 07:58 UT Several groups in the US start observing.
- Apr 23, 11:00 UT UKIRT/Hawaii people are the first to report an infrared
afterglow (Tanvir et al.,
GCN 9202)
- Apr 23, 15:00 UT A group observing with Gemini-North reports (wrong)
photometry, and claims z=9 (Cucchiara et al.,
GCN 9209)
- Apr 23, 20:30 UT Cucchiara report revised photometry (which later turns
out still to be wrong), and claim 7GCN 9213)
- Apr 23, 22:00 UT an italian group starts observing with the TNG
- Apr 23, 23:00 UT the GRB finally becomes visible from Chile, and GROND
starts observing. We observe in 7 bands simultaneously.
- Apr 24, 01:30 UT VLT/Tanvir starts observing
- Apr 24, 03:00 UT GROND reports z=8 (with errors +0.5, -1.2)
(Olivares et al.:
GCN 9215)
- Apr 24, 03:15 UT the italian group reports z=7.6 (without error) shortly
after the GROND report (Thöne et al.
GCN 9216)
- Apr 24, 07:30 UT Tanvir reports z=8.2 from VLT data, though no error
estimate as well (Tanvir et al.,
GCN 9219)
- Apr 24, 14:00 UT The italian group revises their z-estimate to 8.1;
but still no error given
GCN 9222)
- Apr 25, 03:45 UT BAT lag analysis and other considerations on
classification as long or short burst is inconclusive (Krimm et al.,
GCN 9241 )
- Apr 25, 10:40 UT VLA non-detection (Chandra et al.,
GCN 9249)
- Apr 26, 18:30 UT GROND reports final photometry with 8.0+0.4-0.8
(Krühler et al.,
GCN 9261)
- Apr 28, 00:30 UT Detection of 0.2 mJy (without error estimate) at 3 mm
with Plateau de Bure Interferometer (Castro-Tirado et al.,
GCN 9273)
- Apr 28, 02:00 UT CARMA nondetection ( >0.7 mJy) at 92.5 GHz (Bock et al.,
GCN 9274)
GROND results

PNG format or
TIFF format
False-color image, created from the GROND i', z' and J band images.
Since the GRB afterglow is not detected in the i' and z' bands, it appears
dark red in the image. Objects which have about the same brightness in
all three filter bands appear white. Objects which are brighter in the
i' or z' band than in J, appear bluish.
JPEG format or
TIFF format
Spectral energy distribution of the afterglow of GRB 090423 as derived
from the GROND data. The top row shows the image of the corresponding
filter band. The jump from non-detection in the z'-band to a bright
source in the J band is obvious. The fact that the J-band data point lies
slightly below the power law fit indicates that the Ly-alpha absorption
edge is within the J band.
TNG results
2D spectrum of GRB 090423 taken with the TNG and the AMICI prism (from A faint trace is seen at the position of the
GRB afterglow. This was the basis for the GCN reports 9216 and 9222 (see
- The full sequence
of GCN notices and circulars.
- 0906.1577 from 8 Jun 2009
Tanvir: A glimpse of the end of the dark ages: the gamma-ray burst of 23 April 2009 at redshift 8.3
Abstract: It is thought that the first generations of massive stars in
the Universe were an important, and quite possibly dominant, source of
the ultra-violet radiation that reionized the hydrogen gas in the
intergalactic medium (IGM); a state in which it has remained to the
present day. Measurements of cosmic microwave background anisotropies
suggest that this phase-change largely took place in the redshift range
z=10.8 +/- 1.4, while observations of quasars and Lyman-alpha galaxies
have shown that the process was essentially completed by z=6. However,
the detailed history of reionization, and characteristics of the stars
and proto-galaxies that drove it, remain unknown. Further progress in
understanding requires direct observations of the sources of
ultra-violet radiation in the era of reionization, and mapping the
evolution of the neutral hydrogen fraction through time. The detection of galaxies at such redshifts is highly challenging, due to their intrinsic faintness and high luminosity distance, whilst bright quasars appear to be rare beyond z~7. Here we report the discovery of a gamma-ray burst, GRB 090423, at redshift z=8.26 -0.08 +0.07. This is well beyond the redshift of the most distant spectroscopically confirmed galaxy (z=6.96) and quasar (z=6.43). It establishes that massive stars were being produced, and dying as GRBs, ~625 million years after the Big Bang. In addition, the accurate position of the burst pinpoints the location of the most distant galaxy known to date. Larger samples of GRBs beyond z~7 will constrain the evolving rate of star formation in the early universe, while rapid spectroscopy of their afterglows will allow direct exploration of the progress of reionization with cosmic time.
- 0906.1578 from 8 Jun 2009
Salvaterra et al: GRB 090423 reveals an exploding star at the epoch of re-ionization
Abstract: The observation of the very early stages of the Universe represents one of the main challenges of modern cosmology. 200-300 million years after the Big Bang stars began to form, thus providing the Universe with the first sources of light and heat after the Big Bang. This event marks the transition between the epoch when the Universe was dark and neutral and the time when the Universe became fully ionized. The direct investigation of this cosmic epoch, usually accomplished by observing distant quasars, has been revolutionized in the last decade through the study of Gamma-ray Bursts (GRBs). GRBs are gamma-ray flashes, detected from space, produced by rare types of massive stellar explosions. Their rapidly fading afterglows are often bright at optical wavelengths, such that GRBs are detectable up to cosmological distances. Here we report on the Swift observation of GRB 090423 and the near-infrared spectroscopic measurement of its redshift z=8.1^{+0.1}_{-0.3} obtained with the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG). This GRB was produced in a cosmic explosion that occurred before the re-ionization process was completed, when the Universe was only ~4% of its current age. Unexpectedly, this primordial object exhibits properties similar to those of GRBs observed at low/intermediate redshifts, indicating that the mechanisms and progenitors which gave rise to GRBs about 600 million years after the Big Bang are not markedly different from those producing GRBs ~10 billion years later. The detection of this GRB at z=8.1 indicates either that the GRBs are not good tracers of the cosmic star formation or that the number of bright GRBs was greater at high redshift.
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Jochen Greiner
Last modified: Fri Oct 30 17:42:49 MET 2009