Electronic Journals
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The MPA-libraries version
Astronomy & Astrophysics - Main Journal + Letters (vor 2001)
Astronomy & Astrophysics - (CDS) New since 2001
EDP Site
Astronomy & Astrophysics - Supplement Series
Astrophysical Journal - Journal, Letters and Supplement
or Web-based submission for
ApJ Main and Suppl
and ApJ Letters

Advances in Space Research (Contents, Author and Keyword Index)
Annales Geophysicae
Annalen der Physik
Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Applied Physics Letters
Astronomical Journal - fully electronic since 2/1998
Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conf Series
Astronomische Nachrichten - Abstracts only
Astronomy & Astrophysics - Main Journal + letters
Astronomy & Astrophysics - Supplement Series
Astronomy & Astrophysics Review
Astronomy & Geophysics
Astronomy Now (Extracts)
Astroparticle Physics Contents, Index, Search
Astrophysics and Space Science searchable index
Astrophysical Journal Journal, Letters and Supplement
Australian Journal of Physics
Bild der Wissenschaft
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society
CCD Astronomy
Classical and Quantum Gravity
Earth and Planetary Science Letter
ESO Messenger
Geophysical Research Letters
IAU Circulars (more than 1 yr old) or
Search for
individual issues
Information Bulletin on Variable Stars (IBVS)
Int. Journal of Modern Phys. A
Int. Journal of Modern Phys. D
IRAM Newsletter
Irish Astronomical Journal Contents and sample papers
Journal of Chemical Physics
Journal of Experimental anf Theoretical Physics -JETP -
Journal of Geophysical Research A -Space Research
- Contents and Abstracts only-
Journal of High Energy Physics - (completely electronic)
Journal of Hydrology
- Contents and Author/Subject Index only -
Journal of Physics Serie A
Journal of Physics Serie B:
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation
Journal of the Atmosheric Sciences - Table of contents -
Journal of X-ray Science and Technology
(ceased publ. in 1997)
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters
Lecture Notes in Physics (Springer)
New Astronomy
Nuclear Physics A+B
Numerische Mathematik
Optics letters
Physical Review A
Physical Review B -Rapid Communications only -
Physical Review C
Physical Review D
Physical Review Letters
Physics Fluids
Physics of Plasma
Physics Reports
Physikalische Blätter
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
Proc. of the National Acad. of Sciences of the USA
Progress in Theoretical Physics
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Japan
abstracts only
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
- fully electronic since 1/1998
Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conf Series
Reports on Progress in Physics
Review of Scientific Instruments
Reviews in modern Physics - Starting Winter 1997/8
(or for young scientists:
Science's Next Wave )
SIAM - Journal od Numerical Analysis
Space Science Newsletter
Spektrum der Wissenschaft
SPIE Online starting Feb. 16, 1998
Sterne und Weltraum
Zeitschrift für Physik A:
Hadrons & nuclei
Zeitschrift für Physik D:
Atoms, Molecules and clusters