# coding=utf8
# Copyright (c) MPE/IR-Submm Group. See LICENSE.rst for license information.
# Higher-order kinematics models for DysmalPy
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
# Standard library
import logging
# Third party imports
import numpy as np
# import scipy.misc as scp_misc
# import scipy.integrate as scp_integrate
# Local imports
from .base import _DysmalFittable3DModel, HigherOrderKinematicsSeparate, \
from dysmalpy.parameters import DysmalParameter
from dysmalpy.models import utils
from . import utils
__all__ = ['BiconicalOutflow', 'UnresolvedOutflow',
'UniformRadialFlow', 'PlanarUniformRadialFlow',
'UniformBarFlow', 'VariableXBarFlow',
logger = logging.getLogger('DysmalPy')
import warnings
class BiconicalOutflow(HigherOrderKinematicsSeparate, _DysmalFittable3DModel):
Model for a biconical outflow
n : float
Power law index of the outflow velocity profile
vmax : float
Maximum velocity of the outflow in km/s
rturn : float
Turn-over radius in kpc of the velocty profile
thetain : float
Half inner opening angle in degrees. Measured from the bicone
dtheta : float
Difference between inner and outer opening angle in degrees
rend : float
Maximum radius of the outflow in kpc
norm_flux : float
Log flux amplitude of the outflow at r = 0
tau_flux : float
Exponential decay rate of the flux
profile_type : {'both', 'increase', 'decrease', 'constant'}
Type of velocity profile
This biconical outflow model is based on the model presented in Bae et al. (2016) [1]_.
It consists of two symmetric cones joined at their apexes. `thetain` and `dtheta` control
how hollow the cones are. `thetain` = 0 therefore would produce a fully filled cone.
Within the cone, the velocity radial profile of the gas follows a power law with index `n`.
Four different profile types can be selected. The simplest is 'constant' in which case
the velocity of the gas is `vmax` at all radii.
For a `profile_type` = 'increase':
.. math::
v = v_{\rm max}\left(\frac{r}{r_{\rm end}}\right)^n
For a `profile_type` = 'decrease':
.. math::
v = v_{\rm max}\left(1 - \left(\frac{r}{r_{\rm end}}\right)^n\right)
For a `profile_type` = 'both' the velocity first increases up to the turnover radius, `rturn`,
then decreases back to 0 at 2 `rturn`.
For :math:`r < r_{\rm turn}`:
.. math::
v = v_{\rm max}\left(\frac{r}{r_{\rm turn}}\right)^n
For :math:`r > r_{\rm turn}`:
.. math::
v = v_{\rm max}\left(2 - \frac{r}{r_{\rm turn}}\right)^n
The flux radial profile of the outflow is described by a decreasing exponential:
.. math::
F = A\exp\left\{\frac{-\tau r}{r_{\rm end}}\right\}
.. [1] https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2016ApJ...828...97B/abstract
n = DysmalParameter(default=0.5, fixed=True)
vmax = DysmalParameter(min=0)
rturn = DysmalParameter(default=0.5, min=0)
thetain = DysmalParameter(bounds=(0, 90))
dtheta = DysmalParameter(default=20.0, bounds=(0, 90))
rend = DysmalParameter(default=1.0, min=0)
norm_flux = DysmalParameter(default=0.0, fixed=True)
tau_flux = DysmalParameter(default=5.0, fixed=True)
_spatial_type = 'resolved'
_multicoord_velocity = False
_native_geometry = 'spherical'
outputs = ('vout',)
def __init__(self, profile_type='both', **kwargs):
valid_profiles = ['increase', 'decrease', 'both', 'constant']
if profile_type in valid_profiles:
self.profile_type = profile_type
logger.error("Invalid profile type. Must be one of 'increase',"
"'decrease', 'constant', or 'both.'")
super(BiconicalOutflow, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def __setstate__(self, state):
# Compatibility hack, to handle the change to generalized
# higher order components in ModelSet.simulate_cube().
super(BiconicalOutflow, self).__setstate__(state)
# Change '_type' from 'outflow' to 'higher_order':
if self._type == 'outflow':
self._type = 'higher_order'
def evaluate(self, x, y, z, n, vmax, rturn, thetain, dtheta, rend, norm_flux, tau_flux):
"""Evaluate the outflow velocity as a function of position x, y, z"""
r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
theta = np.arccos(np.abs(z)/r)*180./np.pi
theta[r == 0] = 0.
vel = np.zeros(r.shape)
if self.profile_type == 'increase':
amp = vmax/rend**n
vel[r <= rend] = amp*r[r <= rend]**n
vel[r == 0] = 0
elif self.profile_type == 'decrease':
amp = -vmax/rend**n
vel[r <= rend] = vmax + amp*r[r <= rend]** n
elif self.profile_type == 'both':
vel[r <= rturn] = vmax*(r[r <= rturn]/rturn)**n
ind = (r > rturn) & (r <= 2*rturn)
vel[ind] = vmax*(2 - r[ind]/rturn)**n
elif self.profile_type == 'constant':
vel[r <= rend] = vmax
thetaout = np.min([thetain+dtheta, 90.])
ind_zero = (theta < thetain) | (theta > thetaout) | (vel < 0)
vel[ind_zero] = 0.
return vel
def velocity(self, x, y, z, *args):
"""Return the velocity as a function of x, y, z"""
return self.evaluate(x, y, z, self.n, self.vmax, self.rturn, self.thetain,
self.dtheta, self.rend, self.norm_flux, self.tau_flux)
def light_profile(self, x, y, z):
"""Evaluate the outflow line flux as a function of position x, y, z"""
r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
theta = np.arccos(np.abs(z) / r) * 180. / np.pi
theta[r == 0] = 0.
flux = 10**self.norm_flux*np.exp(-self.tau_flux*(r/self.rend))
thetaout = np.min([self.thetain + self.dtheta, 90.])
ind_zero = ((theta < self.thetain) |
(theta > thetaout) |
(r > self.rend))
flux[ind_zero] = 1e-16 # To avoid NaNs
return flux
def vel_direction_emitframe(self, x, y, z, _save_memory=False):
Method to return the velocity direction in the outflow Cartesian frame.
x, y, z : float or array
xyz position in the outflow reference frame.
_save_memory : bool, optional
Option to save memory by only calculating the relevant matrices (eg during fitting).
Default: False
vel_dir_unit_vector : 3-element array
Direction of the velocity vector in (xyz).
For biconical outflows, this is the +rhat direction, in spherical coordinates
r = np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2 + z ** 2 )
vhat_y = y/r
vhat_z = z/r
# Excise r=0 values
vhat_y = utils.replace_values_by_refarr(vhat_y, r, 0., 0.)
vhat_z = utils.replace_values_by_refarr(vhat_z, r, 0., 0.)
if not _save_memory:
vhat_x = x/r
# Excise r=0 values
vhat_x = utils.replace_values_by_refarr(vhat_x, r, 0., 0.)
vel_dir_unit_vector = np.array([vhat_x, vhat_y, vhat_z])
# Only calculate y,z directions
vel_dir_unit_vector = np.array([0., vhat_y, vhat_z], dtype=object)
return vel_dir_unit_vector
class UnresolvedOutflow(HigherOrderKinematicsSeparate, _DysmalFittable3DModel):
Model for an unresolved outflow component described by a Gaussian
vcenter : float
Central velocity of the Gaussian in km/s
fwhm : float
FWHM of the Gaussian in km/s
amplitude : float
Amplitude of the Gaussian
This model simply produces a broad Gaussian spectrum that will be placed in the
central spectrum of the galaxy.
vcenter = DysmalParameter(default=0)
fwhm = DysmalParameter(default=1000.0, bounds=(0, None))
amplitude = DysmalParameter(default=1.0, bounds=(0, None))
_spatial_type = 'unresolved'
_multicoord_velocity = False
_native_geometry = 'cartesian'
outputs = ('vout',)
def __setstate__(self, state):
# Compatibility hack, to handle the change to generalized
# higher order components in ModelSet.simulate_cube().
super(UnresolvedOutflow, self).__setstate__(state)
# Change '_type' from 'outflow' to 'higher_order':
if self._type == 'outflow':
self._type = 'higher_order'
def evaluate(x, y, z, vcenter, fwhm, amplitude):
return np.ones(x.shape)*vcenter
def velocity(self, x, y, z, *args):
"""Return the velocity as a function of x, y, z"""
return self.evaluate(x, y, z, self.vcenter, self.fwhm, self.amplitude)
def dispersion_profile(self, x, y, z, fwhm=None):
"""Dispersion profile for the outflow"""
if fwhm is None: fwhm = self.fwhm
return np.ones(x.shape)*(fwhm/2.35482)
def light_profile(self, x, y, z):
"""Evaluate the outflow line flux as a function of position x, y, z
All the light will be deposited at the center pixel."""
# The coordinates where the unresolved outflow is placed needs to be
# an integer pixel so for now we round to nearest integer.
r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
ind_min = r.argmin()
flux = x*0.
flux.flat[ind_min] = self.amplitude.value
return flux
def vel_direction_emitframe(self, x, y, z, _save_memory=False):
r"""Method to return the velocity direction in the output geometry Cartesian frame.
Undefined for `UnresolvedOutflow`"""
return None
class AzimuthalPlanarRadialFlow(HigherOrderKinematicsPerturbation, _DysmalFittable3DModel):
Model for a planar radial flow, with radial flow only in the plane of the galaxy,
but that can vary azimuthally with angle phi relative to the galaxy major axis.
m : int
Number of modes in the azimuthal pattern. m=0 gives a purely radial profile.
phi0 : float
Angle offset relative to the galaxy angle, so the azimuthal variation goes as
cos(m(phi_gal - phi0))
The following functions must be specified, which take the galaxy radius R and model_set:
vr(R): Radial velocity in km/s. vr > 0 for outflow, vr < 0 for inflow
m = DysmalParameter(default=2.)
phi0 = DysmalParameter(default=0., bounds=(0.,360.))
_spatial_type = 'resolved'
_multicoord_velocity = False
_native_geometry = 'cylindrical'
outputs = ('vrad',)
def __init__(self, vr=None, **kwargs):
self.vr = vr
super(AzimuthalPlanarRadialFlow, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def evaluate(self, x, y, z, m, phi0, model_set):
"""Evaluate the radial velocity as a function of position x, y, z"""
phi0_rad = phi0 * np.pi / 180.
phi_gal_rad = utils.get_geom_phi_rad_polar(x, y)
R = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
vel = self.vr(R, model_set) * np.cos(m*(phi_gal_rad-phi0_rad))
return vel
def velocity(self, x, y, z, model_set, *args):
"""Return the velocity as a function of x, y, z"""
return self.evaluate(x, y, z, self.m, self.phi0, model_set)
def vel_direction_emitframe(self, x, y, z, _save_memory=False):
Method to return the velocity direction in the galaxy Cartesian frame.
x, y, z : float or array
xyz position in the radial flow reference frame.
_save_memory : bool, optional
Option to save memory by only calculating the relevant matrices (eg during fitting).
Default: False
vel_dir_unit_vector : 3-element array
Direction of the velocity vector in (xyz).
For a planar uniform radial flow, this is the +Rhat direction, in cylindrical coordinates
R = np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
vhat_y = y/R
# Excise rgal=0 values
vhat_y = utils.replace_values_by_refarr(vhat_y, R, 0., 0.)
if not _save_memory:
vhat_x = x/R
vhat_z = z * 0.
# Excise rgal=0 values
vhat_x = utils.replace_values_by_refarr(vhat_x, R, 0., 0.)
vel_dir_unit_vector = np.array([vhat_x, vhat_y, vhat_z])
# Only y direction: z is by definition 0.
vel_dir_unit_vector = np.array([0., vhat_y, 0.], dtype=object)
return vel_dir_unit_vector
class VariableXBarFlow(HigherOrderKinematicsPerturbation, _DysmalFittable3DModel):
Model for flow along a bar, along some axis in the galaxy midplane,
with flow velocity that varies with bar distance abs(xbar) (under reflection symmetry).
phi : float
Azimuthal angle of bar, counter-clockwise from blue major axis. In degrees.
Default is 90 (eg, along galaxy minor axis)
bar_width : float
Width of the bar, in kpc.
So bar velocity only is nonzero between -bar_width/2 < ygal < bar_width/2.
The following function must also be passed when setting up the model,
which takes the bar coordinate xbar as an input:
vbar(xbar, model_set) [Amplidute of flow velocity as a function of bar coordinate abs(xbar). vbar > 0 for outflow, vbar < 0 for inflow.]
phi = DysmalParameter(default=90., bounds=(0.,360.))
bar_width = DysmalParameter(default=2., bounds=(0., None))
_spatial_type = 'resolved'
_multicoord_velocity = False
_native_geometry = 'cartesian'
outputs = ('vflow',)
def __init__(self, vbar=None, **kwargs):
# Set function: MUST TAKE |xbar|, model_set as input!
self.vbar = vbar
super(VariableXBarFlow, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def evaluate(self, x, y, z, phi, bar_width, model_set):
"""Evaluate the bar velocity amplitude as a function of position x, y, z"""
phi_rad = phi * np.pi / 180.
# Rotate by phi_rad:
xbar = np.cos(phi_rad) * x + np.sin(phi_rad) * y
ybar = - np.sin(phi_rad) * x + np.cos(phi_rad) * y
vel = self.vbar(np.abs(xbar), model_set)
if len(ybar.shape) > 0:
# Array-like inputs
vel[np.abs(ybar) > 0.5*bar_width] = 0.
# Float inputs:
if np.abs(ybar) > 0.5*bar_width:
vel = 0.
return vel
def velocity(self, x, y, z, model_set, *args):
"""Return the velocity as a function of x, y, z"""
return self.evaluate(x, y, z, self.phi, self.bar_width, model_set)
def vel_direction_emitframe(self, x, y, z, _save_memory=False):
Method to return the velocity direction in the galaxy Cartesian frame.
x, y, z : float or array
xyz position in the galaxy/bar reference frame.
_save_memory : bool, optional
Option to save memory by only calculating the relevant matrices (eg during fitting).
Default: False
vel_dir_unit_vector : 3-element array
Direction of the velocity vector in (xyz).
For a bar uniform flow, this is the sign(xbar) direction, in cartesian coordinates.
# Rotate by phi_rad:
phi_rad = self.phi * np.pi / 180.
xbar = np.cos(phi_rad) * x + np.sin(phi_rad) * y
if not _save_memory:
vel_dir_unit_vector = np.array([ np.cos(phi_rad)*np.sign(xbar),
np.sin(phi_rad)*np.sign(xbar), z*0.])
# Only return y direction
vel_dir_unit_vector = np.array([ 0., np.sin(phi_rad)*np.sign(xbar), 0.], dtype=object)
return vel_dir_unit_vector
class SpiralDensityWave(HigherOrderKinematicsPerturbation, _DysmalFittable3DModel):
Model for a spiral density wave, assumed in the galaxy midplane.
m : int
Number of photometric/density spiral arms.
cs : float
Sound speed of medium, in km/s.
epsilon : float
Density contrast of perturbation (unitless).
Om_p : float
Angular speed of the driving force, :math:`\Omega_p`.
phi0 : float, optional
Angle offset of the arm winding, in degreed. Default: 0.
This model is implemented following the derivation given in the Appendix of
Davies et al. 2009, ApJ, 702, 114 [1]_.
Functions for the following must also be passed when setting up the model,
which take the midplane galaxy radius R as an input:
* Vrot(R) [Unperturbed rotation velocity of the galaxy]
* dVrot_dR(R) [Derivative of Vrot(R) -- ideally evaluated analytically, otherwise very slow]
* rho0(R) [Unperturbed midplane density profile of the galaxy]
* f(R, m, cs, Om_p, Vrot) [Function describing the spiral shape, :math:`m\phi = f(R)`, with :math:`k \equiv df/dR`]
* k(R, m, cs, Om_p, Vrot) [Function for the radial wavenumber]
.. [1] https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2009ApJ...702..114D/abstract
m = DysmalParameter(default=2., bounds=(0, None), fixed=True) # Number of photometric arms
phi0 = DysmalParameter(default=0., bounds=(0, 360)) # Angle offset of arm winding, in degrees
cs = DysmalParameter(default=50., bounds=(0, None)) # Speed of sound, in km/s
epsilon = DysmalParameter(default=0.1, bounds=(0,None)) # Density contrast of perturbation
Om_p = DysmalParameter(default=0.) # Driving angular speed
_spatial_type = 'resolved'
_multicoord_velocity = True
_native_geometry = 'cylindrical'
outputs = ('vr','vphi','vz',)
def __init__(self, Vrot=None, rho0=None,
f=None, k=None, dVrot_dR=None,
# Set functions: MUST TAKE R as input!
self.Vrot = Vrot
self.rho0 = rho0
self._f_func = f
self._k_func = k
self.dVrot_dR = dVrot_dR
# Functions of R (midplane): rho0, f, k, Vrot,
# -> k and f are actually derived....
# but separately calculate, very slow to always do numerically!!!
super(SpiralDensityWave, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def evaluate(self, x, y, z, m, phi, cs, epsilon, Om_p, Vrot, rho0):
"""Evaluate the spiral density wave at x,y,z"""
vr1 = self.vr_perturb(x, y, z)
vphi1 = self.vphi_perturb(x, y, z)
# Tuple in the native cylindrical coordinates (really polar, ignoring z)
return (vr1, vphi1, z*0.)
def ep_freq_sq(self, R):
""" Return kappa^2, square of the epicyclic frequency """
# dx=1.e-5
# order=3
# V = self.Vrot(R)
# Om = V / R
# shR = np.shape(R)
# if len(shR) == 0:
# dVrot_dR = scp_misc.derivative(self.Vrot, R, dx=dx, n=1, order=order)
# else:
# dVrot_dR = R * 0.
# for i in range(shR[0]):
# if len(shR) == 1:
# dVrot_dR[i] = scp_misc.derivative(self.Vrot, R[i], dx=dx, n=1, order=order)
# else:
# for j in range(shR[1]):
# if len(shR) == 2:
# dVrot_dR[i,j] = scp_misc.derivative(self.Vrot, R[i,j],
# dx=dx, n=1, order=order)
# else:
# for k in range(shR[2]):
# dVrot_dR[i,j,k] = scp_misc.derivative(self.Vrot, R[i,j,k],
# dx=dx, n=1, order=order)
# kappasq = 2*Om * ( R * (1./R * dVrot_dR - V/R**2 ) + 2*Om )
V = self.Vrot(R)
Om = V / R
dV_dR = self.dVrot_dR(R)
kappasq = 2*Om * ( R * (1./R * dV_dR - V/R**2 ) + 2*Om )
return kappasq
# def k(self, R):
# """Calculate wavenumber"""
# Om = self.Vrot(R) / R
# kappasq = self.ep_freq_sq(R)
# eta = np.sqrt(1. - kappasq / (self.m**2 * (Om-self.Om_p)**2))
# wavenum = (1.-self.Om_p / Om) * eta * self.m * Om / self.cs
# return wavenum
# def f(self, R):
# """Shape of spiral arms, with f=m*phi = Int_0^R(k dR) """
# shR = np.shape(R)
# if len(shR) == 0:
# farr, abserr = scp_integrate.quad(self.k, 0, R)
# else:
# farr = R * 0.
# for i in range(shR[0]):
# if len(shR) == 1:
# farr[i], abserr = scp_integrate.quad(self.k, 0, R[i])
# else:
# for j in range(shR[1]):
# if len(shR) == 2:
# farr[i,j], abserr = scp_integrate.quad(self.k, 0, R[i,j])
# else:
# for k in range(shR[2]):
# farr[i,j,k], abserr = scp_integrate.quad(self.k, 0, R[i,j,k])
# return farr
def k(self, R):
"""Calculate wavenumber"""
return self._k_func(R, self.m, self.cs, self.Om_p, self.Vrot)
def f(self, R):
"""Shape of spiral arms, with f=m*phi = Int_0^R(k dR) """
return self._f_func(R, self.m, self.cs, self.Om_p, self.Vrot)
def rho_perturb(self, x, y, z):
Return the density perturbation -- consider only the midplane
Given by Eq. A9, Davies et al. 2009, ApJ, 702, 114
R = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
phi0_rad = self.phi0 * np.pi / 180.
phi = utils.get_geom_phi_rad_polar(x, y) - phi0_rad
fvals = self.f(R)
rho0vals = self.rho0(R)
rho1 = self.epsilon * rho0vals * np.cos( self.m*phi - fvals )
# Excise R=0 values
rho1 = utils.replace_values_by_refarr(rho1, R, 0., 0.)
return rho1
def vr_perturb(self, x, y, z):
Return the radial velocity perturbation
Given by Eq. A10, Davies et al. 2009, ApJ, 702, 114
Here inflow is NEGATIVE, outflow is POSITIVE.
R = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
Om = self.Vrot(R) / R
phi0_rad = self.phi0 * np.pi / 180.
phi = utils.get_geom_phi_rad_polar(x, y) - phi0_rad
fvals = self.f(R)
kvals = self.k(R)
vr1 = -self.epsilon * self.m*(Om-self.Om_p)/kvals * np.cos( self.m*phi - fvals )
# Excise R=0 values
vr1 = utils.replace_values_by_refarr(vr1, R, 0., 0.)
return vr1
def vphi_perturb(self, x, y, z):
Return the phi-direction velocity perturbation
Given by Eq. A11, Davies et al. 2009, ApJ, 702, 114
R = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
Om = self.Vrot(R) / R
phi0_rad = self.phi0 * np.pi / 180.
phi = utils.get_geom_phi_rad_polar(x, y) - phi0_rad
fvals = self.f(R)
kvals = self.k(R)
kappasq = self.ep_freq_sq(R)
vphi1 = self.epsilon * kappasq/(2.*kvals*Om) * np.sin( self.m*phi - fvals )
# Excise R=0 values
vphi1 = utils.replace_values_by_refarr(vphi1, R, 0., 0.)
return vphi1
def vLOS_perturb(self, x, y, z):
Return the projected LOS velocity combining both radial and phi components.
For use in visualizing.
Handled via matrix multiplication & projection for model_set.simulate_cube()
Uses NEGATIVE for inflow, POSITIVE for outflow
R = np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
vr1 = self.vr_perturb(x, y, z)
vphi1 = self.vphi_perturb(x, y, z)
vLOS1 = vr1*(y/R) + vphi1*(x/R)
# Excise R=0 values
vLOS1 = utils.replace_values_by_refarr(vLOS1, R, 0., 0.)
return vLOS1
def velocity(self, x, y, z, *args):
Evaluate the spiral density velocity amplitude as a function of position x, y, z,
for the different radial and phi components.
Return a tuple of (vr, vphi, vz).
vr1 = self.vr_perturb(x, y, z)
vphi1 = self.vphi_perturb(x, y, z)
# Tuple in the native cylindrical coordinates (really polar, ignoring z)
return (vr1, vphi1, z*0.)
def light_profile(self, x, y, z):
return self.rho_perturb(x, y, z)
def vel_direction_emitframe(self, x, y, z, _save_memory=False):
Method to return the velocity matrix in the output Cartesian frame.
As the native geometry is cylindrical (ignoring z dir), and the velocity is multicoordinate,
we need a more complex output than a single vector for a dotproduct.
vel = (R, phi, z).
Need matmul(vel_dir_matrix, vel) = vel in (x,y,z). So:
.. code-block:: text
vel_dir_matrix = [[Rtox, phitox, ztox],
[Rtoy, phitoy, ztoy],
[Rtoz, phitoz, ztoz]]
x, y, z : float or array
xyz position in the output reference frame.
_save_memory : bool, optional
Option to save memory by only calculating the relevant matrices (eg during fitting).
Default: False
vel_dir_matrix : 3x3-element matrix
Transform of the velocity from the native coordinates to the output cartesian frame.
R = np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
# vel_dir_matrix = np.array([[x/R, -y/R, 0.*z],
# [y/R, x/R, 0.*z],
# [0.*z, 0.*z, 0.*z]])
# As zsky_unit_vector = [ x*0., y*0. + np.sin(inc), z*0. - np.cos(inc) ]
# The dot is:
# vr : y/R*sin(i) = sin(phi) * sin(i)
# vphi: x/R*sin(i) = cos(phi) * sin(i)
# So really only picking out the y-cartesian coord
vhat_Rtoy = y/R
vhat_phitoy = x/R
# Excise R=0 values
vhat_Rtoy = utils.replace_values_by_refarr(vhat_Rtoy, R, 0., 0.)
vhat_phitoy = utils.replace_values_by_refarr(vhat_phitoy, R, 0., 0.)
if not _save_memory:
vhat_Rtoz = vhat_phitoz = vhat_ztoz = vhat_ztoy = vhat_ztox = 0.*z
vhat_Rtox = x/R
vhat_phitox = -y/R
# Excise R=0 values
vhat_Rtox = utils.replace_values_by_refarr(vhat_Rtox, R, 0., 0.)
vhat_phitox = utils.replace_values_by_refarr(vhat_phitox, R, 0., 0.)
vel_dir_matrix = np.array([[vhat_Rtox, vhat_phitox, vhat_ztox],
[vhat_Rtoy, vhat_phitoy, vhat_ztoy],
[vhat_Rtoz, vhat_phitoz, vhat_ztoz]])
# Only return y directions (z dir are all 0):
vel_dir_matrix = np.array([[0., 0., 0.],
[vhat_Rtoy, vhat_phitoy, 0.],
[0., 0., 0.]], dtype=object)
return vel_dir_matrix