Source code for dysmalpy.models.zheight

# coding=utf8
# Copyright (c) MPE/IR-Submm Group. See LICENSE.rst for license information. 
# ZHeight models for DysmalPy

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

# Standard library
import abc
import logging

# Third party imports
import numpy as np

# Local imports
from .base import _DysmalFittable1DModel
from dysmalpy.parameters import DysmalParameter

__all__ = ['ZHeightGauss', 'ZHeightExp']

logger = logging.getLogger('DysmalPy')

import warnings

# ******* Z-Height Profiles ***************
class ZHeightProfile(_DysmalFittable1DModel):
    """Base object for flux profiles in the z-direction"""
    _type = 'zheight'

    # Must set property z_scalelength for each subclass,
    #   for use with getting indices ai for filling simulated cube
    def z_scalelength(self):
        """Evaluate the flux attenuation (linear multiplier) at all locations of the cube"""

[docs] class ZHeightGauss(ZHeightProfile): r""" Gaussian flux distribution in the z-direction Parameters ---------- sigmaz : float Dispersion of the Gaussian in kpc Notes ----- Model formula: .. math:: F_z = \exp\left\{\frac{-z^2}{2\sigma_z^2}\right\} """ sigmaz = DysmalParameter(default=1.0, fixed=True, bounds=(0, 10)) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ZHeightGauss, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate(z, sigmaz): return np.exp(-0.5*(z/sigmaz)**2)
@property def z_scalelength(self): return self.sigmaz
[docs] class ZHeightExp(ZHeightProfile): r""" Exponential flux distribution in the z-direction Parameters ---------- hz : float Scale length of the exponential in kpc Notes ----- Model formula: .. math:: F_z = \exp\left\{\frac{-z}{h_z}\right\} """ hz = DysmalParameter(default=1.0, fixed=True, bounds=(0, 10)) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ZHeightExp, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate(z, hz): return np.exp(-z/hz)
@property def z_scalelength(self): return self.hz