- class dysmalpy.instrument.Instrument(beam=None, beam_type=None, lsf=None, pixscale=None, spec_type='velocity', spec_start=<Quantity -1000. km / s>, spec_step=<Quantity 10. km / s>, nspec=201, line_center=None, smoothing_type=None, smoothing_npix=None, moment=False, apertures=None, integrate_cube=True, slit_width=None, slit_pa=None, fov=None, ndim=None, name='Instrument')[source]
Base class to define an instrument to observe a model galaxy.
- Parameters:
beam (2D array,
, orMoffat
) – Object describing the PSF of the instrumentbeam_type ({
}) –'analytic'
implies the beam is one of the provided beams indysmalpy
implies the provided beam is a 2D array that describesthe convolution kernel.
lsf (LSF object) – Object describing the line spread function of the instrument
pixscale (float or
) – Size of one pixel on the sky. If no units are used, arcseconds are assumed.spec_type ({
}) – Whether the spectral axis is in velocity or wavelength spacespec_start (
) – The value and unit of the first spectral channelspec_step (
) – The spacing of the spectral channelsnspec (int) – Number of spectral channels
fov (tuple) – x and y size of the FOV of the instrument in pixels
name (str) – Name of the instrument
Attributes Summary
Methods Summary
(cube[, spec_center])Perform convolutions that are associated with this Instrument
(cube)Performs spatial broadening due to the point spread function
(cube[, spec_center])Performs line broadening due to the line spread function
([support_scaling])Calculate and store the PSF convolution kernel
([spec_center])Calculate and store the LSF convolution kernel
Attributes Documentation
- beam
- lsf
- pixscale
- spec_center
- spec_step
Methods Documentation
- convolve(cube, spec_center=None)[source]
Perform convolutions that are associated with this Instrument
This method convolves the input cube such that the output cube has the correct PSF and/or LSF as given by the Instrument’s beam and lsf. The cube is first convolved to the PSF, then to the LSF.
- Parameters:
cube (3D array) – Input model cube to convolve with the instrument PSF and/or LSF The first dimension is assumed to correspond to the spectral dimension.
spec_center (
) – Central wavelength to define the conversion from velocity to wavelength Only necessary if the spectral type is ‘wavelength’ and using an LSF
- Returns:
cube – New model cube after applying the PSF and LSF convolution
- Return type:
3D array
- convolve_with_beam(cube)[source]
Performs spatial broadening due to the point spread function
- Parameters:
cube (3D array) – Input model cube to convolve with the instrument PSF The first dimension is assumed to correspond to the spectral dimension.
- Returns:
cube – New model cube after applying the PSF convolution
- Return type:
3D array
- convolve_with_lsf(cube, spec_center=None)[source]
Performs line broadening due to the line spread function
- Parameters:
cube (3D array) – Input model cube to convolve with the instrument LSF The first dimension is assumed to correspond to the spectral dimension.
spec_center (
) – Central wavelength to define the conversion from velocity to wavelength Only necessary if the instrument spectral type is ‘wavelength’
- Returns:
cube – New model cube after applying the LSF convolution
- Return type:
3D array
- set_beam_kernel(support_scaling=12.0)[source]
Calculate and store the PSF convolution kernel
- Parameters:
support_scaling (int) – The amount to scale the stddev to determine the size of the kernel
- set_lsf_kernel(spec_center=None)[source]
Calculate and store the LSF convolution kernel
- Parameters:
spec_center (
, optional) – Central wavelength that corresponds to 0 velocity Only necessary ifInstrument.spec_type = 'wavelength'
hasn’t been set.