e-ASTROGAM Workshop, Padova, February 2017: MeV astronomy with COMPTEL reloaded ..... Conference Website
Sources of Galactic Cosmic Rays, APC, Paris, December 2016: Reflections on cosmic-ray folklore ..... Conference Website
DFG Research Unit FOR 1254: Magnetic Fields, Berlin, September 2016: The high-energy ISM and magnetic fields in the context of cosmic rays, gamma rays and synchrotron ..... Conference Website
Cosmic Rays Beyond the Standard Model (CRBSM) San Vito di Cadore, September 2016: Truths Universally Acknowledged? Reflections on CRBSM ..... Conference Website
Erice International School on Cosmic Ray Astrophysics, August 2016: Cosmic rays: propagation in theory and practice ..... Conference Website
Heidelberg Gamma2016, July 2016: Gamma-ray data analysis with D3PO ..... Conference Website
Heidelberg Gamma2016, July 2016: COMPTEL reloaded: new initiatives in heritage MeV gamma-ray astronomy ..... Conference Website
Bochum 2016: GALPROP Retrospective and Outlook
ISSI 2014 ..... Conference Website
Synchrotron emission from Molecular Clouds, CRISM-2014, Montpellier, June 2014 ..... Conference Website
Astronomical Imaging with Maximum Entropy: Interdisciplinary Cluster Workshop on Statistics, Garching, Feb 2014 ..... Conference Website
CHANGES Workshop: Radio Halos of Galaxies, Lorentz Centre, Leiden, July 2013 ..... Conference Website
DFG Research Unit Workshop: Magnetic fields in galaxies, MPIfR Bonn, March 2013 ..... DFG Research Unit 1254
MeV astronomy of the interstellar medium. Workshop: Scientific Perspectives in the MeV Domain, APC Paris, January 2013 ..... Conference Website
microeV to TeV emission from cosmic rays in the Galaxy. Workshop: Searching for the sources of Galactic cosmic rays, APC Paris, December 2012 ..... Conference Website
Synchrotron: exploiting the high-energy astrophysics connection. Workshop on Polarized CMB Foregrounds, Munich, November 2012 ..... Conference Website
microeV to TeV emission from cosmic rays in the Galaxy. 9th INTEGRAL Symposium, Paris, October 2012 ..... Conference Website
Interstellar cosmic-ray spectra from synchrotron and gamma rays. Gamma-2012, Heidelberg, July 2012 ..... Conference Website
Helmholtz Alliance for Astroparticle Physics, Theory Kickoff Meeting, DESY Hamburg, February 2012 ..... Helmholtz Alliance for Astroparticle Physics
Planck Conference, Bologna, February 2012, Talk given by Elena Orlando ....
Conference Website
Workshop on Galactic Centre, Heidelberg, October 2011 pdf ....
odp ....
ppt .....
Conference Website
Cosmic-ray propagation with GALPROP. Workshop on Indirect Dark Matter Searches, DESY, Hamburg, June 2011 ..........
Conference Website
Synchrotron constraints on cosmic-ray electrons. Poster, 3rd Fermi Conference, Rome, May 2011 ..........
Conference Website
The high-energy ISM .....
Cosmic-Ray Interactions: Bridging High and Low Energy Astrophysics, Lorentz Centre, Leiden, March 2011, Conference Website
The Fermi view of the high-energy ISM: relevance to Planck .....
'The Millimeter and Submillimeter Sky in the Planck Mission Era, Paris, Jan 2011, Conference Website
Interstellar gamma rays: new insights from Fermi and INTEGRAL ---
ICATPP Conference, Villa Olmo, Como, Oct 2010 Conference Website
Interstellar gamma rays: new insights from Fermi ---
COSPAR, Bremen, July 2010, Session E110, Conference Website
The cosmic-ray, gamma-ray, synchrotron, magnetic field connection in the Galaxy, with new insights from Fermi ---
IR, ISM, star formation Workshop, MPIA Heidelberg, Feb 2010, Conference Website
Contribution of source populations to diffuse Galactic emission ---
2nd Fermi Symposium, Washington, Nov 2009, Conference Website
GALPROP modelling of the high-energy Galaxy, with application to Fermi ---
2nd Fermi Symposium, Washington, Nov 2009, Conference Website
Interstellar gamma rays: first large-scale results from Fermi-LAT ---
31st ICRC, Lodz, July 2009: Conference Website
Cosmic-ray studies with GALPROP ---
Tango in Paris, IAP Paris May 2009: Conference Website
The cosmic ray, gamma ray, synchrotron, B connection ++++
Synchrotron and Magnetic Fields with GALPROP, Ringberg Workshop on UHECR and Magnetic Fields, Schloss Ringberg, Feb 2009 ---
Conference Website
Interstellar Radiation over 20 decades of energy, invited review at Gamma2008, Heidelberg, July 2008 ---
Conference Website
Diffuse Galactic Continuum: Interstellar and Source Components. Conference "5 Years of INTEGRAL", Sardinia, October 2007---- Conference Website
The Galactic Magnetic Field: the Cosmic Ray/ Gamma Ray/ Radio connection, invited talk at 'The Large Scale Magnetic Field of the Milky Way', Princeon, May 2007 ---- Conference Website
The nature of the diffuse continuum emission above 100 keV from the Galactic ridge, poster at The First GLAST Science Symposium', Stanford 2007 ---- Conference Website
GLAST detectability of gamma-ray emission from photon fields of luminous stars, Orlando & Strong, poster at The First GLAST Science Symposium', Stanford 2007 ---- Conference Website
The extended solar emission, an analysis of EGRET data, Orlando, Petry & Strong, poster at The First GLAST Science Symposium', Stanford 2007 ---- Conference Website
Source populations and Galactic diffuse emission, Talk at 'The multimessenger approach to unidentified gamma-ray sources', Barcelona 2006 ---- Conference Website
Gamma-rays from halos around stars and the Sun, E.Orlando and A.Strong, Poster at 'The multimessenger approach to unidentified gamma-ray sources', Barcelona 2006 ---- Conference Website
galprop, a cosmic-ray propagation and gamma-ray code, Invited Talk at 'Tools for SUSY', LAPP, Annecy, 2006 ---- Conference Website
NORDITA Meeting on Cosmic Rays and Magnetic Fields, September 2004: Modelling cosmic rays and gamma rays ---- Conference Website
GLAST Meeting on Diffuse Galactic Emission, Rome, Sept. 2003