Source code for firefly_library

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import sys
if sys.version > '3':
    long = int

import numpy as np
import copy
import _pickle as cPickle
#import cPickle
from scipy.stats import chi2 

[docs]def airtovac(wave_air): """ __author__ = 'Kyle B. Westfall' Wavelengths are corrected for the index of refraction of air under standard conditions. Wavelength values below 2000 A will not be altered. Uses formula from Ciddor 1996, Applied Optics 62, 958. Args: wave_air (int or float): Wavelength in Angstroms, scalar or vector. If this is the only parameter supplied, it will be updated on output to contain double precision vacuum wavelength(s). Returns: numpy.float64 : The wavelength of the line in vacuum. Example: If the air wavelength is W = 6056.125 (a Krypton line), then :func:`airtovac` returns vacuum wavelength of W = 6057.8019. *Revision history*: | Written W. Landsman November 1991 | Use Ciddor (1996) formula for better accuracy in the infrared | Added optional output vector, W Landsman Mar 2011 | Iterate for better precision W.L./D. Schlegel Mar 2011 | Transcribed to python, K.B. Westfall Apr 2015 .. note:: Take care within 1 A of 2000 A. Wavelengths below 2000 A *in air* are not altered. """ # Copy the data wave_vac = wave_air.astype(np.float64) if hasattr(wave_air, "__len__") else float(wave_air) g = wave_vac > 2000.0 # Only modify above 2000 A Ng = np.sum(g) if Ng > 0: # Handle both arrays and scalars if hasattr(wave_air, "__len__"): _wave_air = wave_air[g].astype(np.float64) _wave_vac = wave_vac[g] else: _wave_air = float(wave_air) _wave_vac = float(wave_vac) for i in range(0,2): sigma2 = np.square(1.0e4/_wave_vac) #Convert to wavenumber squared fact = 1.0 + 5.792105e-2/(238.0185 - sigma2) + 1.67917e-3/(57.362 - sigma2) _wave_vac = _wave_air*fact if hasattr(wave_air, "__len__"): # Save the result wave_vac[g] = _wave_vac else: wave_vac = _wave_vac return wave_vac
[docs]def bisect_array(array): """ It takes an array as input and returns the bisected array : bisected array[i] = (array[i] + array[i+1] )/2. Its lenght is one less than the array. :param array: input array """ bisected_array = np.zeros(len(array) - 1) for ai in range(len(bisected_array)): bisected_array[ai] = (array[ai] + array[ai + 1])/2.0 return bisected_array
[docs]def max_pdf(probs,property,sampling): """ determines the maximum of a pdf of a property for a given sampling :param probs: probabilities :param property: property :param sampling: sampling of the property """ lower_limit = np.min(property) upper_limit = np.max(property) error_interval = np.round(upper_limit, 2) - np.round(lower_limit, 2) if np.round(upper_limit, 2) == np.round(lower_limit, 2) or error_interval <= abs((upper_limit/100.)*3): return np.asarray(property),np.ones(len(probs))/np.size(probs) property_pdf_int= np.arange(lower_limit, upper_limit * 1.001, (upper_limit-lower_limit) /sampling ) + ( upper_limit - lower_limit) * 0.000001 prob_pdf = np.zeros(len(property_pdf_int)) for p in range(len(property_pdf_int)-1): match_prop = np.where( (property <= property_pdf_int[p+1]) & (property > property_pdf_int[p]) ) if np.size(match_prop) == 0: continue else: prob_pdf[p] = np.max( probs[match_prop] ) property_pdf = bisect_array(property_pdf_int) return property_pdf,prob_pdf[:-1]/np.sum(prob_pdf)
[docs]def convert_chis_to_probs(chis,dof): """ Converts chi squares to probabilities. :param chis: array containing the chi squares. :param dof: array of degrees of freedom. """ chis = chis / np.min(chis) * dof prob = 1.0 - chi2.cdf(chis,dof) prob = prob / np.sum(prob) return prob
[docs]def light_weights_to_mass(light_weights,mass_factors): """ Uses the data/model mass-to-light ratio to convert SSP contribution (weights) by light into SSP contributions by mass. :param light_weights: light (luminosity) weights obtained when model fitting :param mass_factors: mass factors obtained when normalizing the spectrum """ mass_weights = np.zeros(np.shape(light_weights)) unnorm_mass = np.zeros(np.shape(light_weights)) for w in range(len(light_weights)): unnorm_mass[w] = light_weights[w] * mass_factors mass_weights[w] = unnorm_mass[w] / np.sum(unnorm_mass[w]) return unnorm_mass,mass_weights
[docs]def find_closest(A, target): """ returns the id of the target in the array A. :param A: Array, must be sorted :param target: target value to be located in the array. """ idx = A.searchsorted(target) idx = np.clip(idx, 1, len(A)-1) left = A[idx-1] right = A[idx] idx -= target - left < right - target return idx
[docs]def averages_and_errors(probs,prop,sampling): """ determines the average and error of a property for a given sampling returns : an array with the best fit value, +/- 1, 2, 3 sigma values. :param probs: probabilities :param property: property :param sampling: sampling of the property """ xdf,y = max_pdf(probs,prop,sampling) cdf = np.zeros(np.shape(y)) cdf_probspace = np.zeros(np.shape(y)) # This prevents galaxies with 1 unique solution from going any further. This is because the code crashes when constructing the likelihood # distributions. HACKY, but we need to think about this... if len(probs) <= 1: best_fit, upper_onesig,lower_onesig, upper_twosig,lower_twosig, upper_thrsig,lower_thrsig = -999.0, -999.0, -999.0, -999.0, -999.0, -999.0, -999.0 else: for m in range(len(y)): cdf[m] = np.sum(y[:m]) cdf = cdf / np.max(cdf) area_probspace = y*(xdf[1]-xdf[0]) area_probspace = area_probspace/np.sum(area_probspace) indx_probspace = np.argsort(area_probspace)[::-1] desc_probspace = np.sort(area_probspace)[::-1] cdf_probspace = np.zeros(np.shape(desc_probspace)) for m in range(len(desc_probspace)): cdf_probspace[m] = np.sum(desc_probspace[:m]) av_sigs = [0.6827,0.9545,0.9973] # Median, + / - 1 sig, + / - 2 sig, + / - 3 sig # Sorts results by likelihood and calculates confidence intervals on sorted space index_close = find_closest(cdf_probspace, av_sigs) best_fit = xdf[indx_probspace[0]] upper_onesig,lower_onesig = np.max(xdf[indx_probspace[:index_close[0]]]),np.min(xdf[indx_probspace[:index_close[0]]]) upper_twosig,lower_twosig = np.max(xdf[indx_probspace[:index_close[1]]]),np.min(xdf[indx_probspace[:index_close[1]]]) upper_thrsig,lower_thrsig = np.max(xdf[indx_probspace[:index_close[2]]]),np.min(xdf[indx_probspace[:index_close[2]]]) if np.size(xdf) == 0: raise Exception('No solutions found??? FIREFLY error (see') return [best_fit,upper_onesig,lower_onesig,upper_twosig,lower_twosig,upper_thrsig,lower_thrsig]
[docs]def calculate_averages_pdf(probs,light_weights,mass_weights,unnorm_mass,age,metal,sampling,dist_lum): """ Calculates light- and mass-averaged age and metallicities. Also outputs stellar mass and mass-to-light ratios. And errors on all of these properties. It works by taking the complete set of probs-properties and maximising over the parameter range (such that solutions with equivalent values but poorer probabilities are excluded). Then, we calculate the median and 1/2 sigma confidence intervals from the derived 'max-pdf'. NB: Solutions with identical SSP component contributions are re-scaled such that the sum of probabilities with that component = the maximum of the probabilities with that component. i.e. prob_age_ssp1 = max(all prob_age_ssp1) / sum(all prob_age_ssp1) This is so multiple similar solutions do not count multiple times. Outputs a dictionary of: - light_[property], light_[property]_[1/2/3]_sigerror - mass_[property], mass_[property]_[1/2/3]_sigerror - stellar_mass, stellar_mass_[1/2/3]_sigerror - mass_to_light, mass_to_light_[1/2/3]_sigerror - maxpdf_[property] - maxpdf_stellar_mass where [property] = [age] or [metal] :param probs: probabilities :param light_weights: light (luminosity) weights obtained when model fitting :param mass_weights: mass weights obtained when normalizing models to data :param unnorm_mass: mass weights obtained from the mass to light ratio :param age: age :param metal: metallicity :param sampling: sampling of the property :param dist_lum: luminosity distance in cm """ # Sampling number of max_pdf (100:recommended) from options # Keep the age in linear units of Age(Gyr) log_age = age av = {} # dictionnary where values are stored : av['light_age'],av['light_age_1_sig_plus'],av['light_age_1_sig_minus'], av['light_age_2_sig_plus'], av['light_age_2_sig_minus'], av['light_age_3_sig_plus'], av['light_age_3_sig_minus'] = averages_and_errors(probs,,log_age),sampling) av['light_metal'], av['light_metal_1_sig_plus'], av['light_metal_1_sig_minus'], av['light_metal_2_sig_plus'], av['light_metal_2_sig_minus'], av['light_metal_3_sig_plus'], av['light_metal_3_sig_minus'] = averages_and_errors(probs,, metal), sampling) av['mass_age'], av['mass_age_1_sig_plus'], av['mass_age_1_sig_minus'], av['mass_age_2_sig_plus'], av['mass_age_2_sig_minus'], av['mass_age_3_sig_plus'], av['mass_age_3_sig_minus'] = averages_and_errors(probs,, log_age), sampling) av['mass_metal'], av['mass_metal_1_sig_plus'], av['mass_metal_1_sig_minus'], av['mass_metal_2_sig_plus'], av['mass_metal_2_sig_minus'], av['mass_metal_3_sig_plus'], av['mass_metal_3_sig_minus'] = averages_and_errors(probs,, metal), sampling) conversion_factor = 10.0**(-17) * 4 * np.pi * dist_lum**2.0 # unit 1e-17 cm2 # Keep the mass in linear units until later M/M_{odot}. tot_mass = np.sum(unnorm_mass, 1) * conversion_factor av['stellar_mass'], av['stellar_mass_1_sig_plus'], av['stellar_mass_1_sig_minus'], av['stellar_mass_2_sig_plus'], av['stellar_mass_2_sig_minus'], av['stellar_mass_3_sig_plus'], av['stellar_mass_3_sig_minus'] = averages_and_errors(probs,tot_mass,sampling) return av
[docs]def normalise_spec(data_flux,model_flux): """ Normalises all models to the median value of the spectrum. Saves the factors for later use. Outputs : normed models and translation factors. :param data_flux: observed flux in the data :param model_flux: flux from the models """ data_norm = np.median(data_flux) num_mods = len(model_flux) model_norm,mass_factor = np.zeros(num_mods),np.zeros(num_mods) normed_model_flux = np.zeros((num_mods,len(model_flux[0]))) for m in range(len(model_flux)): model_norm[m] = np.median(model_flux[m]) mass_factor[m] = data_norm/model_norm[m] normed_model_flux[m] = model_flux[m] / model_norm[m] * data_norm return normed_model_flux,mass_factor
[docs]def match_data_models( data_wave_int, data_flux_int, data_flags, error_flux_int, model_wave_int, model_flux_int, min_wave_in, max_wave_in, saveDowngradedModel = True, downgradedModelFile = "DGmodel.txt"): """ * 0.Take data and models as inputs * 1. interpolate data and model to the lowest sampled array. * 1.1. Defines the wavelength range on the model and on the data * 1.2. Downgrades the array, model or data, that has most sampling * 1.3. integrate between them to output a matched resolution array for data and model * 2. Returns the matched wavelength array, the corresponding data, error and model arrays : matched_wave,matched_data,matched_error,matched_model :param data_wave_int: data wavelength array in the restframe :param data_flux_int: data flux array :param data_flags: data quality flag array : 1 for good data :param error_flux_int: data flux error array :param model_wave_int: model wavelength array (in the rest frame) :param model_flux_int: model flux array :param min_wave_in: minimum wavelength to be considered :param max_wave_in: maximum wavelength to be considered :param saveDowngradedModel: if True it will save the downgraded models :param downgradedModelFile: location where downgreaded models will be saved """ # 1. interpolate onto the bisection of lowest sampled array. num_models = len(model_flux_int) # 1.1. Defines the wavelength range on the model and on the data min_wave = np.max([np.min(data_wave_int[np.where(data_flags==1)]), np.min(model_wave_int),min_wave_in]) max_wave = np.min([np.max(data_wave_int[np.where(data_flags==1)]), np.max(model_wave_int),max_wave_in]) #print np.min(data_wave_int[np.where(data_flags==1)]), np.min(model_wave_int), min_wave_in #print np.max(data_wave_int[np.where(data_flags==1)]), np.max(model_wave_int), max_wave_in loc_model = np.array(( model_wave_int <= max_wave) & (model_wave_int >= min_wave)) if np.sum(loc_model)==0: raise ValueError("The wavelength range input is below or above model wavelength coverage!") model_wave = model_wave_int[loc_model] num_mod = np.sum(loc_model) model_flux = np.zeros((num_models,num_mod)) for m in range(num_models): model_flux[m] = model_flux_int[m][loc_model] loc_data = np.array(( data_wave_int <= max_wave) & (data_wave_int >= min_wave)) if np.sum(loc_data)==0: raise ValueError("The wavelength range input is below or above data wavelength coverage!") num_dat = np.sum(loc_data) data_wave = data_wave_int[loc_data] data_flux = data_flux_int[loc_data] error_flux = error_flux_int[loc_data] # 1.2. Downgrades the array, model or data, that has most sampling if num_mod >= num_dat: #print "More model points than data points! Downgrading models to data sampling ..." bisect_data = bisect_array(data_wave) + np.min(data_wave)*0.0000000001 matched_model = np.zeros((num_models,len(bisect_data) - 1)) for m in range(num_models): model_flux_bounds = np.interp(bisect_data, model_wave, model_flux[m]) combined_wave_int = np.concatenate((model_wave,bisect_data)) combined_flux_int = np.concatenate((model_flux[m],model_flux_bounds)) sort_indices = np.argsort(combined_wave_int) combined_wave = np.sort(combined_wave_int) boundary_indices = np.searchsorted(combined_wave,bisect_data) combined_flux = combined_flux_int[sort_indices] len_combo = len(combined_flux) # 1.3. produces a matched resolution array for l in range(len(boundary_indices) - 1): if boundary_indices[l + 1] >= len_combo: matched_model[m][l] = matched_model[m][l - 1] else: matched_model[m][l] = np.trapz(combined_flux[boundary_indices[l] : boundary_indices[l + 1] + 1], x=combined_wave[boundary_indices[l] :boundary_indices[l + 1] + 1]) / (combined_wave[boundary_indices[l + 1]] - combined_wave[boundary_indices[l] ]) matched_wave = data_wave[1:-1] matched_data = data_flux[1:-1] matched_error = error_flux[1:-1] # OPTION : saves the downgraded models. if saveDowngradedModel: #print "saving downgraded models to ",downgradedModelFile,'w') cPickle.dump([matched_wave, matched_data, matched_error],f) f.close() else: #print "More data points than model points! Downgrading data to model sampling ..." bisect_model = bisect_array(model_wave) + np.min(model_wave)*0.0000000001 boundaries = np.searchsorted(data_wave,bisect_model) data_flux_bounds = np.interp(bisect_model, data_wave, data_flux) error_flux_bounds = np.interp(bisect_model, data_wave, error_flux) combined_wave_int = np.concatenate((data_wave,bisect_model)) combined_flux_int = np.concatenate((data_flux,data_flux_bounds)) combined_error_int = np.concatenate((data_flux,error_flux_bounds)) sort_indices = np.argsort(combined_wave_int) combined_wave = np.sort(combined_wave_int) boundary_indices = np.searchsorted(combined_wave,bisect_model) combined_flux = combined_flux_int[sort_indices] combined_error = combined_error_int[sort_indices] # 1.3. produces a matched resolution array matched_data,matched_error= np.zeros(len(boundary_indices) - 1),np.zeros(len(boundary_indices) - 1) len_combo = len(combined_flux) for l in range(len(boundary_indices) - 1): if boundary_indices[l + 1] >= len_combo: matched_data[l] = matched_data[l - 1] matched_error[l] = matched_error[l - 1] else: matched_data[l] = np.trapz(combined_flux[boundary_indices[l]:boundary_indices[l + 1] + 1], x=combined_wave[boundary_indices[l]: boundary_indices[l + 1] + 1])/ (combined_wave[boundary_indices[l + 1]] - combined_wave[boundary_indices[l]]) matched_error[l] = np.trapz(combined_error[boundary_indices[l]:boundary_indices[l + 1] + 1], x=combined_wave[boundary_indices[l]:boundary_indices[l + 1] + 1])/ (combined_wave[boundary_indices[l + 1]] - combined_wave[boundary_indices[l]]) matched_wave = model_wave[1:-1] matched_model = np.zeros((num_models,len(matched_wave))) for m in range(num_models): matched_model[m][:] = model_flux[m][1:-1] return matched_wave,matched_data,matched_error,matched_model