A selection of talks
- Thoughts on Future Optical/IR Interferometry, Remote Presentation, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, December 2024
- Astronomy at Highest Angular Resolution – GRAVITY Revolution in Optical/IR Interferometry, Universität zu Köln, Germany, December 2024
- Infrared Observations of the Galactic Center Black Hole, Transient Phenomena and Physical Processes Around Supermassive Black Holes, Shanghai, China, October 2024
- Astronomy at Highest Angular Resolution – Next Generation Interferometry with GRAVITY, Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking, China, October 2024
- Immer größer, immer schärfer - Teleskope, unser Fenster zum Universum, Tag der Offenen Tür, Garching, Germany, October 2024
- Update on GRAVITY+ – A glimpse on the future of ground based astronomy beyond the ELT, ESO Paranal Observatory, Chile, August 2024
- A New Era of Interferometry with GRAVITY(+), European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, Padova, Italy, July 2024
- From GRAVITY(+) Towards a Kilometers Baseline, Large Telescope Interferometer, SF2A Meeting, Marseille, France, June 2024
- Towards a Whitepaper on Expanding the VLTI, From GRAVITY(+) Towards a Kilometers Baseline, Large Telescope Interferometer, Ringberg, Germany, June 2024
- BDie Experimente hinter der Entdeckung des Schwarzen Lochs im Zentrum der Milchstraße, Volkssternwarte, München, Germany, May 2024
- Instrumentation Summary and Discussion, RDS Strategy Meeting for Denkschrift 2025, Potsdam, Germany, April 2024
- Beyond E/VLT(I) - Towards a Kilometers Baseline, Large Telescope Interferometer, RAS Meeting, London, England, March 2024
- Astronomy at Highest Angular Resolution Adaptive Optics, Interferometry and Black Holes, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, March 2024
- The Black Hole in the Centre of the Milky Way, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, February 2024
- Beyond GRAVITY, Fundamental Physics at the Galactic Center,
Porto, Portugal, December 2023
- Astronomy at Highest Angular Resolution Adaptive Optics, Interferometry and Black Holes,
University of Oxford, Astrophysics Colloquium, UK, November 2023
- Astronomy at Highest Angular Resolution Adaptive Optics, Interferometry and Black Holes,
Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, Bonn, Germany, October 2023
- Astronomy at Highest Angular Resolution Adaptive Optics, Interferometry and Black Holes,
Annual Meeting of the German Astronomical Society, Berlin, Germany, September 2023
- Next Generation Interferometry with GRAVITY+,
Observatoire de Paris – Meudon, France, July 2023
- GRAVITY and The Galactic Center Black Hole,
The 11th VLTI Interferometry School, Budapest, Hungary, June 2023
- Astronomy at Highest Angular Resolution Adaptive Optics, Interferometry and Black Holes,
Physics Colloquium, Tel Aviv University, Israel, May 2023
- GRAVITY(+) – Optical / IR Interferometry and Black Holes,
IRAM, Grenoble, France, April 2023
- Astronomy at Highest Angular Resolution Adaptive Optics, Interferometry
and Black Holes, University of Concepción, Concepcion, Chile, March 2023
- Lessons learned – from GRAVITY, and SINFONI, ERIS, G+,
European Southern Observatory, Garching, Germany, March 2023
- GRAVITY, SINFONI, and the Black Hole in the Center of the Milky Way,
ESO Paranal Obervatory, Chile, January 2023
- GRAVITY, SINFONI, and the Black Hole in the Center of the Milky Way,
European Southern Observatory, Santiago, Chile, January 2023
- Immer größer, immer schärfer – Teleskope, unser Fenster zum Universum,
Deutsche Museum, Munich, Germany, January 2023
- The Galactic Center black hole, the effects of General Relativity,
and how to observe them, Séminaire général de physique de l’Institut
Polytechnique de Paris, Palaiseau, France, December 2022
- 5 Years of GRAVITY – A Revolution in High Angular Resolution Astronomy,
Observing the Universe in Motion, Ringberg, Germany, October 2022
- GRAVITY Results on SgrA*, EHT - Gravity meeting on SgrA*, Nijmegen,
The Netherlands, September 2022
- A New Era of High Angular Resolution Astronomy, Gruber Cosmology Prize
Lecture, IAU XXXIst General Assembly, Busan, Republic of Korea, August 2022
- Infrared Interferometry of the Galactic Center Black Hole, 23rd
International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Bejing,
China, July 2022
- A New Era of Interferometry with GRAVITY+, Why Large Telescopes are Good
for Interferometry, Genzel @ 70 Conference, Ringberg, Germany, June 2022
- The Richness and Power of Near Infrared Interferometry, Assembling the
ngEHT: Community-DrivenScience to a Global Instrument, Granada, Spain, June
- A New Era of Interferometry with GRAVITY(+), Colloquium, Osservatorio
Astrofisico di Arcetri, Italy, May 2022
- Exploring the Supermassive Black Hole at the Centre of the Milky Way,
public lecture at The Sharpest Eyes on the Sky conference,
Exeter, England, April 2022
- Astronomy at Highest Angular Resolution Adaptive Optics, Interferometry
and Black Holes, Stern-Gerlach Medal Prize Talk, DPG Frühjahrstagung,
Heidelberg, Germany, March 2022
- A New Era of Interferometry with GRAVITY(+), Astralis Colloquium,
Australia, February 2022
- Follow Tycho Brahe: Precision Astronomy with Interferometry,
Danish Institute for Advanced Study, University of Southern Denmark, Odense,
Denmark, November 2021
- A New Era of Interferometry with GRAVITY+, Scientific Technical
Committee (STC) and La Silla Paranal Committee, European Southern
Observatory, Garching, Germany, October 2021
- A New Era of Interferometry with GRAVITY(+), IPAG - Institut de
Planétologie et d'Astrophysique, Grenoble, France, October 2021
- Great Times Ahead, European Southern Observatory 2020 Nobel Prize
Celebration, Santiago Chile and Garching Germany, September 2021
- Infrared Interferometry of the Galactic Center Black Hole, Vitual Annual
Meeting of the German Astronomical Society, September 2021
- An Experimentalists View on Black Holes and Gravity – the Galactic
Center Black Hole, 20th Lomonosov Conference, Moscow, Russia, August
- The Universe in 3D Motion - from SINFONI to GRAVITY towards the Future,
Tycho Brahe Prize Talk, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting,
Leiden, The Netherlands, June 2021
- GRAVITY+ All-Sky, High-Contrast, Milli-Arcsecond Optical Interferometric
Imaging and Spectroscopy, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting,
Leiden, The Netherlands, June 2021
- A New Era of Interferometry with GRAVITY, Heidelberg Joint Astronomical
Colloquium Heidelberg, Germany, June 2021
- A New Era of Interferometry with GRAVITY, Astrophysics Colloquium,
University of Vienna, June 2021
- A New Era of Interferometry with GRAVITY, Sydney Institute for
Astronomy, The University of Sydney, Australia, April 2021
- Infrared Interferometry of the Galactic Center Black Hole, Extreme
Gravity Mini Symposium, Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics,
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, April 2021
- A New Era of Interferometry with GRAVITY, Dunlap Institute for Astronomy
& Astrophysics Colloquium, University of Toronto, Canada, March 2021
- GRAVITY+ – All-Sky, High-Contrast, Milli-Arcsecond Optical
Interferometric Imaging and Spectroscopy, The Infrared Sky at Milli- and
Microarcsecond Resolution with GRAVITY+ Online Workshop: Garching, Germany,
February 2021
- Next Decade of Galactic Center Black Hole Observations with Infrared
Interferometry and 30-40m Telescopes, Next Generation EHT Conference 2021,
USA, February 2021
- General Relativistic Effects in Stellar Orbits around the Galactic
Center Black Hole with GRAVITY, Revealing the Milky Way with GAIA workshop,
Heidelberg, Germany, February 2021
- The Discovery of the Massive Black Hole in the Center of the Galaxy,
Iberian String 2021, Lisbon, Portugal, January 2021
- GRAVITY+: All-Sky, High-Contrast, Milli-Arcsecond Optical
Interferometric Imaging and Spectroscopy, DIAS Astronomy & Astrophysics
Seminar, Dublin, Ireland, January 2021
- Recent GRAVITY Results on the Galactic Center Black Hole, 43rd COSPAR
Scientific Assembly, Sydney, Australia, January 2021
- A New Era of Interferometry with GRAVITY, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes
and Instrumentation, Los Angeles, California, USA, December 2020
- GRAVITY+: All-Sky, High-Contrast, Milli-Arcsecond Optical
Interferometric Imaging and Spectroscopy, Instituto de Astrophysica de
Andalucia IAA-CSIC, Granada, Spain, November 2020
- Keep the focus - The instruments revealing the Galactic Center black
hole – speckle interferometry, adaptive optics, imaging spectroscopy,
interferometry, NYRIA Virtual Workshop, Garching, Germany, October 2020
- GRAVITY, the Galactic Center, Relativity, and Massive Black Holes,
Annual Science Meeting of the Excellence Cluster Origins, Garching, Germany,
December 2019
- GRAVITY, the Galactic Center, Relativity, and Massive Black Holes, MPIfR
Colloquium, Bonn, Germany, November 2019
- New Faces of Black Holes Uncovered by GRAVITY The Beauty of Dynamics,
2019 JSI Workshop, Annapolis, Maryland, USA, November 2019
- GRAVITY and VLTI – The Harvest from the First Two Years (Galactic
Center, AGN, and Exoplanets), and a Bright Future ahead, ASIAA Colloquium,
Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., July 2019
- The Galactic Center Black Hole – Testing Einstein´s General Relativity
and the Black Hole Paradigm, KIT Colloquium, Karlsruhe, Germany, June 2019
- GRAVITY : Towards faint science, all sky milliarcsec optical
interferometric imaging, The Very Large Telescope in 2030, Garching,
Germany, June 2019
- Testing General Relativity in the Galactic Center, 100 Years @ Sundy
Eddington Celebration, Principe, Sao Tome, May 2019
- General Relativistic Effects Around the Galactic Center Black Hole, APS
Meeting 2019, Denver, Colorado, USA, April 2019
- 28 yrs of Galactic Center Observation from the La Silla and Paranal
Observatories, The La Silla Observatory - from the inauguration to the
future, La Serena, Chile, March 2019
- The Galactic Center Black Hole with GRAVITY: Orbital Motion Close to the
Last Stable Orbit during a Flare, and General Relativistic Effects in the
Orbit of Stars, CfA Colloquium, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, February 2019
- GRAVITY Tests of General Relativity and the Black Hole Paradigm in the
Galactic Center, BHI Colloquium, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, February
- Relativity and Stellar Orbits, invited talk, The Central Arcsecond:
Towards Testing General Relativity in the Galactic Center, Ringberg,
Germany, October 2018
- The S2 Peri-Passage - General Relativistic Effects in Stellar Orbits
around the Galactic Center Black Hole, colloquium, Munich Joint Astronomy
Colloquium, Garching, Germany, July 2018
- Breaking the Limits: Early Science with the GRAVITY Interferometer, SPIE
Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, Austin, Texas, USA, June 2018
- GRAVITY in the Galactic Center, Stellar Dynamics in Galactic Nuclei IAS,
Princeton, New Jersey, USA, November 2017
- The Massive Black Hole in the Galactic Center, Reaching New Heights in
Astronomy, Garching, Germany, August 2017
- Approaching the Event Horizon of the Galactic Center Black Hole, DPG
Tagung, Bremen, Germany, March 2017
- First Light of GRAVITY, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation,
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, June 2016
- Optical/IR Facilities, Perspectives of Astrophysics in Germany
2015-2030, Potsdam, Germany, December 2015
- The Centre of the Milky Way, ESO in the 2020s, Garching, Germany,
January 2015
- The Galactic Center - Black Hole, Stars, Gas, and Gravity, RTG
colloquium, HWK, Delmenhorst, Germany, December 3, 2014
- The Galactic Center Laboratory for Fundamental Physics, Fundamental
Physics Workshop, ESO, Garching, Germany, 17 September 2014
- GRAVITY getting ready for ESO's VLT Interferometer, SPIE Astronomical
Telescope + Instrumentation, Montreal, Canada, 24 June 2014
- GRAVITY getting ready for ESO's VLT Interferometer, La semaine de la
SF2A, Paris, 3 June 2014
- The Galactic Center Black Hole - Approaching the Event Horizon,
Physikalisches Kolloquium, Universität Bremen, 12 December 2013
- Infrared Interferometry of the Galactic Center Black Hole with GRAVITY,
Gas Dynamics and Star Formation in the Extreme Environment of Galactic
Nuclei, Ringberg Castle, Germany, 22 March 2013
- The Galactic Center Black Hole - Approaching the Event Horizon,
Colloquium of the Physics Department of Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon,
Portugal, 6 March 2013
- Testing general relativity with submm and infrared interferometry of
SgrA*, Strong Gravity beyond GR: from theory to observations, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, 5 March 2013
- Exploring physics close to the Galactic Center black hole with infrared
and submillimeter interferometry, DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Jena, 28 February
- Approaching the Event Horizon of SgrA* with GRAVITY and the EHT, Galaxy
and Black Hole Evolution at High Redshift, Jerusalem, Israel, 15 October
- GRAVITY: A preview, Annual Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft
2012, Hamburg, Germany, 27 September 2012
- Riesenteleskope und Weltraumastronomie, Lüscher-Lectures, Akademie für
Lehrerfortbildung und Personalführung, Dillingen, Germany, 18 September 2012
- GRAVITY: Observing the Universe in motion, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes
and Instrumentation, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 3 July 2012
- Infrared observations and interferometry of Sgr A*, From stars to black
holes: mm-VLBI with ALMA and other telescopes, ESO, Garching, Germany, 27
June 2012
- The instruments behind the discovery of the galactic center black hole
and the origin of the orbiting stars, Black holes and the centre of the
galaxy: The international Crafoord Prize Symposium in Astronomy, Lund,
Sweden, 14 May 2012
- GRAVITY - Exploring Physics close to the Galactic Center Black hole,
COST conference: Black Holes: From Quantum To Gravity, Malta, 26 April 2012
- GRAVITY - Observing the Universe in Motion, Institut de Planétologie et
d'Astrophysique de Grenoble, Grenoble, France, 14 February 2012
- The Galactic Center: A short review, a sneak peek at selected recent
papers, and real-time observations of an in-falling gas cloud, EII working
group meeting on AGNs and the galactic center, Lisbon, Portugal, 29 November
- GRAVITY, Ten Years of VLTI Conference: from first fringes to core
science, Garching, Germany, 26 October 2011
- GRAVITY’s fatal attraction, Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy,
Heidelberg, Germany, 4 July 2011
- GRAVITY: Probing Strong Gravity with the VLT Interferometer, Informal
Discussion, European Southern Observatory, Garching, Germany, 13 April 2011
- GRAVITY: Probing Physics Close to the Event Horizon of the Galactic
Center Black Hole, Colloquium, Observatory of Strasbourg, Strasbourg,
France, 14 January 2011
- GRAVITY: Probing Strong Gravity with the VLT Interferometer, TEXAS 2010:
25th Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Heidelberg, Germany, 9 December
- Probing Physics Close to the Event Horizon of the Galactic Center Black
Hole with GRAVITY, Joint Seminars on Gravity: Theory meets observations @
SIM and CENTRA, Laboratory of Systems, Instrumentation and Modeling for
Environment and Space Sciences and Technologies, Lisbon, Portugal, 9 March
- Imaging and astrometry of black holes at radio- and infrared
wavelengths, Probing Strong Gravity near Black Holes, Prague, Czech
Republic, 18 February 2010
- Probing the Galactic Center with GRAVITY, Stars and Singularities – The
physics of dense cusps around massive black holes, Weizmann Institute of
Science, Rehovot, Israel, 9 December 2009
- Galactic Science with ESO Adaptive Optics, 20 Years of Adaptive Optics
at ESO, ESO, Garching, Germany, 27 November 2009
- The Galactic Center: The Ideal Laboratory for Studying Supermassive
Black Holes, Relativity in Fundamental Astronomy: Dynamics, Reference
Frames, and Data Analysis, IAU Symposium 261, Virginia Beach, USA, 29 April
- An Update on the Galactic Center black hole: From the stars to the event
horizon, from adaptive optics with NACO/SINFONI to interferometry with
GRAVITY, Excellence Cluster Area F Science Talk, Technical University
Munich, Garching, Germany, 16 July 2008
- 3D spectroscopy with adaptive optics, SPIE Astronomical Instrumentation,
Marseille, France, 23 June 2008
- GRAVITY: Microarcsecond astrometry and deep interfereometric imaging
with the VLT, The Universe under the Microscope, Bad Honnef, Germany, 24
Apil 2008
- High Angular Resolution Astronomy with Adaptive Optics and
Interferometry, Ringvorlesung: Methoden und Instrumentierung in der
Kern-, Teilchen- und Astrophysik Garching, Germany, 30 January 2008
- A sharp look at the Galactic Center: Where we are and where we go,
Hauptkolloquium MPIfR und AIUB, Bonn, Germany, 16 November 2007
- A sharp look to the Galactic Center black hole: where we are and where
we go, Excellence Cluster Area F Science Meeting , Garching, Germany, 16
October 2007
- GRAVITY: Microarcsecond astrometry and deep interfereometric imaging
with the VLT, Science with the VLT in the ELT Era, ESO, Garching, Germany,
11 October 2007
- The Galactic Center: The Nearest Laboratory for Studying Supermassive
Black Holes, Theoretisch-Physikalisches Kolloquium, Technical University,
Munich, Garching, 18 July 2007
- GRAVITY: Microarcsecond astrometry and deep interfereometric imaging
with the VLTI or Probing GRAVITY close to the Schwarzschild horizon, DFG -
NSF Astrophysics Research Conference, Washington, USA, 11 June 2007
- The next steps in GC research: Infrared, Celebrating 15 years of
precision astronomy in the Galactic Center - Hot topics and observational
challenges, Ringberg, Germany, 23 June 2007
- GRAVITY Continuing a dream …, EII Meeting, Heidelberg, Germany, 6
February 2007
- SERPIL/LIINUS for the LBT, AO at the LBT: Upgrades and their Science
Drivers, Florence, Italy, October 2006
- The Galactic Center: The Nearest Laboratory for
Studying Supermassive Black Holes, The Relativistic Universe,
Wildbad Kreuth, Germany, February 2006
- SINFONI Science Highlights, Science Perspectives for 3D Spectroscopy,
Garching, Germany, October 2005
- Faint Object Multiple Beam Combiner for the VLTI, VLTI Second Generation
Instruments, Garching, Germany, April 2005
- SINFONI in the Galactic Center: young stars and IR flares in the central
light month, The Paradoxes of Massive Black Holes: A Case Study in the Milky Way,
Santa Barbara, USA, April 2005
- The Galactic Center: The nearest Laboratory for Studying Supermassive
Black Holes, American Physical Society Meeting 2005, Tampa, USA, April 2005
- SPIFFI: Lessons learned from a Fast Track VLT Instrument, VLT/VLTI
Instrumentation: Lessons learned, Garching, Germany, April 2003
- SPIFFI at the VLT: Lessons learned from low to high redshift, Euro3D
Science Workshop, Cambridge, UK., May 2003
- Scientific Potential of Enhancing the Integral-Field Spectrometer SPIFFI
with a Large Detector and High Spectral Resolution, Scientific Drivers for
ESO Future VLT/VLTI Instrumentation, Garching, Deutschland, June 2001
- The Stellar Content of the Most Massive Starforming Regions in the
Galaxy: Prospects for Observations with CONICA, Massive Star Formation,
Weimar, Deutschland, May 2001
- Evidence in Favour of IMF Variations, Starburst Galaxies: Near and Far,
Schloß Ringberg, Tegernsee, Germany, September 2000
- The Initial Mass Function of the Most Massive Starforming Regions,
Science with the LBT, Schloß Ringberg, Tegernsee, Germany, July 2000
- Near-Infrared-Spectroscopy with Extremely Large Telescopes:
Integral-Field-versus Multi-Object-Instruments, Extremely Large Telescopes,
Baeckaskog, Sweden, June 1999
- Stellar Population of NGC 3603 from Adaptive Optics Observations,
The 38th Herstmonceux Conference, Cambridge, England, July 1996
Imprint and
Data protection information,
last update: 2023-12-19, editor of this page:
Frank Eisenhauer