Gamma-ray Burst 010326
(All information courtesy of the instrument teams.)
Previous IAU Circulars
Results of Observations
- GCN notice #1014
G. Ricker, D. Lamb, and S. Woosley on behalf of the HETE Science Team;
R. Vanderspek, G. Crew, J. Doty, G. Monnelly, J. Villasenor; N.
Butler, T. Cline, J.G. Jernigan, A. Levine, F. Martel, G. Pizzichini,
and G. Prigozhin, on behalf of the HETE Operations and HETE
Optical-SXC Teams;
N. Kawai, M. Matsuoka, Y. Shirasaki, T. Tamagawa, A. Yoshida, E.
Fenimore, M. Galassi, B. Preger, and C. Graziani, on behalf of the
J-L Atteia, M. Boer, J-F Olive, J-P Dezalay, and K. Hurley on behalf
of the HETE FREGATE Team;
On 26 March 2001 at 03:15:00 UTC, a hard spectrum, high energy
transient at high galactic latitude was detected and localized by
HETE. Both the FREGATE and the WXM instruments detected the event.
The burst triggered FREGATE in the 30-400 keV band.
The preliminary coordinates of the burst are R.A. = 11h50m59.11s,
Dec. = -23032'44" (J2000), derived from combining data from the WXM
and Boresighted Optical Cameras. The statistical error radius in the
WXM localization is 10 arcmin (90% confidence). In addition, we
estimate a systematic error radius at present of 20 arcmin about this
location. The spacecraft aspect was known to an accuracy of +/- 2
arcmin (95% confidence) from the optical cameras, and will be
The burst exhibited a multiple-peaked structure and lasted about 25
seconds. The peak flux seen with FREGATE (6-30 keV) was ~1 Crab. The
peak flux was significantly less in the WXM.
Follow-up observations of this GRB event are encouraged.
Additional information on GRB010326 (including light curves and the
WXM error box), as well as the HETE mission, is available at:
HETE=High Energy Transient Explorer
FREGATE=French Gamma Ray Telescope
WXM=Wide Field X-ray Monitor
SXC=Soft X-ray Camera
- GCN notice #1015
G. Ricker, D. Lamb, and S. Woosley on behalf of the HETE Science Team;
R. Vanderspek, G. Crew, J. Doty, G. Monnelly, J. Villasenor; N.
Butler, T. Cline, J.G. Jernigan, A. Levine, F. Martel, G. Pizzichini,
and G. Prigozhin, on behalf of the HETE Operations and HETE
Optical-SXC Teams;
N. Kawai, M. Matsuoka, Y. Shirasaki, T. Tamagawa, A. Yoshida, E.
Fenimore, M. Galassi, B. Preger, and C. Graziani, on behalf of the
J-L Atteia, M. Boer, J-F Olive, J-P Dezalay, and K. Hurley on behalf
of the HETE FREGATE Team;
The systematic error radius for the HETE localization of GRB010326 by
the WXM has been refined to 10 arcminutes. Further refinement is
Follow-up observations of this GRB event are encouraged.
Additional information on GRB010326, as well as for the HETE mission,
is available at:
Acronyms: HETE=High Energy Transient Explorer FREGATE=French Gamma
Ray Telescope WXM=Wide Field X-ray Monitor SXC=Soft X-ray Camera
- GCN notice #1016
Howard E. Bond, Space Telescope Science Institute reports:
I have obtained CCD images centered on the position of GRB 010326,
11:50:59.1 -23:32:44 (J2000), with the Cerro Tololo Interamerican
Observatory 0.9-m reflector, on 2001 March 26 from 08:18 to 08:50 UT. A
Johnson V filter was used, for a total of 1800 sec of integration, with a
field of view of 13' x 13'.
A preliminary comparison of the CCD frames with the 2nd-generation red
Digitized Sky Survey images of the same field discloses no obvious new
- GCN notice #1017
P.A. Price, T.S. Axelrod, B.P. Schmidt (RSAA, ANU), D.E. Reichart, J.S.
Bloom and D. Fox (Caltech) report on behalf of a larger international GRB
We have observed the error-circle of the HETE-2 GRB 010324 with the
robotic 50-inch telescope at Mount Stromlo Observatory starting at 2001
Mar 26.45 UT (7.5 hours after the GRB). Our 5x300 sec images cover the
entire error box, and go fainter than the DSS-2 red plates. From a
preliminary visual comparison of our images with the DSS-2 plates, we do
not detect any obvious bright optical counterpart.
Further observations are planned.
- GCN notice #1022
P.A. Price, T.S. Axelrod, B.P. Schmidt (RSAA, ANU) and D.E. Reichart
(Caltech) report on behalf of a larger international GRB collaboration:
"We have re-observed the entire error-circle of GRB 010326A with a further
5x300 sec exposures with the robotic 50-inch telescope at Mount Stromlo
Observatory commencing at Mar 26.64 (12 hours after the GRB). Visual
inspection of the residual images after subtraction with the previous
epoch with ISIS does not reveal any variable sources that are not present
on the DSS-2. We estimate that the limiting magnitude of our images is
R ~ 21.5 mag, on comparison with common stars in the USNO catalogue."
This message may be cited.
- GCN notice #1026
A. Henden (USRA/USNO) reports on behalf of the USNO GRB team:
We have acquired preliminary BVRcIc all-sky photometry for
an 11x11 arcmin field centered at the HETE localization
for GRB010326 (GCN 1015) with the USNOFS 1.0-m telescope
on one marginally photometric night with poor seeing. Stars
brighter than V=14 are saturated and should be used with care.
We have placed the photometric data on our anonymous ftp site:
The current photometry has a potential external zero-point
error of about three percent. The astrometry in this file
is based on linear plate solutions with respect to USNO-A2.0.
The internal errors are less than 100mas.
Further calibration of this field will not be performed
unless an optical counterpart is discovered.
- GCN notice #1030
K. Hurley, on behalf of the Ulysses GRB and HETE teams; T. Cline, on
behalf of the Ulysses, Konus-Wind, and HETE GRB teams; E. Mazets and
S. Golenetskii, on behalf of the Konus-Wind and Konus-A GRB teams; and
G. Ricker, D. Lamb, C. Graziani, E. Fenimore, N. Kawai, and J.-L.
Atteia, on behalf of the HETE team report:
Ulysses, Konus-Wind and Konus-A observed GRB010326A. This burst had a
duration of ~25 s, a 17 keV - 2.5 MeV fluence of ~4x10^-5 erg/cm2, and
a peak flux over 0.25 s of ~8x10^-6 erg/cm2 s. From a cross-correlation
of the Ulysses and Konus-Wind time histories, we have triangulated the
location of the burst to an annulus centered at RA(2000)=178.727 deg.,
Decl(2000)=30.803 deg., and radius 81.702+/- 0.028 deg. (3 sigma confidence).
The triangulation based on the Konus-Wind and the Konus-A data resulted
in an annulus centered at RA(2000)=94.662 deg., Decl(2000)=21.978 deg., and
radius 69.7+/- 0.4 deg. (1 sigma confidence). Combining these data, we
are able to restrict the location of the burst to the following ~180
square arcmin. error box.
RA(2000) DEC(2000)
132.9630 o -38.3005 o (CENTER)
132.3408 o -38.5784 o (CORNER)
132.3988 o -38.5441 o (CORNER)
131.5271 o -38.0568 o (CORNER)
131.5851 o -38.0230 o (CORNER)
This location is consistent with the spectra and time history seen in
the four HETE FREGATE detectors. The above error box can be refined
by further processing.
On this basis, we have concluded that the WXM location reported in GCN
1014 for this burst is spurious. This burst is distinct from the other
GRBs (GRB010326B, GCN 1018; GRB010213, GCN 934) for which HETE WXM
locations have been reported, in that it has a very low
signal-to-noise excess count rate in the WXM, and our further
analysis suggests that it is this fact that accounts
for the spurious location. The HETE team apologizes for any
inconvenience arising from the spurious location.
- GCN notice #1040
S.B.Pandey, C.S. Stalin and V. Mohan (UPSO, Nainital) report :
"We have observed the central 13' X 13' field of GRB 010326b (GCN 1018)
on 26th and 31st March 2001 in R band using the CCD attached to the 104-cm
Sampurnanand telescope of the State Observatory Nainital. On March 26th four
exposures and on 31st March three exposures of 1200s each were taken. On
comparing these frames we don't find any new fading object down to a limiting
magnitude of R ~ 21.0.
This message may be cited."
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Jochen Greiner, last update: 17-Apr-2001