Gamma-ray Burst 021016

(All information courtesy of the instrument teams.)

Previous IAU Circulars

Results of Observations
  • GCN notice #1646
    S. Klose and U. Laux (Thueringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg)
    The error box of GRB 021016 (Hurley et al., GCN 1639) was imaged in R and I on October 18/19 and 20/21 (2.3 and 4.3 days after the burst trigger, respectively), using the Tautenburg Schmidt telescope equipped with the Schmidt focus CCD camera (2k x 2k; FOV 42 x 42 arcmin). Several frames were taken (2 min exposure time each). The limiting magnitude of the combined frames of each observing run is about R=20.5 +/- 0.5 and I=20.5 +/- 0.5.
    We do not find any potential GRB afterglow, neither in the R-band nor in the I-band.
    This message can be cited.
  • GCN notice #1681
    J. Schaefer, S. Savage, S. Hwang, R. Canterna (U. Wyoming), M. Nysewander, and D. Reichart (U. North Carolina) report:
    We observed the entire ~200 square arcminute error box of GRB 021016 (GCN 1639, 1640, 1641) with the 0.6-meter Red Buttes Observatory telescope beginning 15 hours, 39 hours, and 63 hours after the burst. We integrated without filter for ~1 hour per pointing x three pointings for each epoch.
    Visual comparison between our first epoch and the DSS on the 17th revealed no obvious counterpart to the limiting magnitude of the DSS. Visual comparison between our first and second epochs on the 18th and our first and third epochs on the 19th revealed no obvious counterpart to the limiting magnitude of our first epoch, which we estimate to be V ~ 22 mag.
    Given the large error box and crowed field, we have confirmed this result using the image differencing code ISIS-2 (Alard 2000).
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    Jochen Greiner, last update: 11-Nov-2002 [Disclaimer]