function multigaussfit
Fit multiple gaussians to a vector. The gauss function is defined as G(x) = SUM_i [A_i + B_i*exp(-4ln2*(x-x0_i)^2/fwhm_i^2)].
result = multigaussfit(X, Y, errors, estimate [, chisq])
X: | A vector containing the x values to be fit |
Y: | A vector containing the y values to be fit |
errors: | The errors in Y |
estimate: | Initial estimate for the fit of the form [A, B, x0, fwhm] |
chisq: | If set to a named variable, the variable is overwritten with the chi-squared of the fit. |
The returned vector contains the best-fit parameters in the form [A1, B1, x01, fwhm1, A2, ..., d_A1, d_B1, d_x01, d_fwhm1, d_A2, ...]
See also
function gaussfit