


QFitsView is a FITS file viewer similar to SAOimage, DS9, and the like. It was written using the cross-platform QT library and thus runs under Microsoft Windows as well as many flavors of UNIX and MAC OS-X.

NEW (March 2025)

A new version (4.3) is released.


QFitsView includes the complete DPUSER - The Next Generation application. For DPUSER, extensive documentation is available, see link below. The graphical front-end (i.e. QFitsView itself) is also documented, and should be quite intuitive to use.

Mark Durré has created a set of videos to train users in the main aspects of QFitsView. They are available as a playlist on YouTube and also the Swinburne Commons repository, including associated documents. He has also published a set of DPUSER libraries on his Github repository.
This series of videos is produced by Mark Durré of the Centre of Astrophysics and Supercomputing, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne and the videos were co-sponsored with MPE. Please view the videos in the numerical order. We acknowledge Karl Glazebrook of Swinburne University for promoting and funding these videos.

Download (all binaries are 64 bit)

For Microsoft Windows, you need this binary.

For Linux, you need this binary. Don't forget to make this executable (chmod a+x QFitsView_4.3)!

For Mac OSX, copy this disk image and copy the Application to your favorite location. You have to allow execution in the Security & Privacy - General tab of your system settings.

The combined source code of QFitsView and DPUSER is also available. I strongly recommend using the binaries because dpuser/QFitsView are depending on lots of external libraries and is not really trivial to compile. Please understand that I am unable to give any support for compiling.

Last edited by Thomas Ott: 10 March 2025 - Imprint - Privacy Policy