Personal Info
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© Roland Diehl, MPE.
last update 20Mar2023 by rod
Student Projects
 My continued science in Nuclear
Astrophysics is focused on observations of spectral
lines in the nuclear radiation domain (0.1-10 MeV),
and their interpretations with respect to the cosmic
cycle of matter. Stars and supernovae create new
atomic nuclei through fusion reactions in their
interior. Once ejected into interstellar space, these
mix with ambient gas to form a next generation of
stars, under favorable conditions. Alternatively, the
feedback from massive stars prevents further star
formation, and the metal-enriched gas may even be
ejected into intergalactic space. In our work at MPE,
we use observations from INTEGRAL and other gamma-ray
spectrometers to study radioactive ejecta from stars
and supernovae, but also nuclear excitation lines
related to cosmic-ray interactions, and the
characteristic emission from positrons and their
annihilation. Thereby we study stellar evolution and
supernovae, as well as compact remnants (neutron
stars, black holes), and interstellar-medium
- Current Student Projects:
- Atomic Hydrogen Shells in the Local Milky Way
(Daniel Kröll, PhD)