Example Dysmalpy 1D fitting

In this example, we use dysmalpy to measure the kinematics of galaxy GS4_43501 at \(z=1.613\). This notebook shows how to find the best fit models for the one-dimensional velocity and velocity dispersion profiles (\(v(r)\) and \(\sigma(r)\)) using \(\texttt{MPFIT}\) as well as \(\texttt{MCMC}\). These fits allow us to measure quantities such as the total mass (disk+bulge), the effective radius \(r_\mathrm{eff}\), dark matter fraction \(f_\mathrm{DM}\) and velocity dispersion \(\sigma_0\).

The fitting includes the following components:

  • Disk + Bulge

  • NFW halo

  • Constant velocity dispersion

The structure of the notebook is the following:

  1. Setup steps

  2. Initialize galaxy, model set, instrument

  3. MPFIT fitting

  4. MCMC fitting

  5. Visualize a real MCMC example

  6. Nested sampling fitting

  7. Visualize a real Nested Sampling example

1) Setup steps

Import modules

# Import modules
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
import dysmalpy
from dysmalpy import galaxy
from dysmalpy import models
from dysmalpy import fitting
from dysmalpy import instrument
from dysmalpy import data_classes
from dysmalpy import parameters
from dysmalpy import plotting
from dysmalpy import aperture_classes
from dysmalpy import observation
from dysmalpy import config

import os
import copy

import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.io.fits as fits
INFO:numexpr.utils:Note: NumExpr detected 10 cores but "NUMEXPR_MAX_THREADS" not set, so enforcing safe limit of 8.
INFO:numexpr.utils:NumExpr defaulting to 8 threads.
# A check for compatibility:
import emcee
if int(emcee.__version__[0]) >= 3:
    ftype_sampler = 'h5'
    ftype_sampler = 'pickle' 

Setup notebook

# Jupyter notebook setup
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi']= 100
mpl.rc("savefig", dpi=300)

from IPython.core.display import Image
# Check the location of the repository

Set data and output paths

# Data directory (datadir = /YOUR/DATA/PATH/)
filepath = os.path.abspath(fitting.__file__)
datadir = os.sep.join(os.path.dirname(filepath).split(os.sep)[:-1]+["tests", "test_data", ""])

# Where to save output files (output = /YOUR/OUTPUTS/PATH)
#outdir = '/Users/sedona/data/dysmalpy_test_examples/JUPYTER_OUTPUT_1D/'
outdir = '/Users/jespejo/Dropbox/Postdoc/Data/dysmalpy_test_examples/JUPYTER_OUTPUT_1D/'

Load the functions to tie parameters together

# Tie the z height to the effective radius
from dysmalpy.fitting_wrappers.tied_functions import tie_sigz_reff
# Tie the halo mass to the dark matter fraction
from dysmalpy.fitting_wrappers.tied_functions import tie_lmvirial_NFW


Also see fitting_wrappers.tied_functions for more tied functions

2) Initialize galaxy, model set, instrument

gal = galaxy.Galaxy(z=1.613, name='GS4_43501')
mod_set = models.ModelSet()

Baryonic component: Combined Disk+Bulge

total_mass = 11.0    # M_sun
bt = 0.3             # Bulge-Total ratio
r_eff_disk = 5.0     # kpc
n_disk = 1.0
invq_disk = 5.0
r_eff_bulge = 1.0    # kpc
n_bulge = 4.0
invq_bulge = 1.0
noord_flat = True    # Switch for applying Noordermeer flattening

# Fix components
bary_fixed = {'total_mass': False,
              'r_eff_disk': False, #True,
              'n_disk': True,
              'r_eff_bulge': True,
              'n_bulge': True,
              'bt': True}

# Set bounds
bary_bounds = {'total_mass': (10, 13),
               'r_eff_disk': (1.0, 30.0),
               'n_disk': (1, 8),
               'r_eff_bulge': (1, 5),
               'n_bulge': (1, 8),
               'bt': (0, 1)}

bary = models.DiskBulge(total_mass=total_mass, bt=bt,
                        r_eff_disk=r_eff_disk, n_disk=n_disk,
                        r_eff_bulge=r_eff_bulge, n_bulge=n_bulge,
                        fixed=bary_fixed, bounds=bary_bounds)

bary.r_eff_disk.prior = parameters.BoundedGaussianPrior(center=5.0, stddev=1.0)

Halo component

mvirial = 12.0
conc = 5.0
fdm = 0.5

halo_fixed = {'mvirial': False,
              'conc': True, 
              'fdm':  False}
# Mvirial will be tied -- so must set 'fixed=False' for Mvirial...

halo_bounds = {'mvirial': (10, 13),
               'conc': (1, 20),
               'fdm': (0, 1)}

halo = models.NFW(mvirial=mvirial, conc=conc, fdm=fdm, z=gal.z,
                  fixed=halo_fixed, bounds=halo_bounds, name='halo')

halo.mvirial.tied = tie_lmvirial_NFW

Dispersion profile

sigma0 = 39.   # km/s
disp_fixed = {'sigma0': False}
disp_bounds = {'sigma0': (5, 300)}

disp_prof = models.DispersionConst(sigma0=sigma0, fixed=disp_fixed,
                                          bounds=disp_bounds, name='dispprof', tracer='halpha')

z-height profile

sigmaz = 0.9   # kpc
zheight_fixed = {'sigmaz': False}

zheight_prof = models.ZHeightGauss(sigmaz=sigmaz, name='zheightgaus',
zheight_prof.sigmaz.tied = tie_sigz_reff


inc = 62.     # degrees
pa = 142.     # degrees, blue-shifted side CCW from north
xshift = 0    # pixels from center
yshift = 0    # pixels from center

geom_fixed = {'inc': True,
              'pa': True,
              'xshift': True,
              'yshift': True}

geom_bounds = {'inc': (0, 90),
               'pa': (90, 180),
               'xshift': (0, 4),
               'yshift': (-10, -4)}

geom = models.Geometry(inc=inc, pa=pa, xshift=xshift, yshift=yshift,
                       fixed=geom_fixed, bounds=geom_bounds, 
                       name='geom', obs_name='halpha_1D')

Add all model components to ModelSet

# Add all of the model components to the ModelSet
mod_set.add_component(bary, light=True)

Set kinematic options for calculating velocity profile

mod_set.kinematic_options.adiabatic_contract = False
mod_set.kinematic_options.pressure_support = True

Set up the observation and instrument

obs = observation.Observation(name='halpha_1D', tracer='halpha')
inst = instrument.Instrument()

beamsize = 0.55*u.arcsec                 # FWHM of beam
sig_inst = 45*u.km/u.s                   # Instrumental spectral resolution

beam = instrument.GaussianBeam(major=beamsize)
lsf = instrument.LSF(sig_inst)

inst.beam = beam
inst.lsf = lsf
inst.pixscale = 0.125*u.arcsec           # arcsec/pixel
inst.fov = [33, 33]                      # (nx, ny) pixels
inst.spec_type = 'velocity'              # 'velocity' or 'wavelength'
inst.spec_step = 10*u.km/u.s             # Spectral step
inst.spec_start = -1000*u.km/u.s         # Starting value of spectrum
inst.nspec = 201                         # Number of spectral pixels

# Extraction information
inst.ndim = 1                            # Dimensionality of data
inst.moment = False                      # For 1D/2D data, if True then velocities and dispersion calculated from moments
                                         # Default is False, meaning Gaussian extraction used

# Set the beam kernel so it doesn't have to be calculated every step

# Add instrument to observation
obs.instrument = inst

Load data

  • Load the data from file:

    • 1D velocity, dispersion profiles and error

    • A mask can be loaded / created as well

  • Put data in Data1D class

  • Add data to Galaxy object

f_data_1d = datadir+'GS4_43501.obs_prof.txt'
dat_arr = np.loadtxt(f_data_1d)
gs4_r = dat_arr[:,0]
gs4_vel = dat_arr[:,1]
gs4_disp = dat_arr[:,3]
err_vel = dat_arr[:,2]
err_disp = dat_arr[:,4]
inst_corr = True                  # Flag for if the measured dispersion has ALREADY 
                                  # been corrected for instrumental resolution
# Put data in Data1D data class: 
data1d = data_classes.Data1D(r=gs4_r, velocity=gs4_vel,
                                  vel_disp=gs4_disp, vel_err=err_vel,
                                  vel_disp_err=err_disp, inst_corr=inst_corr, 

# Add data to Observation:
obs.data = data1d

Setup apertures:

# Setup apertures: circular apertures placed on the cube for GS4_43501.

profile1d_type = 'circ_ap_cube'    # Extraction in circular apertures placed on the cube

aperture_radius = 0.5 * obs.instrument.beam.major.value

obs.instrument.apertures = aperture_classes.setup_aperture_types(obs=obs, 
                slit_pa=pa, slit_width=beamsize.value,

Define model, fit options:

obs.mod_options.oversample = 1  
# Factor by which to oversample model (eg, subpixels). 
# For increased precision, oversample=3 is suggested. 

obs.fit_options.fit = True             # Include this observation in the fit (T/F)
obs.fit_options.fit_velocity = True    # 1D/2D: Fit velocity of observation (T/F)
obs.fit_options.fit_dispersion = True  # 1D/2D: Fit dispersion of observation (T/F)
obs.fit_options.fit_flux = False       # 1D/2D: Fit flux of observation (T/F)

Add the model set, observation to the Galaxy

gal.model = mod_set

3) MPFIT Fitting

Set up MPFITFitter fitter with fitting parameters

# Options passed to MPFIT:
maxiter = 200

fitter = fitting.MPFITFitter(maxiter=maxiter)

Set up fit/plot output options

# Output directory
outdir_mpfit = outdir+'MPFIT/'

# Output options: 
do_plotting = True  
plot_type = 'png'
overwrite = True

output_options = config.OutputOptions(outdir=outdir_mpfit, 

Run Dysmalpy fitting: MPFIT

mpfit_results = fitter.fit(gal, output_options)
INFO:DysmalPy: Fitting: GS4_43501 using MPFIT
INFO:DysmalPy:    obs: halpha_1D
INFO:DysmalPy:        velocity file: /Users/jespejo/anaconda3/envs/test_dysmalpy/lib/python3.11/site-packages/dysmalpy/tests/test_data/GS4_43501.obs_prof.txt
INFO:DysmalPy:        nSubpixels: 1
INFO:DysmalPy:    mvirial_tied: <function tie_lmvirial_NFW at 0x176d520c0>
MPFIT Fitting:
Start: 2024-05-02 10:49:19.586290

INFO:DysmalPy:Iter 1  CHI-SQUARE = 1334.862701  DOF = 32
   disk+bulge:total_mass = 11  
   disk+bulge:r_eff_disk = 5  
   halo:fdm = 0.5  
   dispprof:sigma0 = 39  

INFO:DysmalPy:Iter 2  CHI-SQUARE = 85.6231556  DOF = 32
   disk+bulge:total_mass = 10.77432295  
   disk+bulge:r_eff_disk = 3.705314705  
   halo:fdm = 0.3506872292  
   dispprof:sigma0 = 44.07857595  

INFO:DysmalPy:Iter 3  CHI-SQUARE = 61.77205264  DOF = 32
   disk+bulge:total_mass = 10.70608814  
   disk+bulge:r_eff_disk = 3.205907928  
   halo:fdm = 0.3052349661  
   dispprof:sigma0 = 39.29020077  

INFO:DysmalPy:Iter 4  CHI-SQUARE = 61.51072465  DOF = 32
   disk+bulge:total_mass = 10.7026735  
   disk+bulge:r_eff_disk = 3.149004183  
   halo:fdm = 0.2942521363  
   dispprof:sigma0 = 38.49846585  

INFO:DysmalPy:Iter 5  CHI-SQUARE = 61.50931018  DOF = 32
   disk+bulge:total_mass = 10.70194394  
   disk+bulge:r_eff_disk = 3.135826616  
   halo:fdm = 0.2929452012  
   dispprof:sigma0 = 38.4178716  

INFO:DysmalPy:Iter 6  CHI-SQUARE = 61.50910464  DOF = 32
   disk+bulge:total_mass = 10.70165471  
   disk+bulge:r_eff_disk = 3.131424741  
   halo:fdm = 0.2925721625  
   dispprof:sigma0 = 38.39244171  

INFO:DysmalPy:Iter 7  CHI-SQUARE = 61.50901234  DOF = 32
   disk+bulge:total_mass = 10.70142024  
   disk+bulge:r_eff_disk = 3.128065533  
   halo:fdm = 0.2923058891  
   dispprof:sigma0 = 38.37326607  

INFO:DysmalPy:Iter 8  CHI-SQUARE = 61.50900134  DOF = 32
   disk+bulge:total_mass = 10.70133658  
   disk+bulge:r_eff_disk = 3.126817225  
   halo:fdm = 0.2922023915  
   dispprof:sigma0 = 38.36605847  

INFO:DysmalPy:Iter 9  CHI-SQUARE = 61.5090004  DOF = 32
   disk+bulge:total_mass = 10.70131482  
   disk+bulge:r_eff_disk = 3.126478596  
   halo:fdm = 0.2921732623  
   dispprof:sigma0 = 38.3641034  

INFO:DysmalPy:Iter 10  CHI-SQUARE = 61.50900028  DOF = 32
   disk+bulge:total_mass = 10.70130665  
   disk+bulge:r_eff_disk = 3.126355714  
   halo:fdm = 0.2921630194  
   dispprof:sigma0 = 38.3633983  

INFO:DysmalPy:Iter 11  CHI-SQUARE = 61.50900026  DOF = 32
   disk+bulge:total_mass = 10.70130363  
   disk+bulge:r_eff_disk = 3.126310618  
   halo:fdm = 0.2921592812  
   dispprof:sigma0 = 38.36313989  

End: 2024-05-02 10:49:23.811334

Time= 4.22 (sec),   0:4.22 (m:s)
MPFIT Status = 1
MPFIT Error/Warning Message = None

Examine MPFIT results

Result plots

# Look at best-fit:
filepath = outdir_mpfit+"GS4_43501_mpfit_bestfit_halpha_1D.{}".format(plot_type)
Image(filename=filepath, width=600)

Directly generating result plots

Reload the galaxy, results files:

f_galmodel =       outdir_mpfit + 'GS4_43501_model.pickle'
f_mpfit_results =  outdir_mpfit + 'GS4_43501_mpfit_results.pickle'

gal, mpfit_results = fitting.reload_all_fitting(filename_galmodel=f_galmodel, 
                            filename_results=f_mpfit_results, fit_method='mpfit')

Plot the best-fit results:


Result reports

We now look at the results reports, which include the best-fit values and uncertainties (as well as other fitting settings and output).

# Print report
 Fitting for GS4_43501

Date: 2024-05-02 10:49:24.705699

    obs: halpha_1D
             vel :  /Users/jespejo/anaconda3/envs/test_dysmalpy/lib/python3.11/site-packages/dysmalpy/tests/test_data/GS4_43501.obs_prof.txt
         apertures:        CircApertures
         fit_velocity:           True
         fit_dispersion:         True
         fit_flux:               False
         moment:           False
         partial_weight:        True
         n_wholepix_z_min:      3
         oversample:            1
         oversize:              1

Fitting method: MPFIT
    fit status: 1

pressure_support:      True
pressure_support_type: 1

 Fitting results
    total_mass         10.7013  +/-   0.0456
    r_eff_disk          3.1263  +/-   0.4107

    n_disk              1.0000  [FIXED]
    r_eff_bulge         1.0000  [FIXED]
    n_bulge             4.0000  [FIXED]
    bt                  0.3000  [FIXED]
    mass_to_light       1.0000  [FIXED]

    noord_flat          True
    fdm                 0.2922  +/-   0.0497

    mvirial            12.4479  [TIED]
    conc                5.0000  [FIXED]
    sigma0             38.3630  +/-   4.3444
    sigmaz              0.5310  [TIED]
    inc                62.0000  [FIXED]
    pa                142.0000  [FIXED]
    xshift              0.0000  [FIXED]
    yshift              0.0000  [FIXED]
    vel_shift           0.0000  [FIXED]

Adiabatic contraction: False

Red. chisq: 1.9222

To directly save the results report to a file, we can use the following:

(Note: by default, report files are saved as part of the fitting process)

# Save report to file:
f_mpfit_report = outdir_mpfit + 'mpfit_fit_report.txt'
mpfit_results.results_report(gal=gal, filename=f_mpfit_report)

4) MCMC Fitting

Get a clean copy of model

gal.model = copy.deepcopy(mod_set)

Set up MCMCFitter fitter with fitting parameters

# Options passed to emcee
nWalkers = 20
nCPUs = 4
scale_param_a = 5 #3   
# The walkers were not exploring the parameter space well with scale_param_a = 3, 
#     but were getting 'stuck'. So to improve the walker movement with larger 
#     'stretch' in the steps, we increased scale_param_a.
nBurn = 2
nSteps = 10
minAF = None
maxAF = None
nEff = 10

blob_name = 'mvirial'    # Also save 'blob' values of Mvirial, calculated at every chain step

fitter = fitting.MCMCFitter(nWalkers=nWalkers, nCPUs=nCPUs, 
                            scale_param_a=scale_param_a, nBurn=nBurn, nSteps=nSteps, 
                            minAF=minAF, maxAF=maxAF, nEff=nEff, blob_name=blob_name)

Set up fit/plot output options

# Output directory
outdir_mcmc = outdir + 'MCMC/'

# Output options: 
do_plotting = True  
plot_type = 'png'
overwrite = True

output_options = config.OutputOptions(outdir=outdir_mcmc, 

Run Dysmalpy fitting: MCMC

mcmc_results = fitter.fit(gal, output_options)
INFO:DysmalPy: Fitting: GS4_43501 with MCMC
INFO:DysmalPy:    obs: halpha_1D
INFO:DysmalPy:        velocity file: /Users/jespejo/anaconda3/envs/test_dysmalpy/lib/python3.11/site-packages/dysmalpy/tests/test_data/GS4_43501.obs_prof.txt
INFO:DysmalPy:        nSubpixels: 1
nCPUs: 4
INFO:DysmalPy:nWalkers: 20
INFO:DysmalPy:lnlike: oversampled_chisq=True
blobs: mvirial
mvirial_tied: <function tie_lmvirial_NFW at 0x176d520c0>
Start: 2024-05-02 10:49:24.785057

INFO:DysmalPy: k=0, time.time=2024-05-02 10:49:24.785761, a_frac=nan
INFO:DysmalPy: k=1, time.time=2024-05-02 10:49:25.702812, a_frac=0.15
End: 2024-05-02 10:49:26.024287

nCPU, nParam, nWalker, nBurn = 4, 4, 20, 2
Scale param a= 5
Time= 1.24 (sec),   0:1.24 (m:s)
Mean acceptance fraction: 0.175
Ideal acceptance frac: 0.2 - 0.5
Autocorr est: [nan nan nan nan]
Ensemble sampling:
Start: 2024-05-02 10:49:26.323181

INFO:DysmalPy:ii=0, a_frac=0.0 time.time()=2024-05-02 10:49:26.654147
INFO:DysmalPy:0: acor_time =[nan nan nan nan]
INFO:DysmalPy:ii=1, a_frac=0.1 time.time()=2024-05-02 10:49:26.985441
INFO:DysmalPy:1: acor_time =[nan nan nan nan]
INFO:DysmalPy:ii=2, a_frac=0.08333333333333333 time.time()=2024-05-02 10:49:27.310019
INFO:DysmalPy:2: acor_time =[nan nan nan nan]
INFO:DysmalPy:ii=3, a_frac=0.0875 time.time()=2024-05-02 10:49:27.625109
INFO:DysmalPy:3: acor_time =[nan nan nan nan]
INFO:DysmalPy:ii=4, a_frac=0.1 time.time()=2024-05-02 10:49:27.966173
INFO:DysmalPy:4: acor_time =[nan nan nan nan]
INFO:DysmalPy:ii=5, a_frac=0.14166666666666666 time.time()=2024-05-02 10:49:28.306641
INFO:DysmalPy:5: acor_time =[nan nan nan nan]
INFO:DysmalPy:ii=6, a_frac=0.1571428571428571 time.time()=2024-05-02 10:49:28.640043
INFO:DysmalPy:6: acor_time =[nan nan nan nan]
INFO:DysmalPy:ii=7, a_frac=0.175 time.time()=2024-05-02 10:49:28.965469
INFO:DysmalPy:7: acor_time =[nan nan nan nan]
INFO:DysmalPy:ii=8, a_frac=0.17222222222222222 time.time()=2024-05-02 10:49:29.287314
INFO:DysmalPy:8: acor_time =[nan nan nan nan]
INFO:DysmalPy:ii=9, a_frac=0.18000000000000002 time.time()=2024-05-02 10:49:29.630192
INFO:DysmalPy:9: acor_time =[nan nan nan nan]
INFO:DysmalPy:Finished 10 steps

End: 2024-05-02 10:49:29.635079

nCPU, nParam, nWalker, nSteps = 4, 4, 20, 10
Scale param a= 5
Time= 3.31 (sec),   0:3.31 (m:s)
Mean acceptance fraction: 0.180
Ideal acceptance frac: 0.2 - 0.5
Autocorr est: [nan nan nan nan]

Examine MCMC results

Of course this (very short!) example looks terrible, but it’s instructive to see what’s happening even if you only did a very short / few walker MCMC test:


  • The individual walkers should move around in the parameter space over the chain iterations (not necessarily for every step; but there should be some exploration of the space)

# Look at trace:
filepath = outdir_mcmc+"GS4_43501_mcmc_trace.{}".format(plot_type)
Image(filepath, width=600)


  • This is a good opportunity to check that the model PA and slit PA are correct, or else the data and model curves will have opposite shapes!

# Look at best-fit:
filepath = outdir_mcmc+"GS4_43501_mcmc_bestfit_halpha_1D.{}".format(plot_type)
Image(filepath, width=600)

Sampler “corner” plot

  • The “best-fit” MAP (by default taken to be the peak of each marginalized parameter posterior, independent of the other parameters) is marked with the solid blue line.

    • However, the MAP can also be found by jointly analyzing two or more parameters’ posterior space (see example below).

  • Check to see that your Gaussian prior centers are marked in orange in the appropriate rows/columns (if any Gaussian priors are used).

  • The vertical dashed black lines show the 2.275%, 15.865%, 84.135%, 97.725% percentile intervals for the marginalized posterior for each parameter.

  • The vertical dashed purple lines show the shortest \(1\sigma\) interval, determined from the marginalized posterior for each parameter independently.

# Look at corner:
filepath = outdir_mcmc+"GS4_43501_mcmc_param_corner.{}".format(plot_type)
Image(filepath, height=620)

5) Visualize a real MCMC example

In the interest of time (for the documentation tutorial), let’s look at some results calculated previously, using 1000 walkers, 50 burn-in steps, and 200 steps.

Using 190 threads, it took about 23 minutes to run the MCMC fit.

First, you need to download the sampler from:


Decompress it in your preferred path (e.g.: /path/to/your/directory) and then set an environment variable to access that directory from this notebook. You can do that from the terminal running:

export DATADIR=/path/to/your/directory

Or, you can simply run the bash command from within the notebook as:

# A working example using the path of one of the maintainers:
%env FULL_MCMC_RUNS_DATADIR=/Users/jespejo/Dropbox/dysmalpy_example_files/JUPYTER_OUTPUT_1D/
env: FULL_MCMC_RUNS_DATADIR=/Users/jespejo/Dropbox/dysmalpy_example_files/JUPYTER_OUTPUT_1D/
# Now, add the environment variable to retrieve the data 
_full_mcmc_runs = os.getenv('FULL_MCMC_RUNS_DATADIR')
outdir_mcmc_full = _full_mcmc_runs + 'MCMC_full_run_nw1000_ns200_a5/'

Examine results:

Helpful for:

  • replotting

  • reanalyzing chain (e.g, jointly constraining some posteriors)

Reload the galaxy, results files:

f_galmodel =      outdir_mcmc_full + 'galaxy_model.pickle'
f_mcmc_results =  outdir_mcmc_full + 'mcmc_results.pickle'

## Fix module import
import sys
from dysmalpy import fitting_wrappers
sys.modules['fitting_wrappers'] = fitting_wrappers

if os.path.isfile(f_galmodel) & os.path.isfile(f_mcmc_results):
    gal_full, mcmc_results = fitting.reload_all_fitting(filename_galmodel=f_galmodel, 
                                filename_results=f_mcmc_results, fit_method='mcmc')
    gal_full = mcmc_results = None

If necessary, also reload the sampler chain:

f_sampler =  outdir_mcmc_full + 'mcmc_sampler.{}'.format(ftype_sampler)
if os.path.isfile(f_sampler) & (mcmc_results is not None):

Plot the best-fit results:

if (gal_full is not None) & (mcmc_results is not None):
../../_images/09dc3d1e8f758f49506894f72f1830df8a89e9f92134da4790e33593f3247443.png ../../_images/ad148728a2e495db6110c0b9c432b20362b5738399f1dd7eb8a2a0baa053a859.png ../../_images/e16c509e0959d11e4d9ee46c67f6fd0d144ab4657c77deb0ef76caa41ea8c24d.png


The burn-in stage for this run is probably a bit too short, as the trace for r_eff_disk drifts a bit initially. So it might have been better to use 100 burn steps (50 were used here).

Results report:

# Print report
if (gal_full is not None) & (mcmc_results is not None):
 Fitting for GS4_43501

Date: 2024-05-02 10:49:33.001827

    obs: OBS
             vel :  /afs/mpe.mpg.de/home/sedona/dysmalpy_example_data/GS4_43501.obs_prof.txt
         apertures:        CircApertures
         fit_velocity:           True
         fit_dispersion:         True
         fit_flux:               False
         moment:           False
         partial_weight:        True
         n_wholepix_z_min:      3
         oversample:            1
         oversize:              1

Fitting method: MCMC

pressure_support:      True
pressure_support_type: 1

 Fitting results
    total_mass         10.7707  -   0.0797 +   0.0770
    r_eff_disk          3.8296  -   0.7181 +   1.1167

    n_disk              1.0000  [FIXED]
    r_eff_bulge         1.0000  [FIXED]
    n_bulge             4.0000  [FIXED]
    bt                  0.3000  [FIXED]

    noord_flat          True
    fdm                 0.3593  -   0.0730 +   0.0473

    mvirial            12.5670  [TIED]
    conc                5.0000  [FIXED]
    sigma0             43.2500  -   4.3789 +   3.9371
    sigmaz              0.6505  [TIED]
    inc                62.0000  [FIXED]
    pa                142.0000  [FIXED]
    xshift              0.0000  [FIXED]
    yshift              0.0000  [FIXED]
    vel_shift           0.0000  [FIXED]

    mvirial            12.5670  -   0.3169 +   0.0126

Adiabatic contraction: False

Red. chisq: 2.4225

Or save results report to file:

# Save report to file:
f_mcmc_report = outdir_mcmc + 'mcmc_fit_report.txt'
if (gal_full is not None) & (mcmc_results is not None):
    mcmc_results.results_report(gal=gal_full, filename=f_mcmc_report)

Optional: Reanalyze sampler for MAP using joint posterior spaces for some parameters

# Look at joint posterior of 4 parameters simultaneously:
#       total baryonic mass, r_eff_disk, fDM, sigma0

# Create a list / an array containing each parameter to include:
linked_post_arr = []
# For each parameter, include a length 2 list / array 
#     with the component name and parameter name:
linked_post_arr.append(['disk+bulge', 'total_mass'])
linked_post_arr.append(['disk+bulge', 'r_eff_disk'])
linked_post_arr.append(['halo', 'fdm'])
linked_post_arr.append(['dispprof', 'sigma0'])

# Only consider 1 bundle of joint posteriors:
linked_posterior_names = [ linked_post_arr ]
# Then rerun the posterior distribution analysis, using this linked posterior set:
if (gal_full is not None) & (mcmc_results is not None):
    mcmc_results.linked_posterior_names = linked_posterior_names 

# Update theta to best-fit:
if (gal_full is not None) & (mcmc_results is not None):
# Recalculate the bestfit chisq / redchisq:
if (gal_full is not None) & (mcmc_results is not None):

    mcmc_results.bestfit_redchisq = fitting.chisq_red(gal_full)
    mcmc_results.bestfit_chisq = fitting.chisq_eval(gal_full)

Result report for this re-analysis:

# Print report
if (gal_full is not None) & (mcmc_results is not None):
 Fitting for GS4_43501

Date: 2024-05-02 10:49:35.371715

    obs: OBS
             vel :  /afs/mpe.mpg.de/home/sedona/dysmalpy_example_data/GS4_43501.obs_prof.txt
         apertures:        CircApertures
         fit_velocity:           True
         fit_dispersion:         True
         fit_flux:               False
         moment:           False
         partial_weight:        True
         n_wholepix_z_min:      3
         oversample:            1
         oversize:              1

Fitting method: MCMC

pressure_support:      True
pressure_support_type: 1

 Fitting results
    total_mass         10.7489  -   0.0578 +   0.0989
    r_eff_disk          3.8097  -   0.6982 +   1.1366

    n_disk              1.0000  [FIXED]
    r_eff_bulge         1.0000  [FIXED]
    n_bulge             4.0000  [FIXED]
    bt                  0.3000  [FIXED]

    noord_flat          True
    fdm                 0.3429  -   0.0566 +   0.0638

    mvirial            12.4463  [TIED]
    conc                5.0000  [FIXED]
    sigma0             43.1000  -   4.2289 +   4.0871
    sigmaz              0.6471  [TIED]
    inc                62.0000  [FIXED]
    pa                142.0000  [FIXED]
    xshift              0.0000  [FIXED]
    yshift              0.0000  [FIXED]
    vel_shift           0.0000  [FIXED]

    mvirial            12.5670  -   0.3169 +   0.0126

Adiabatic contraction: False

Red. chisq: 1.9576

Best-fit results plot for this reanalysis:

if (gal_full is not None) & (mcmc_results is not None):

Posterior distribution showing this new joint-posterior MAP:

if (gal_full is not None) & (mcmc_results is not None):

6) Nested Sampling Fitting

Using the dynesty nested sampler

Get a clean copy of model

gal.model = copy.deepcopy(mod_set)

Set up NestedFitter fitter with fitting parameters

# Options passed to Dynesty
sample = 'rwalk'
maxiter = 200
nlive_init = 50
nlive_batch = 50
nCPUs = 4

blob_name = 'mvirial'    # Also save 'blob' values of Mvirial, calculated at every chain step

fitter = fitting.NestedFitter(sample=sample, maxiter=maxiter, 
                               nlive_init=nlive_init, nlive_batch=nlive_batch, 
                               nCPUs=nCPUs, blob_name=blob_name)

Set up fit/plot output options

# Output directory
outdir_dynesty = outdir + 'Dynesty/'

# Output options: 
do_plotting = True  
plot_type = 'png'
overwrite = True

output_options = config.OutputOptions(outdir=outdir_dynesty, 

Run Dysmalpy fitting: Nested Sampling

dynesty_results = fitter.fit(gal, output_options)
0it [00:00, ?it/s]
251it [00:53,  4.68it/s, batch: 0 | bound: 4 | nc: 1 | ncall: 2414 | eff(%): 10.398 | loglstar:   -inf < -50.975 <    inf | logz: -58.535 +/-  0.336 | dlogz:  0.532 >  0.010]         

Examine Nested sampling results

As with MCMC, this (very short!) example looks terrible, but it’s instructive to see what’s happening even if you only did a very short Dynesty test:


  • The individual walkers should move around in the parameter space over the chain iterations (not necessarily for every step; but there should be some exploration of the space)

# Look at trace:
filepath = outdir_dynesty+"GS4_43501_nested_trace.{}".format(plot_type)
Image(filepath, width=600)


  • This is a good opportunity to check that the model PA and slit PA are correct, or else the data and model curves will have opposite shapes!

# Look at best-fit:
filepath = outdir_dynesty+"GS4_43501_nested_bestfit_halpha_1D.{}".format(plot_type)
Image(filepath, width=600)

Sampler “corner” plot

  • The “best-fit” MAP (by default taken to be the peak of each marginalized parameter posterior, independent of the other parameters) is marked with the solid blue line.

    • However, the MAP can also be found by jointly analyzing two or more parameters’ posterior space (see example below).

  • Check to see that your Gaussian prior centers are marked in orange in the appropriate rows/columns (if any Gaussian priors are used).

  • The vertical dashed black lines show the 2.275%, 15.865%, 84.135%, 97.725% percentile intervals for the marginalized posterior for each parameter.

  • The vertical dashed purple lines show the shortest \(1\sigma\) interval, determined from the marginalized posterior for each parameter independently.

# Look at corner:
filepath = outdir_dynesty+"GS4_43501_nested_param_corner.{}".format(plot_type)
Image(filepath, height=620)

7) Visualize a real Nested Sampling example

In the interest of time, let’s look at some results calculated previously.

For this fit, we used nlive_init = 1000, nlive_batch = 1000, the rwalk sampling and multi bounding, and the stopping criterion with pfrac = 1 (eg, no maximum number of iterations).

Using 8 threads, it took about 90 minutes to run the Dynesty fit.

outdir_dynesty_full = outdir + 'Dynesty_full_run_maxiterNone_nliveinit1000_nlivebatch1000/'

Examine results:

Helpful for:

  • replotting

  • reanalyzing chain (eg, jointly constraining some posteriors)

Reload the galaxy, results files:

f_galmodel =      outdir_dynesty_full + 'GS4_43501_model.pickle'
f_dynesty_results =  outdir_dynesty_full + 'GS4_43501_nested_results.pickle'

if os.path.isfile(f_galmodel) & os.path.isfile(f_dynesty_results):
    gal_full, dynesty_results = fitting.reload_all_fitting(filename_galmodel=f_galmodel, 
                                filename_results=f_dynesty_results, fit_method='nested')
    gal_full = dynesty_results = None

If necessary, also reload the sampler chain:

f_sampler =  outdir_dynesty_full + 'GS4_43501_nested_sampler_results.{}'.format(ftype_sampler)
if os.path.isfile(f_sampler) & (dynesty_results is not None):

Plot the best-fit results:

if (gal_full is not None) & (dynesty_results is not None):

Results report:

# Print report
if (gal_full is not None) & (dynesty_results is not None):

Or save results report to file:

# Save report to file:
f_dynesty_report = outdir_dynesty + 'dynesty_fit_report.txt'
if (gal_full is not None) & (dynesty_results is not None):
    dynesty_results.results_report(gal=gal_full, filename=f_dynesty_report)

Optional: Reanalyze sampler for MAP using joint posterior spaces for some parameters

# Look at joint posterior of 4 parameters simultaneously:
#       total baryonic mass, r_eff_disk, fDM, sigma0

# Create a list / an array containing each parameter to include:
linked_post_arr = []
# For each parameter, include a length 2 list / array 
#     with the component name and parameter name:
linked_post_arr.append(['disk+bulge', 'total_mass'])
linked_post_arr.append(['disk+bulge', 'r_eff_disk'])
linked_post_arr.append(['halo', 'fdm'])
linked_post_arr.append(['dispprof', 'sigma0'])

# Only consider 1 bundle of joint posteriors:
linked_posterior_names = [ linked_post_arr ]
# Then rerun the posterior distribution analysis, using this linked posterior set:
if (gal_full is not None) & (dynesty_results is not None):
    dynesty_results.linked_posterior_names = linked_posterior_names 

# Update theta to best-fit:
if (gal_full is not None) & (dynesty_results is not None):
# Recalculate the bestfit chisq / redchisq:
if (gal_full is not None) & (dynesty_results is not None):

    dynesty_results.bestfit_redchisq = fitting.chisq_red(gal_full)
    dynesty_results.bestfit_chisq = fitting.chisq_eval(gal_full)

Result report for this re-analysis:

# Print report
if (gal_full is not None) & (dynesty_results is not None):

Best-fit results plot for this reanalysis:

if (gal_full is not None) & (dynesty_results is not None):

Posterior distribution showing this new joint-posterior MAP:

if (gal_full is not None) & (dynesty_results is not None):