Philip Brandt
MPE Theory Group | Complex Plasmas

Controlled Formation of Separated Monolayers in ER/MR-Systems

Separated Layers in ER/MR systems driven by negative dipolar interactions

Fluid phases in ER/MR-Systems: Strings and weakly anisotropic fluids

One of the remarkable features distinguishing particle ensembles with aligned anisotropic interactions from simple matter is the formation of anisotropic structures, in particular string or chain fluids. The phase diagram of such systems can be extremely diverse, as shown below. It also critically depends on properties of the interaction of particles. We show that the string-fluid transition can be associated with the bifurcation of the (isotropic) correlation length, may be used as a fingerprint of this transition. [For further information see link (JCP)]

Solid-solid Transitions in Magneto- and Electrorheological Systems

Ensembles of particles with spherically symmetric repulsive Yukawa interaction and additional dipole-dipole interaction (induced by an externa field) exhibit a versatile phase diagram. This includes several solid-solid phase transitions.

We propose a simple variational appraoch based on the Bogoliubov inequality for determening equilibrium solid phases. This means we minimize the free energy

F = - β-1 ln ∫ dΓph exp(-βH)

The variational free energy F' (with respect to a reference system, characterized by the Hamiltonian H0)

FF' = F0 + < H - H0 >0

is then minimized (global optimization of F) with respect to a set of exogen parameters (anisotropy ξ, hardness of the spherical symmetric core κ, energy scale, particle number density ρ) using a variation over geometric variational parameters (which describe the lattice structure). It turns out that depending on the hardness at least three distinct interaction regimes (called soft, medium and hard) can be found. [for further information see link (JCP)]

Medium regime phase diagram
Medium regime (ρ,ξ)-phase diagram for κ=1. The inset shows the specific heat c(ξ) in the neighborhood of the bco-bct-transition. So this transition is a typically candidate for a lambda-line (critical phenomena).
Soft regime phase diagram
Soft regime (ρ,ξ)-phase diagram for κ=1
[ Impressum | Disclaimer ] (last modified: 11.10.2011)