Philip Brandt
MPE Theory Group | Complex Plasmas

Software and Numerics

Confusion of Classes?

This page contains useful drops of code. Well, actually I do not know if these lines are useful. Feel free to use these drops of code in your projects. But first...

Important notice:

This software is provided as-is, with all faults, without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the author(s) be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Nevertheless I hope some of the code snippets provided here may be useful for someone.
For any information about errors or bugs, I am always grateful.

A CLR-Wrapper for the FFTW Library

FFTW is an optimized Fast-Fourier-Library for many platforms written in C by Matteo Frigo and Steven G. Johnson (see However, it is quite laborious to call this library via P/Invokes (for example using C#). This short snippet of code is a wrapper for the FFTW library with the following features:

FFTW wrapper (complied, with sources) 2.2 MB
FFTW wrapper (just DLLs) 0.2 MB

A Tool for Visualization of Particle Data

Tool 'View 3D Structures' (sources, complete Visual Studio 2010 Project)
Tool 'View 3D Structures' (just binaries, Windows x64, DirectX 11 Runtime, GPU with DirectX 10 feature level)
Tool 'View 3D Structures' (just binaries, Windows x86, DirectX 11 Runtime, GPU with DirectX 10 feature level)
Demo Data (CSV, Binary)
File formats
[ Impressum | Disclaimer ] (last modified: 01.10.2011)