MPE Organisation

The institute is headed joinly by the five directors; every four years the managing director changes.

Managing Director

Prof. Dr. Kirpal Nandra

Prof. Dr. Kirpal Nandra

Director of the high energy group
Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching

Scientific Members, Directors

Prof. Dr. Ralf Bender(Optical and Interpretative Astronomy)
Prof. Dr. Paola Caselli(Center for Astrochemical Studies)
Prof. Dr. Frank Eisenhauer(Infrared- and Submillimeter-Astronomy)
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Genzel(Infrared- and Submillimeter-Astronomy)
Prof. Dr. Kirpal Nandra(High-Energy Astronomy)


Retired Scientific Members

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Haerendel
Prof. Dr. Gregor Morfill
Prof. Dr. Joachim Trümper


External Scientific Members

Prof. Dr. Ewine F. van Dishoeck, Leiden Observatory (NL), MPE
Prof. Dr. John Kormendy, University of Texas at Austin (USA)
Prof. Dr. Roald Z. Sagdeev, University of Maryland (USA)
Dr. Karl Schuster, IRAM, Grenoble (France)
Prof. Dr. Amiel Sternberg, Tel Aviv University (Israel), Flatiron Institute (New York, USA)


Former Scientific Members

Prof. Dr. Günther Hasinger


MPE Member in Scientific Council of the Chemistry, Physics & Technology Section of the MPG

Dr. Ariel Sánchez

Head of the Administration

Pia Fischhaber



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