CAS Projects
PhD projects
Our group offers several projects to PhD students.
The SOLIS Project
The SOLIS (Seeds of Life In Space) project aims to understand how, when and where complex organic molecules form during the early stages of solar-type stars formation. SOLIS is NOEMA large Program.
Origins of Life Initiative Munich (OLIM)
OLIM (lat. 'formerly'; 'once') is a Munich network to explore the origins of evolution. The aim is to find experimental facts that unveil the first steps that allowed molecules to evolve autonomously into living systems. We want to reconstruct these first steps in the lab, using experiments to bridge from dead molecules to the living state of matter.
GAS - Green Bank Ammonia Survey
The GAS (Green Bank Ammonia Survey) project is an ambitious legacy survey to map emission from the 23 GHz NH3 inversion transitions toward all the northern Gould Belt star-forming regions with Av > 7.
FAUST - Fifty AU STudy of the chemistry in the disk/envelope systems of Solar-like protostars
The FAUST (Fifty AU STudy of the chemistry in the disk/envelope systems of Solar-like protostars) project focuses specifically on the early history of Solar-like protostars and their chemical diversity at scales of ~50 au, where planets are expected to form. FAUST is an ALMA Large Program.
AstroChemical Origins (ACO)
ACO is a collaborative network of several European institutes and companies, called Participating Organisation, whose twofold goal is (i) to reveal the past Solar System history using Astrochemistry as a tool and (ii) train a new generation of interdisciplinary researchers.