Planetary nebula kinematics in NGC 1316: a young Sombrero

McNeil-Moylan E. K., Freeman K. C., Arnaboldi M., Gerhard O. E., 2012, A&A, 539, A11 (to the paper)
An exceptionally large sample of PN velocities makes it possible to explore in detail the kinematics of the Fornax Brightest Cluster Galaxy, NGC 1316, a merger remnant. The two-dimensional velocity field shows dynamically-important rotation that rises in the outer parts, possibly due to the outward transfer of angular momentum during the merger. We use spherical, non-rotating, constant-anisotropy Jeans models were to analyze the kinematic data. These indicate a high dark matter content, particularly in the outer parts. NGC 1316 represents, then, a transition phase from a major-merger event to a bulge-dominated galaxy.

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