Reinhard Genzel receives “Maximiliansorden”
On 26 February 2021, Bavarian Minister-President Markus Söder conferred the “Maximiliansorden” for Art and Science to Prof. Reinhard Genzel, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics and Nobel Laureate in Physics 2020. The award is Bavaria's highest tribute to excellence in the fields of science and art.

At the festive ceremony, which took place at the Prinz-Carl Palais in Munich, Minister-President Markus Söder emphasised that Prof. Reinhard Genzel is one of the most important astronomers of our time. "We are proud of his achievements and findings on black holes," Markus Söder said. "By looking into space, we can also learn a lot about our Earth. Bavaria is the land of science."
The Bavarian “Maximiliansorden” for Science and Art dates back to 1853, when it was founded by King Maximilian II, and was awarded until 1932. Since its reintroduction in 1981, the Maximiliansorden has been awarded to 223 individuals. The number of living holders of the medal is limited to 100. Currently, the Order now consists of 85 individuals who meet once a year to exchange ideas. Other members of the Maximiliansorden include Max Planck scientists Theodor Hänsch, Peter Gruss, Gerhard Ertl and Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard.