
Publications of M. Fernández

Journal Article (1)

Journal Article
Broeg, C.; Joergens, V.; Fernández, M.; Husar, D.; Hearty, T.; Ammler, M.; Neuhäuser, R.: Rotational periods of T Tauri stars in Taurus-Auriga, south of Taurus-Auriga, and in MBM12. Astronomy & Astrophysics 450 (3), pp. 1135 - 1148 (2006)

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Joergens, V.; Neuhäuser, R.; Fernandez, M.: Formation and early evolution of brown dwarfs in Cha I. Early stages of star formation, Budapest, August 26, 2003 - August 27, 2003. Proceedings of the Minisymposium "Early stages of star formation", pp. 505 - 509 (2004)