Publications of Johannes Buchner

Journal Article (84)

Journal Article
Buchner, J.: UltraNest - a robust, general purpose Bayesian inference engine. The Journal of Open Source Software 6 (60) (2021)
Journal Article
Boller, T.; Liu, T.; Weber, P.; Arcodia, R.; Dauser, T.; Wilms, J.; Nandra, K.; Buchner, J.; Merloni, A.; Freyberg, M. J. et al.; Krumpe, M.; Waddell, S. G. H.: Extreme ultra-soft X-ray variability in an eROSITA observation of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0707-495. Astronomy and Astrophysics 647, A6 (2021)
Journal Article
Malyali, A.; Rau, A.; Merloni, A.; Nandra, K.; Buchner, J.; Liu, Z.; Gezari, S.; Sollerman, J.; Shappee, B.; Trakhtenbrot, B. et al.; Arcavi, I.; Ricci, C.; van Velzen, S.; Goobar, A.; Frederick, S.; Kawka, A.; Tartaglia, L.; Burke, J.; Hiramatsu, D.; Schramm, M.; van der Boom, D.; Anderson, G.; Miller-Jones, J. C. A.; Bellm, E.; Drake, A.; Duev, D.; Fremling, C.; Graham, M.; Masci, F.; Rusholme, B.; Soumagnac, M.; Walters, R.: AT 2019avd: a novel addition to the diverse population of nuclear transients. Astronomy and Astrophysics 647, A9 (2021)
Journal Article
Wolf, J.; Nandra, K.; Salvato, M.; Liu, T.; Buchner, J.; Brusa, M.; Hoang, D. N.; Moss, V.; Arcodia, R.; Brüggen, M. et al.; Comparat, J.; de Gasperin, F.; Georgakakis, A.; Hotan, A.; Lamer, G.; Merloni, A.; Rau, A.; Rottgering, H. J. A.; Shimwell, T. W.; Urrutia, T.; Whiting, M.; Williams, W. L.: First constraints on the AGN X-ray luminosity function at z ~ 6 from an eROSITA-detected quasar. Astronomy and Astrophysics 647, A5 (2021)
Journal Article
Baronchelli, L.; Nandra, K.; Buchner, J.: Relativistic accretion disc reflection in AGN X-ray spectra at z=0.5-4: a study of four Chandra Deep Fields. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498 (4), pp. 5284 - 5298 (2020)
Journal Article
Liu, T.; Merloni, A.; Simm, T.; Green, P. J.; Brandt, W. N.; Schneider, D. P.; Dwelly, T.; Salvato, M.; Buchner, J.; Shen, Y. et al.; Nandra, K.; Georgakakis, A.; Ho, L. C.: The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping Project: the XMM-Newton X-ray source catalog and multi-band counterparts. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 250 (2), 32 (2020)
Journal Article
Bahramian, A.; Strader, J.; Miller-Jones, J. C. A.; Chomiuk, L.; Heinke, C. O.; Maccarone, T. J.; Pooley, D.; Shishkovsky, L.; Tudor, V.; Zhao, Y. et al.; Li, K. L.; Sivakoff, G. R.; Tremou, E.; Buchner, J.: The MAVERIC Survey: Chandra/ACIS catalog of faint X-ray sources in 38 galactic globular clusters. The Astrophysical Journal 901 (1), 57 (2020)
Journal Article
Comparat, J.; Merloni, A.; Dwelly, T.; Salvato, M.; Schwope, A.; Coffey, D.; Wolf, J.; Arcodia, R.; Liu, T.; Buchner, J. et al.; Nandra, K.; Georgakakis, A.; Clerc, N.; Brusa, M.; Brownstein, J. R.; Schneider, D. P.; Pan, K.; Bizyaev, D.: The final SDSS-IV/SPIDERS X-ray point source spectroscopic catalogue. Astronomy and Astrophysics 636, A97 (2020)
Journal Article
Sokolov, V.; Pineda, J. E.; Caselli, P.; Buchner, J.: Probabilistic detection of spectral line components. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 892 (2), L32 (2020)
Journal Article
Virtanen, P.; Gommers, R.; Oliphant, T. E.; Haberland, M.; Reddy, T.; Cournapeau, D.; Burovski, E.; Peterson, P.; Weckesser, W.; Bright, J. et al.; van der Walt, S. J.; Brett, M.; Wilson, J.; Millman, K. J.; Mayorov, N.; Nelson, A. R. J.; Jones, E.; Kern, R.; Larson, E.; Carey, C. J.; Polat, İ.; Feng, Y.; Moore, E. W.; VanderPlas, J.; Laxalde, D.; Perktold, J.; Cimrman, R.; Henriksen, I.; Quintero, E. A.; Harris, C. R.; Archibald, A. M.; Ribeiro, A. H.; Pedregosa, F.; van Mulbregt, P.; Vijaykumar, A.; Bardelli, A. P.; Rothberg, A.; Hilboll, A.; Kloeckner, A.; Scopatz, A.; Lee, A.; Rokem, A.; Woods, C. N.; Fulton, C.; Masson, C.; Häggström, C.; Fitzgerald, C.; Nicholson, D. A.; Hagen, D. R.; Pasechnik, D. V.; Olivetti, E.; Martin, E.; Wieser, E.; Silva, F.; Lenders, F.; Wilhelm, F.; Young, G.; Price, G. A.; Ingold, G.-L.; Allen, G. E.; Lee, G. R.; Audren, H.; Probst, I.; Dietrich, J. P.; Silterra, J.; Webber, J. T.; Slavič, J.; Nothman, J.; Buchner, J.; Kulick, J.; Schönberger, J. L.; de Cardoso, J. V. M.; Reimer, J.; Harrington, J.; Rodríguez, J. L. C.; Nunez-Iglesias, J.; Kuczynski, J.; Tritz, K.; Thoma, M.; Newville, M.; Kümmerer, M.; Bolingbroke, M.; Tartre, M.; Pak, M.; Smith, N. J.; Nowaczyk, N.; Shebanov, N.; Pavlyk, O.; Brodtkorb, P. A.; Lee, P.; McGibbon, R. T.; Feldbauer, R.; Lewis, S.; Tygier, S.; Sievert, S.; Vigna, S.; Peterson, S.; More, S.; Pudlik, T.; Oshima, T.; Pingel, T. J.; Robitaille, T. P.; Spura, T.; Jones, T. R.; Cera, T.; Leslie, T.; Zito, T.; Krauss, T.; Upadhyay, U.; Halchenko, Y. O.; Vázquez-Baeza, Y.: SciPy 1.0: fundamental algorithms for scientific computing in Python. Nature methods 17, pp. 261 - 272 (2020)
Journal Article
Nelson, B. E.; Ford, E. B.; Buchner, J.; Cloutier, R.; Díaz, R. F.; Faria, J. P.; Hara, N. C.; Rajpaul, V. M.; Rukdee, S.: Quantifying the Bayesian Evidence for a Planet in Radial Velocity Data. Astronomical Journal 159 (2), 73 (2020)
Journal Article
Wolf, J.; Salvato, M.; Coffey, D.; Merloni, A.; Buchner, J.; Arcodia, R.; Baron, D.; Carrera, F. J.; Comparat, J.; Schneider, D. P. et al.; Nandra, K.: Exploring the diversity of Type 1 active galactic nuclei identified in SDSS-IV/SPIDERS. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 492 (3), pp. 3580 - 3601 (2020)
Journal Article
Kocevski, D. D.; Hasinger, G.; Brightman, M.; Nandra, K.; Georgakakis, A.; Cappelluti, N.; Civano, F.; Li, Y.; Li, Y.; Aird, J. et al.; Alexander, D. M.; Almaini, O.; Brusa, M.; Buchner, J.; Comastri, A.; Conselice, C. J.; Dickinson, M. A.; Finoguenov, A.; Gilli, R.; Koekemoer, A. M.; Miyaji, T.; Mullaney, J. R.; Papovich, C.; Rosario, D.; Salvato, M.; Silverman, J. D.; Somerville, R. S.; Ueda, Y.: X-UDS: The Chandra legacy survey of the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey field. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 236 (2), 48 (2018)
Journal Article
Georgakakis, A.; Salvato, M.; Liu, Z.; Buchner, J.; Brandt, W. N.; Ananna, T. T.; Schulze, A.; Shen, Y.; LaMassa, S.; Nandra, K. et al.; Merloni, A.; McGreer, I. D.: X-ray constraints on the fraction of obscured active galactic nuclei at high accretion luminosities. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 469 (3), pp. 3232 - 3251 (2017)
Journal Article
Pâris, I.; Petitjean, P.; Ross, N. P.; Myers, A. D.; Aubourg, É.; Streblyanska, A.; Bailey, S.; Armengaud, É.; Palanque-Delabrouille, N.; Yèche, C. et al.; Hamann, F.; Strauss, M. A.; Albareti⋆⋆, F. D.; Bovy, J.; Bizyaev, D.; Brandt, W. N.; Brusa, M.; Buchner, J.; Comparat, J.; Croft, R. A. C.; Dwelly, T.; Fan, X.; Font-Ribera, A.; Ge, J.; Georgakakis, A.; Hall, P. B.; Jiang, L.; Kinemuchi, K.; Malanushenko, E.; Malanushenko, V.; McMahon, R. G.; Menzel, M.-L.; Merloni, A.; Nandra, K.; Noterdaeme, P.; Oravetz, D.; Pan, K.; Pieri, M. M.; Prada, F.; Salvato, M.; Schlegel, D. J.; Schneider, D. P.; Simmons, A.; Viel, M.; Weinberg, D. H.; Zhu, L.: The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Catalog: Twelfth data release. Astronomy & Astrophysics 597, A79, pp. 1 - 25 (2017)
Journal Article
Liu, Z.; Merloni, A.; Georgakakis, A.; Menzel, M.-L.; Buchner, J.; Nandra, K.; Salvato, M.; Shen, Y.; Brusa, M.; Streblyanska, A.: X-ray spectral properties of the AGN sample in the northern XMM-XXL field. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 459 (2), pp. 1602 - 1625 (2016)
Journal Article
Menzel, M.-L.; Merloni, A.; Georgakakis, A.; Salvato, M.; Aubourg, E.; Brandt, W. N.; Brusa, M.; Buchner, J.; Dwelly, T.; Nandra, K. et al.; Pâris, I.; Petitjean, P.; Schwope, A.: A spectroscopic survey of X-ray-selected AGNs in the northern XMM-XXL field. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 457 (1), pp. 110 - 132 (2016)
Journal Article
Fotopoulou, S.; Buchner, J.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Hasinger, G.; Salvato, M.; Georgakakis, A.; Cappelluti, N.; Ranalli, P.; Hsu, L. T.; Brusa, M. et al.; Comastri, A.; Miyaji, T.; Nandra, K.; Aird, J.; Paltani, S.: The 5–10 keV AGN luminosity function at 0.01 < z < 4.0. Astronomy & Astrophysics 587, A142, pp. 1 - 16 (2016)
Journal Article
Buchner, J.: A statistical test for Nested Sampling algorithms. Statistics and Computing 26 (1-2), pp. 383 - 392 (2016)
Journal Article
Georgakakis, A.; Aird, J.; Buchner, J.; Salvato, M.; Menzel, M.-L.; Brandt, W. N.; McGreer, I. D.; Dwelly, T.; Mountrichas, G.; Koki, C. et al.; Georgantopoulos, I.; Hsu, L.-T.; Merloni, A.; Liu, Z.; Nandra, K.; Ross, N. P.: The X-ray luminosity function of active galactic nuclei in the redshift interval z=3-5. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 453 (2), pp. 1946 - 1964 (2015)
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