Publications of R. I. Davies

Journal Article (201)

Journal Article
Rabien, S.; Eisenhauer, F.; Genzel, R.; Davies, R. I.; Ott, T.: Atmospheric turbulence compensation with laser phase shifting interferometry. Astronomy & Astrophysics 450 (1), pp. 415 - 425 (2006)
Journal Article
Dasyra, K. M.; Tacconi, L. J.; Davies, R. I.; Genzel, R.; Lutz, D.; Naab, T.; Burkert, A.; Veilleux, S.; Sanders, D. B.: Dynamical properties of ultraluminous infrared galaxies. I. Mass ratio conditions for ULIRG activity in interacting pairs. Astrophysical Journal 638 (2 Part 1), pp. 745 - 758 (2006)
Journal Article
Sharples, R.; Bender, R.; Bennett, R.; Burch, K.; Carter, P.; Casali, M.; Clark, P.; Content, R.; Davies, R.; Davies, R. et al.; Dubbeldam, M.; Finger, G.; Genzel, R.; Häfner, R.; Hess, A.; Kissler-Patig, M.; Laidlaw, K.; Lehnert, M.; Lewis, I.; Moorwood, A.; Muschielok, B.; Förster Schreiber, N.; Pirard, J.; Ramsay Howat, S.; Rees, P.; Richter, J.; Robertson, D.; Robson, I.; Saglia, R.; Tecza, M.; Thatte, N.; Todd, S.; Wegner, M.: Surveying the high-redshift universe with KMOS. The ESO Messenger 122, pp. 2 - 5 (2005)
Journal Article
Tacconi, L. J.; Dasyra, K.; Davies, R.; Genzel, R.; Lutz, D.; Burkert, A.; Naab, T.; Sturm, E.; Veilleux, S.; Baker, A. J. et al.; Sanders, D. E.: The dynamics and evolution of luminous galaxy mergers: ISAAC spectroscopy of ULIRGs. The ESO Messenger 122, pp. 28 - 31 (2005)
Journal Article
Davies, R. I.; Sternberg, A.; Lehnert, M. D.; Tacconi-Garman, L. E.: Molecular hydrogen excitation around active galactic nuclei. The Astrophysical Journal 633 (1 Part 1), pp. 105 - 121 (2005)
Journal Article
Cresci, G.; Davies, R. I.; Baker, A. J.; Lehnert, M. D.: Accounting for the anisoplanatic point spread function in deep wide-field adaptive optics images. Astronomy & Astrophysics 438 (2), pp. 757 - 767 (2005)
Journal Article
Gillessen, S.; Davies, R.; Kissler-Patig, M.; Lehnert, M.; van der Werf, P.; Nowak, N.; Eisenhauer, F.; Abuter, R.; Horrobin, M.; Gilbert, A. et al.; Genzel, R.; Bender, R.; Saglia, R.; Lemoine-Busserolle, M.; Reunanen, J.; Kjær, K.; Messineo, M.; Nuernberger, D.; Dumas, C.: First science with SINFONI. The ESO Messenger 120, pp. 26 - 32 (2005)
Journal Article
Davies, R.; Hippler, S.; Ragazzoni, R.: Künstliche Sterne und grosse Gesichtsfelder: Adaptive Optik in der Astronomie, Teil 2. Sterne und Weltraum 44 (4), pp. 35 - 45 (2005)
Journal Article
Kasper, M.; Ageorges, N.; Boccaletti, A.; Brandner, W.; Close, L. M.; Davies, R.; Finger, G.; Genzel, R.; Hartung, M.; Kaufer, A. et al.; Kellner, S.; Hubin, N.; Lenzen, R.; Lidman, C.; Monnet, G.; Moorwood, A.; Ott, T.; Riaud, P.; Röser, H.-J.; Rouan, D.; Spyromilio, J.: New observing modes of NACO. The ESO Messenger 119, pp. 9 - 13 (2005)
Journal Article
Tacconi-Garman, L. E.; Sturm, E.; Lehnert, M.; Lutz, D.; Davies, R. I.; Moorwood, A. F. M.: PAH emission variations within the resolved starbursts of NGC 253 and NGC 1808. Astronomy & Astrophysics 432 (1), pp. 91 - 103 (2005)
Journal Article
Prieto, M. A.; Meisenheimer, K.; Marco, O.; Reunanen, J.; Contini, M.; Clenet, Y.; Davies, R. I.; Gratadour, D.; Henning, T.; Klaas, U. et al.; Kotilanien, J.; Leinert, C.; Lutz, D.; Rouan, D.; Thatte, N.: Unveiling the central parsec region of an Active Galactic Nucleus: the Circinus nucleus in the near-infrared with the very large telescope. The Astrophysical Journal 614 (1), pp. 135 - 141 (2004)
Journal Article
Davies, R. I.; Tacconi, L. J.; Genzel, R.: The nuclear gas dynamics and star formation of Markarian 231. The Astrophysical Journal 613 (2), pp. 781 - 793 (2004)
Journal Article
Bonnet, H.; Abuter, R.; Baker, A.; Bornemann, W.; Brown, A.; Castillo, R.; Conzelmann, R.; Damster, R.; Davies, R.; Delabre, B. et al.; Donaldson, R.; Dumas, C.; Eisenhauer, F.; Elswijk, E.; Fedrigo, E.; Finger, G.; Gemperlein, H.; Genzel, R.; Gilbert, A.; Gillet, G.; Goldbrunner, A.; Horrobin, M.; Richter, H.; Huber, S.; Hubin, N.; Iserlohe, C.; Kaufer, A.; Kissler-Patig, M.; Kragt, J.; Kroes, G.; Lehnert, M.; Lieb, W.; Liske, J.; Lizon, J.-L.; Lutz, D.; Modigliani, A.; Monnet, G.; Nesvadba, N.; Patig, J.; Pragt, J.; Reunanen, J.; Röhrle, C.; Rossi, S.; Schmutzer, R.; Schoenmaker, T.; Schreiber, J.; Stroebele, S.; Szeifert, T.; Tacconi, L.; Tecza, M.; Thatte, N.; Tordo, S.; van der Werf, P.; Weisz, H.: First light of SINFONI at the VLT. The ESO Messenger 117, pp. 17 - 24 (2004)
Journal Article
Tecza, M.; Baker, A. J.; Davies, R. I.; Genzel, R.; Lehnert, M. D.; Eisenhauer, F.; Lutz, D.; Nesvadba, N.; Seitz, S.; Tacconi, L. J. et al.; Thatte, N. A.; Abuter, R.; Bender, R.: SPIFFI observations of the starburst SMM J14011+0252: already old, fat, and rich by z = 2.565. The Astrophysical Journal 605, pp. L109 - L112 (2004)
Journal Article
Davies, R. I.; Tacconi, L. J.; Genzel, R.: The nuclear gasdynamics and star formation of NGC 7469. The Astrophysical Journal 602, pp. 148 - 161 (2004)
Journal Article
Davies, R. I.; Sternberg, A.; Lehnert, M.; Tacconi-Garman, L. E.: Molecular hydrogen excitation in ultraluminous infrared galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 597, pp. 907 - 922 (2003)
Journal Article
Eisenhauer, F.; Tecza, M.; Thatte, N.; Genzel, R.; Abuter, R.; Iserlohe, C.; Schreiber, J.; Huber, S.; Röhrle, C.; Horrobin, M. et al.; Schegerer, A.; Baker, A. J.; Bender, R.; Davies, R.; Lehnert, M.; Lutz, D.; Nesvadba, N.; Ott, T.; Seitz, S.; Schödel, R.; Tacconi, L. J.; Bonnet, H.; Castillo, R.; Conzelmann, R.; Donaldson, R.; Finger, G.; Gillet, G.; Hubin, N.; Kissler-Patig, M.; Lizon, J.-L.; Monnet, G.; Ströbele, S.: The universe in 3D: First observations with SPIFFI, the infrared integral field spectrometer for the VLT. The ESO Messenger 113, pp. 17 - 25 (2003)
Journal Article
Butler, D. J.; Davies, R. I.; Redfern, R. M.; Ageorges, N.; Fews, H.: Measuring the absolute height and profile of the mesospheric sodium layer using a continuous wave laser. Astronomy & Astrophysics 403 (2), pp. 775 - 785 (2003)
Journal Article
Sugai, H.; Davies, R. I.; Ward, M. J.: The collimated wind in NGC 253. The Astrophysical Journal 584 (1), pp. L9 - L12 (2003)
Journal Article
Baker, A. J.; Davies, R. I.; Lehnert, M. D.; Thatte, N. A.; Vacca, W. D.; Hainaut, O. R.; Jarvis, M. J.; Miley, G. K.; Röttgering, H. J. A.: Galaxies in southern bright star fields. I. Near-infrared imaging. Astrophysics & Astronomy 406, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20030812, pp. 593 - 601 (2003)
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