Publications of E. Ramos-Ceja Miriam

Journal Article (47)

Journal Article
Bahar, Y. E.; Bulbul, E.; Clerc, N.; Ghirardini, V.; Liu, A.; Nandra, K.; Pacaud, F.; Chiu, I.-N.; Comparat, J.; Ider-Chitham, J. et al.; Klein, M.; Liu, T.; Merloni, A.; Migkas, K.; Okabe, N.; Miriam, E. R.-C.; Reiprich, T. H.; Sanders, J. S.; Schrabback, T.: The eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS) - X-ray properties and scaling relations of galaxy clusters and groups. Astronomy and Astrophysics 661, A7 (2022)
Journal Article
Biffi, V.; Dolag, K.; Reiprich, T. H.; Veronica, A.; Miriam, E. R.-C.; Bulbul, E.; Ota, N.; Ghirardini, V.: The eROSITA view of the Abell 3391/95 field: Case study from the Magneticum cosmological simulation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 661, A17 (2022)
Journal Article
Biffi, V.; Dolag, K.; Reiprich, T. H.; Veronica, A.; Ramos-Ceja, M. E.; Esra, B.; Ota, N.; Vittorio, G.: The eROSITA view of the Abell 3391/95 field: Case study from the Magneticum cosmological simulation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 661, A17 (2022)
Journal Article
Brunner, H.; Liu, T.; Lamer, G.; Georgakakis, A.; Merloni, A.; Brusa, M.; Bulbul, E.; Dennerl, K.; Friedrich, S.; Liu, A. et al.; Maitra, C.; Nandra, K.; Ramos-Ceja, M. E.; Sanders, J. S.; Stewart, I.; Boller, T.; Buchner, J.; Clerc, N.; Comparat, J.; Dwelly, T.; Eckert, D.; Finoguenov, A.; Freyberg, M.; Ghirardini, V.; Gueguen, A.; Haberl, F.; Kreykenbohm, I.; Krumpe, M.; Osterhage, S.; Pacaud, F.; Predehl, P.; Reiprich, T. H.; Robrade, J.; Salvato, M.; Santangelo, A.; Schrabback, T.; Schwope, A.; Wilms, J.: The eROSITA Final Equatorial Depth Survey (eFEDS) - X-ray catalogue. Astronomy and Astrophysics 661, A1 (2022)
Journal Article
Bulbul, E.; Liu, A.; Pasini, T.; Comparat, J.; Hoang, D. N.; Klein, M.; Ghirardini, V.; Salvato, M.; Merloni, A.; Seppi, R. et al.; Wolf, J.; Anderson, S. F.; Bahar, Y. E.; Brusa, M.; Brüggen, M.; Buchner, J.; Dwelly, T.; Ibarra-Medel, H.; Ider Chitham, J.; Liu, T.; Nandra, K.; Ramos-Ceja, M. E.; Sanders, J. S.; Shen, Y.: The eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS) - Galaxy clusters and groups in disguise. Astronomy and Astrophysics 661, A10 (2022)
Journal Article
Ghirardini, V.; Bahar, Y. E.; Bulbul, E.; Liu, A.; Clerc, N.; Pacaud, F.; Comparat, J.; Liu, T.; Miriam, E. R.-C.; Hoang, D. et al.; Ider-Chitham, J.; Klein, M.; Merloni, A.; Nandra, K.; Ota, N.; Predehl, P.; Reiprich, T. H.; Sanders, J.; Schrabback, T.: The eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS) - Characterization of morphological properties of galaxy groups and clusters. Astronomy and Astrophysics 661, A12 (2022)
Journal Article
Iljenkarevic, J.; Reiprich, T. H.; Pacaud, F.; Veronica, A.; Whelan, B.; Aschersleben, J.; Migkas, K.; Bulbul, E.; Sanders, J. S.; Ramos-Ceja, M. E. et al.; Liu, T.; Ghirardini, V.; Liu, A.; Boller, T.: eROSITA spectro-imaging analysis of the Abell 3408 galaxy cluster. Astronomy and Astrophysics 661, A26 (2022)
Journal Article
Klein, M.; Oguri, M.; Mohr, J. J.; Grandis, S.; Ghirardini, V.; Liu, T.; Liu, A.; Bulbul, E.; Wolf, J.; Comparat, J. et al.; Ramos-Ceja, M. E.; Buchner, J.; Chiu, I.; Clerc, N.; Merloni, A.; Miyatake, H.; Miyazaki, S.; Okabe, N.; Ota, N.; Pacaud, F.; Salvato, M.; Driver, S. P.: The eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS) - Optical confirmation, redshifts, and properties of the cluster and group catalog. Astronomy and Astrophysics 661, A4 (2022)
Journal Article
Liu, A.; Bulbul, E.; Ghirardini, V.; Liu, T.; Klein, M.; Clerc, N.; Özsoy, Y.; Ramos-Ceja, M. E.; Pacaud, F.; Comparat, J. et al.; Okabe, N.; Bahar, Y. E.; Biffi, V.; Brunner, H.; Brüggen, M.; Buchner, J.; Ider Chitham, J.; Chiu, I.; Dolag, K.; Gatuzz, E.; Gonzalez, J.; Hoang, D. N.; Lamer, G.; Merloni, A.; Nandra, K.; Oguri, M.; Ota, N.; Predehl, P.; Reiprich, T. H.; Salvato, M.; Schrabback, T.; Sanders, J. S.; Seppi, R.; Thibaud, Q.: The eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS) - Catalog of galaxy clusters and groups. Astronomy and Astrophysics 661, A2 (2022)
Journal Article
Liu, T.; Merloni, A.; Comparat, J.; Nandra, K.; Sanders, J.; Lamer, G.; Buchner, J.; Dwelly, T.; Freyberg, M.; Malyali, A. et al.; Georgakakis, A.; Salvato, M.; Brunner, H.; Brusa, M.; Klein, M.; Ghirardini, V.; Clerc, N.; Pacaud, F.; Bulbul, E.; Liu, A.; Schwope, A.; Robrade, J.; Wilms, J.; Dauser, T.; Miriam, E. R.-C.; Reiprich, T. H.; Boller, T.; Wolf, J.: Establishing the X-ray source detection strategy for eROSITA with simulations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 661, A27 (2022)
Journal Article
nCChhiiuu, N.-o.; Ghirardini, V.; Liu, A.; Grandis, S.; Bulbul, E.; Bahar, Y. E.; Comparat, J.; Bocquet, S.; Clerc, N.; Klein, M. et al.; Liu, T.; Li, X.; Miyatake, H.; Mohr, J.; More, S.; Oguri, M.; Okabe, N.; Pacaud, F.; Ramos-Ceja, M. E.; Reiprich, T. H.; Schrabback, T.; Umetsu, K.: The eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS) - X-ray observable-to-mass-and-redshift relations of galaxy clusters and groups with weak-lensing mass calibration from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics 661, A11 (2022)
Journal Article
Pasini, T.; Brüggen, M.; Hoang, D. N.; Ghirardini, V.; Bulbul, E.; Klein, M.; Liu, A.; Shimwell, T. W.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Williams, W. L. et al.; Botteon, A.; Gastaldello, F.; van Weeren, R. J.; Merloni, A.; de Gasperin, F.; Bahar, Y. E.; Pacaud, F.; Ramos-Ceja, M.: The eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS) - LOFAR view of brightest cluster galaxies and AGN feedback. Astronomy and Astrophysics 661, A13 (2022)
Journal Article
Ramos-Ceja, M. E.; Oguri, M.; Miyazaki, S.; Ghirardini, V.; Chiu, I.; Okabe, N.; Liu, A.; Schrabback, T.; Akino, D.; Bahar, Y. E. et al.; Bulbul, E.; Clerc, N.; Comparat, J.; Grandis, S.; Klein, M.; Lin, Y.-T.; Merloni, A.; Mitsuishi, I.; Miyatake, H.; More, S.; Nandra, K.; Nishizawa, A. J.; Ota, N.; Pacaud, F.; Reiprich, T. H.; Sanders, J. S.: The eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS) - A complete census of X-ray properties of Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam weak lensing shear-selected clusters in the eFEDS footprint. Astronomy and Astrophysics 661, A14 (2022)
Journal Article
Sanders, J. S.; Biffi, V.; Brüggen, M.; Bulbul, E.; Dennerl, K.; Dolag, K.; Erben, T.; Freyberg, M.; Gatuzz, E.; Ghirardini, V. et al.; Hoang, D. N.; Klein, M.; Liu, A.; Merloni, A.; Pacaud, F.; Ramos-Ceja, M. E.; Reiprich, T. H.; ZuHone, J. A.: Studying the merging cluster Abell 3266 with eROSITA. Astronomy and Astrophysics 661, A36 (2022)
Journal Article
Schwope, A.; Pires, A. M.; Kurpas, J.; Doroshenko, V.; Suleimanov, V. F.; Freyberg, M. J.; Becker, W.; Dennerl, K.; Haberl, F.; Lamer, G. et al.; Maitra, C.; Potekhin, A. Y.; Miriam, E. R.-C.; Santangelo, A.; Traulsen, I.; Werner, K.: Phase-resolved X-ray spectroscopy of PSR B0656+14 with SRG/eROSITA and XMM-Newton. Astronomy and Astrophysics 661, A41 (2022)
Journal Article
Giles, P. A.; Robotham, A.; Ramos-Ceja, M. E.; Maughan, B. J.; Sereno, M.; McGee, S.; Phillipps, S.; Iovino, A.; Turner, D. J.; Adami, C. et al.; Brough, S.; Chiappetti, L.; Driver, S. P.; Evrard, A. E.; Farahi, A.; Gastaldello, F.; Holwerda, B. W.; Hopkins, A. M.; Koulouridis, E.; Pacaud, F.; Pierre, M.; Pimbblet, K. A.: The XXL Survey. XLII. The LX − σv relation of galaxy groups and clusters detected in the XXL and GAMA surveys. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511 (1), pp. 1227 - 1246 (2022)
Journal Article
Xu, W.; Miriam, E. R.-C.; Pacaud, F.; Reiprich, T. H.; Erben, T.: Catalog of X-ray-selected extended galaxy clusters from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RXGCC). Astronomy and Astrophysics 658, A59 (2022)
Journal Article
Koulouridis, E.; Clerc, N.; Sadibekova, T.; Chira, M.; Drigga, E.; Faccioli, L.; Le Fèvre, J. P.; Garrel, C.; Gaynullina, E.; Gkini, A. et al.; Kosiba, M.; Pacaud, F.; Pierre, M.; Ridl, J.; Tazhenova, K.; Adami, C.; Altieri, B.; Baguley, J.-C.; Cabanac, R.; Cucchetti, E.; Khalikova, A.; Lieu, M.; Melin, J.-B.; Molham, M.; Ramos-Ceja, M. E.; Soucail, G.; Takey, A.; Valtchanov, I.: The X-CLASS survey: A catalogue of 1646 X-ray-selected galaxy clusters up to z ∼ 1.5. Astronomy and Astrophysics 652, A12 (2021)
Journal Article
Migkas, K.; Pacaud, F.; Schellenberger, G.; Erler, J.; Nguyen-Dang, N. T.; Reiprich, T. H.; Ramos-Ceja, M. E.; Lovisari, L.: Cosmological implications of the anisotropy of ten galaxy cluster scaling relations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 649, A151 (2021)
Journal Article
Arcodia, R.; Merloni, A.; Nandra, K.; Buchner, J.; Salvato, M.; Pasham, D.; Remillard, R.; Comparat, J.; Lamer, G.; Ponti, G. et al.; Malyali, A.; Wolf, J.; Arzoumanian, Z.; Bogensberger, D.; Buckley, D. A. H.; Gendreau, K.; Gromadzki, M.; Kara, E.; Krumpe, M.; Markwardt, C.; Ramos-Ceja, M. E.; Rau, A.; Schramm, M.; Schwope, A.: X-ray quasi-periodic eruptions from two previously quiescent galaxies. Nature 592, pp. 704 - 707 (2021)
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