Publications of E. Artis
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Conference Paper (9)
Conference Paper
IAS/CEA Evolution of Dust in Nearby Galaxies (ICED): the spatially-resolved dust properties of NGC4254. Conference on Observing the Universe at mm Wavelengths (MM Universe), Lab Physique Subatomique & Cosmol, Grenoble, FRANCE, June 26, 2023 - June 30, 2023. OBSERVING THE UNIVERSE AT MM WAVELENGTHS, MM UNIVERSE 2023 00038, (2024)
Conference Paper
The NIKA2 Sunyaev-Zeldovich Large Program: Sample and upcoming product public release. Conference on Observing the Universe at mm Wavelengths (MM Universe), Lab Physique Subatomique & Cosmol, Grenoble, FRANCE, June 26, 2023 - June 30, 2023. OBSERVING THE UNIVERSE AT MM WAVELENGTHS, MM UNIVERSE 2023 00040, (2024)
Conference Paper
Constraining millimeter dust emission in nearby galaxies with NIKA2: The case of NGC2146 and NGC2976. Conference on Observing the Universe at mm Wavelengths (MM Universe), Lab Physique Subatomique & Cosmol, Grenoble, FRANCE, June 26, 2023 - June 30, 2023. OBSERVING THE UNIVERSE AT MM WAVELENGTHS, MM UNIVERSE 2023 00016, (2024)