Publications of Th. Boller

Journal Article (81)

Journal Article
Miniutti, G.; Fabian, A. C.; Brandt, W. N.; Gallo, L. C.; Boller, T.: PHL 1092 as a transient extreme X-ray weak quasar. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters 396 (1), pp. L85 - L89 (2009)
Journal Article
Fabian, A. C.; Zoghbi, A.; Ross, R. R.; Uttley, P.; Gallo, L. C.; Brandt, W. N.; Blustin, A. J.; Boller, T.; Cadallero-Garcia, M. D.; Larsson, J. et al.; Miller, J. M.; Miniutti, G.; Ponti, G.; Reis, R. C.; Reynolds, C. S.; Tanaka, Y.; Young, A. J.: Broad line emission from iron K- and L-shell transitions in the active galaxy 1H 0707-495. Nature 459 (7246), pp. 540 - 542 (2009)
Journal Article
Arnaud, M.; Barcons, X.; Barret, D.; Bautz, M.; Bellazzini, R.; Bleeker, J.; Böhringer, H.; Boller, T.; Nielsen Brandt, W.; Cappi, M. et al.; Carrera, F.; Comastri, A.; Costa, E.; Courvoisier, T.; de Korte, P.; Dwelly, T.; Fabian, A.; Flanagan, K.; Gilli, R.; Griffiths, R.; Hasinger, G.; Kaastra, J.; Kahn, S.; Kelley, R.; Kunieda, H.; Makishima, K.; Matt, G.; Mendez, M.; Mitsuda, K.; Nandra, K.; Ohashi, T.; Page, M.; Palumbo, G.; Pavlinsky, M.; Sciortino, S.; Smith, A.; Strüder, L.; Takahashi, T.; Türler, M.; Turner, M.; Ueda, Y.; Vignali, C.; Vink, J.; Warwick, R.; Watson, M.; Willingale, R.; Zhang, S. N.: XEUS: the physics of the hot evolving universe. ESA's Cosmic Vision 2007: Astrophysics Mission Proposals, pp. 139 - 168 (2009)
Journal Article
Watson, M. G.; Schröder, A. C.; Fyfe, D.; Page, C. G.; Lamer, G.; Mateos, S.; Pye, J.; Sakano, M.; Rosen, S.; Ballet, J. et al.; Barcons, X.; Barret, D.; Boller, T.; Brunner, H.; Brusa, M.; Caccianiga, A.; Carrera, F. J.; Ceballos, M.; Della Ceca, R.; Denby, M.; Denkinson, G.; Dupuy, S.; Farrell, S.; Fraschetti, F.; Freyberg, M. J.; Guillout, P.; Hambaryan, V.; Maccacaro, T.; Mathiesen, B.; McMahon, R.; Michel, L.; Motch, C.; Osborne, J. P.; Page, M.; Pakull, M. W.; Pietsch, W.; Saxton, R.; Schwope, A.; Severgnini, P.; Simpson, M.; Sironi, G.; Stewart, G.; Stewart, I. M.; Stobbart, A.-M.; Tedds, J.; Warwick, R.; Webb, N.; West, R.; Worrall, D.; Yuan, W.: The XMM-Newton serendipitous survey - V. The second XMM-Newton serendipitous source catalogue. Astronomy & Astrophysics 493 (1), pp. 339 - 373 (2009)
Journal Article
Barcons, X.; Carrera, F. J.; Ceballos, M. T.; Page, M. J.; Bussons-Gordo, J.; Corral, A.; Ebrero, J.; Mateos, S.; Tedds, J. A.; Watson, M. G. et al.; Baskill, D.; Birkinshaw, M.; Boller, T.; Borisov, N.; Bremer, M.; Bromage, G. E.; Brunner, H.; Caccianiga, A.; Crawford, C. S.; Cropper, M. S.; Della Ceca, R.; Derry, P.; Fabian, A. C.; Guillout, P.; Hashimoto, Y.; Hassall, B. J. M.; Lamer, G.; Loaring, N. S.; Maccacaro, T.; Mason, K. O.; McMahon, R. G.; Mirioni, L.; Mittaz, J. P. D.; Motch, C.; Negueruela, I.; Osborne, J. P.; Panessa, F.; Pérez-Fournon, I.; Pye, J. P.; Roberts, T. P.; Rosen, S.; Schartel, N.; Schurch, N.; Schwope, A.; Severgnini, P.; Sharp, R.; Stewart, G. C.; Szokoly, G.; Ullán, A.; Ward, M. J.; Warwick, R. S.; Wheatley, P. J.; Webb, N. A.; Worrall, D.; Yuan, W.; Ziaeepour, H.: The XMM-Newton serendipitous survey - IV. Optical identification of the XMM-Newton medium sensitivity survey (XMS). Astronomy & Astrophysics 476 (3), pp. 1191 - 1203 (2007)
Journal Article
Page, M. J.; Lehmann, I.; Boller, T.; Watson, M. G.; Dwelly, T.; Hess, S.; Matute, I.; Loaring, N. S.; Rosen, S.; Ziaeepour, H. et al.; Schwope, A.; Lamer, G.; Carrera, F. J.; Tedds, J.; Della Ceca, R.; Severgnini, P.; McMahon, R. G.; Yuan, W.: The XMM-SSC survey of hard-spectrum XMM–Newton sources – I. Optically bright sources. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 378 (4), pp. 1335 - 1355 (2007)
Journal Article
Costantini, E.; Gallo, L. C.; Brandt, W. N.; Fabian, A. C.; Boller, T.: A longer XMM–Newton look at I Zwicky 1: physical conditions and variability of the ionized absorbers. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 378 (3), pp. 873 - 880 (2007)
Journal Article
Boller, T.: Matter under strong gravity. International Journal of Modern Physics E-Nuclear Physics 16 (4), pp. 1083 - 1091 (2007)
Journal Article
Boller, T.; Balestra, I.; Kollatschny, W.: XMM-Newton observation of Mrk 110. Astronomy & Astrophysics 465 (1), pp. 87 - 93 (2007)
Journal Article
Gallo, L. C.; Edwards, P. G.; Ferrero, E.; Kataoka, J.; Lewis, D. R.; Ellingsen, S. P.; Misanovic, Z.; Welsh, W. F.; Whiting, M.; Boller, T. et al.; Brinkmann, W.; Greenhill, J.; Oshlack, A.: The spectral energy distribution of PKS 2004–447: a compact steep-spectrum source and possible radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters 370 (1), pp. 245 - 254 (2006)
Journal Article
Gallo, L. C.; Lehmann, I.; Pietsch, W.; Boller, T.; Brinkmann, W.; Friedrich, P.; Grupe, D.: XMM–Newton observations of bright ROSAT selected active galactic nuclei with low intrinsic absorption. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 365 (2), pp. 688 - 698 (2006)
Journal Article
Boller, T.: Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies with high-energy sharp spectral drops: reflection-versus absorption models. Astronomische Nachrichten 327 (10), pp. 1071 - 1075 (2006)
Journal Article
Shemmer, O.; Brandt, W. N.; Gallagher, S. C.; Vignali, C.; Boller, T.; Chartas, G.; Comastri, A.: XMM-Newton spectroscopy of the highly polarized and luminous broad absorption line quasar CSO 755. The Astronomical Journal 130 (6), pp. 2522 - 2528 (2005)
Journal Article
Balestra, I.; Boller, T.; Gallo, L.; Lutz, D.; Hess, S.: XMM-Newton spectral properties of the ultraluminous IRAS galaxy Mrk 273. Astronomy & Astrophysics 442 (2), pp. 469 - 478 (2005)
Journal Article
Gallo, L. C.; Balestra, I.; Costantini, E.; Boller, T.; Burwitz, V.; Ferrero, E.; Mathur, S.: An X-ray view of Mrk 705: a borderline narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy. Astronomy & Astrophysics 442 (3), pp. 909 - 915 (2005)
Journal Article
Gallo, L. C.; Fabian, A. C.; Boller, T.; Pietsch, W.: A possible line-like emission feature at 8 keV in the Seyfert 1.2 UGC 3973. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 363 (1), pp. 64 - 70 (2005)
Journal Article
Crummy, J.; Fabian, A. C.; Brandt, W. N.; Boller, T.: Investigating ionized disc models of the variable narrow-line Seyfert 1 PG 1404+226. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 361 (4), pp. 1197 - 1202 (2005)
Journal Article
Netzer, H.; Lemze, D.; Kaspi, S.; George, I. M.; Turner, T. J.; Lutz, D.; Boller, T.; Chelouche, D.: XMM-Newton spectroscopy of the starburst-dominated ultraluminous infrared galaxy NGC 6240. The Astrophysical Journal 629 (2 Part 1), pp. 739 - 749 (2005)
Journal Article
Kim, C.; Boller, T.; Ghosh, K. K.: Detection of X-ray emission from galaxies inside and towards the nearby voids. Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society 38 (1), pp. 1 - 6 (2005)
Journal Article
Gallo, L. C.; Tanaka, Y.; Boller, T.; Fabian, A. C.; Vaughan, S.; Brandt, W. N.: Long-term spectral changes in the partial-covering candidate narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0707-495. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 353 (4), pp. 1064 - 1070 (2004)
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