Publications of S. Bruderer

Journal Article (77)

Journal Article
Kristensen, L. E.; Van Dishoeck, E. F.; Benz, A. O.; Bruderer, S.; Visser, R.; Wampfler, S. F.: Observational evidence for dissociative shocks in the inner 100 AU of low-mass protostars using Herschel-HIFI. Astronomy & Astrophysics 557, A23, pp. 1 - 13 (2013)
Journal Article
Harsono, D.; Visser, R.; Bruderer, S.; Van Dishoeck, E. F.; Kristensen, L. E.: Evolution of CO lines in time-dependent models of protostellar disk formation. Astronomy & Astrophysics 555, A45, pp. 1 - 17 (2013)
Journal Article
van der Marel, N.; Van Dishoeck, E. F.; Bruderer, S.; Birnstiel, T.; Pinilla, P.; Dullemond, C. P.; van Kempen, T. A.; Schmalzl, M.; Brown, J. M.; Herczeg, G. J. et al.; Mathews, G. S.; Geers, V.: A major asymmetric dust trap in a transition disk. Science 340 (6137), pp. 1199 - 1202 (2013)
Journal Article
Karska, A.; Herczeg, G. J.; Van Dishoeck, E. F.; Wampfler, S. F.; Kristensen, L. E.; Goicoechea, J. R.; Visser, R.; Nisini, B.; San José-García, I.; Bruderer, S. et al.; Śniady, P.; Doty, S.; Fedele, D.; Yıldız, U. A.; Benz, A. O.; Bergin, E.; Caselli, P.; Herpin, F.; Hogerheijde, M. R.; Johnstone, D.; Jørgensen, J. K.; Liseau, R.; Tafalla, M.; van der Tak, F.; Wyrowski, F.: Water in star-forming regions with Herschel (WISH) - III. Far-infrared cooling lines in low-mass young stellar objects. Astronomy & Astrophysics 552, A141, pp. 1 - 48 (2013)
Journal Article
Wampfler, S. F.; Bruderer, S.; Karska, A.; Herczeg, G. J.; Van Dishoeck, E. F.; Kristensen, L. E.; Goicoechea, J. R.; Benz, A. O.; Doty, S. D.; McCoey, C. et al.; Baudry, A.; Giannini, T.; Larsson, B.: OH far-infrared emission from low- and intermediate-mass protostars surveyed with Herschel-PACS. Astronomy & Astrophysics 552, A56, pp. 1 - 45 (2013)
Journal Article
Johnstone, D.; Hendricks, B.; Herczeg, G. J.; Bruderer, S.: Continuum variability of deeply embedded protostars as a probe of envelope structure. The Astrophysical Journal 765 (2), 133, pp. 1 - 10 (2013)
Journal Article
González-Alfonso, E.; Fischer, J.; Bruderer, S.; Müller, H. S. P.; Graciá-Carpio, J.; Sturm, E.; Lutz, D.; Poglitsch, A.; Feuchtgruber, H.; Veilleux, S. et al.; Contursi, A.; Sternberg, A.; Hailey-Dunsheath, S.; Verma, A.; Christopher, N.; Davies, R.; Genzel, R.; Tacconi, L.: Excited OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ in NGC 4418 and Arp 220. Astronomy & Astrophysics 550, A25, pp. 1 - 23 (2013)
Journal Article
Fedele, D.; Bruderer, S.; Van Dishoeck, E. F.; Herczeg, G. J.; Evans, N. J.; Bouwman, J.; Henning, T.; Green, J.: Warm H2O and OH in the disk around the Herbig star HD 163296. Astronomy & Astrophysics 544, L9, pp. 1 - 5 (2012)
Journal Article
Banzatti, A.; Meyer, M. R.; Bruderer, S.; Geers, V.; Pascucci, I.; Lahuis, F.; Juhász, A.; Henning, T.; Ábrahám, P.: Erratum: "EX Lupi from Quiescence to Outburst: Exploring the LTE Approach in Modeling Blended H2O and OH Mid-infrared Emission" (2012, ApJ, 745, 90). The Astrophysical Journal 751 (2), 160, p. 1 - 1 (2012)
Journal Article
Kristensen, L. E.; Van Dishoeck, E. F.; Bergin, E. A.; Visser, R.; Yıldız, U. A.; San Jose-Garcia, I.; Jørgensen, J. K.; Herczeg, G. J.; Johnstone, D.; Wampfler, S. F. et al.; Benz, A. O.; Bruderer, S.; Cabrit, S.; Caselli, P.; Doty, S. D.; Harsono, D.; Herpin, F.; Hogerheijde, M. R.; Karska, A.; van Kempen, T. A.; Liseau, R.; Nisini, B.; Tafalla, M.; van der Tak, F.; Wyrowski, F.: Water in star-forming regions with Herschel (WISH) - II. Evolution of 557 GHz 110–101 emission in low-mass protostars. Astronomy & Astrophysics 542, A8, pp. 1 - 28 (2012)
Journal Article
Bruderer, S.; Van Dishoeck, E. F.; Doty, S. D.; Herczeg, G. J.: The warm gas atmosphere of the HD 100546 disk seen by Herschel - Evidence of a gas-rich, carbon-poor atmosphere? Astronomy & Astrophysics 541, A91, pp. 1 - 28 (2012)
Journal Article
Liseau, R.; Goldsmith, P. F.; Larsson, B.; Pagani, L.; Bergman, P.; Le Bourlot, J.; Bell, T. A.; Benz, A. O.; Bergin, E. A.; Bjerkeli, P. et al.; Black, J. H.; Bruderer, S.; Caselli, P.; Caux, E.; Chen, J.-H.; de Luca, M.; Encrenaz, P.; Falgarone, E.; Gerin, M.; Goicoechea, J. R.; Hjalmarson, Å.; Hollenbach, D. J.; Justtanont, K.; Kaufman, M. J.; Le Petit, F.; Li, D.; Lis, D. C.; Melnick, G. J.; Nagy, Z.; Olofsson, A. O. H.; Olofsson, G.; Roueff, E.; Sandqvist, A.; Snell, R. L.; van der Tak, F. F. S.; Van Dishoeck, E. F.; Vastel, C.; Viti, S.; Yıldız, U. A.: Multi-line detection of O2 toward ρ Ophiuchi A. Astronomy & Astrophysics 541, A73, pp. 1 - 10 (2012)
Journal Article
Herczeg, G. J.; Karska, A.; Bruderer, S.; Kristensen, L. E.; Van Dishoeck, E. F.; Jørgensen, J. K.; Visser, R.; Wampfler, S. F.; Bergin, E. A.; Yıldız, U. A. et al.; Pontoppidan, K. M.; Gracia-Carpio, J.: Water in star-forming regions with Herschel: highly excited molecular emission from the NGC 1333 IRAS 4B outflow. Astronomy & Astrophysics 540, A84, pp. 1 - 23 (2012)
Journal Article
Neufeld, D. A.; Roueff, E.; Snell, R. L.; Lis, D.; Benz, A. O.; Bruderer, S.; Black, J. H.; De Luca, M.; Gerin, M.; Goldsmith, P. F. et al.; Gupta, H.; Indriolo, N.; Le Bourlot, J.; Le Petit, F.; Larsson, B.; Melnick, G. J.; Menten, K. M.; Monje, R.; Nagy, Z.; Phillips, T. G.; Sandqvist, A.; Sonnentrucker, P.; van der Tak, F.; Wolfire, M. G.: Herschel observations of interstellar chloronium. The Astrophysical Journal 748 (1), 37, pp. 1 - 11 (2012)
Journal Article
Banzatti, A.; Meyer, M. R.; Bruderer, S.; Geers, V.; Pascucci, I.; Lahuis, F.; Juhász, A.; Henning, T.; Ábrahám, P.: EX Lupi from quiescence to outburst: exploring the LTE approach in modeling blended H2O and OH mid-infrared emission. The Astrophysical Journal 745 (1), 90, pp. 1 - 16 (2012)
Journal Article
Visser, R.; Kristensen, L. E.; Bruderer, S.; Van Dishoeck, E. F.; Herczeg, G. J.; Brinch, C.; Doty, S. D.; Harsono, D.; Wolfire, M. G.: Modelling Herschel observations of hot molecular gas emission from embedded low-mass protostars. Astronomy & Astrophysics 537, A55, pp. 1 - 19 (2012)
Journal Article
Wampfler, S. F.; Bruderer, S.; Kristensen, L. E.; Chavarría, L.; Bergin, E. A.; Benz, A. O.; Van Dishoeck, E. F.; Herczeg, G. J.; van der Tak, F. F. S.; Goicoechea, J. R. et al.; Doty, S. D.; Herpin, F.: First hyperfine resolved far-infrared OH spectrum from a star-forming region. Astronomy & Astrophysics 531, L16, pp. 1 - 5 (2011)

Conference Paper (5)

Conference Paper
Murillo, N. M.; Walsh, C.; Van Dishoeck, E. F.; Bruderer, S.; Harsono, D.; Lai, S.-P.: Tracing the disk, envelope and outflow cavity of VLA1623 with ALMA. In: The 6th Zermatt ISM-Symposium Conditions and Impact of Star Formation: From Lab to Space, pp. 287 - 288 (Eds. Simon, R.; Schaaf, R.; Stutzki, J.). The 6th Zermatt ISM-Symposium Conditions and Impact of Star Formation: From Lab to Space, Zermatt, Switzerland, September 07, 2015 - September 11, 2015. (2016)
Conference Paper
van der Marel, N.; Van Dishoeck, E. F.; Bruderer, S.; Pinilla, P.; van Kempen, T.; Perez, L.; Isella, A.: Gas cavities inside dust cavities in disks inferred from ALMA observations. In: Young Stars and Planets near the Sun (IAU Symposium 314), pp. 139 - 142 (Eds. Kastner, J. H.; Stelzer, B.; Metchev, S.). 314th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, May 11, 2015 - May 15, 2015. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2016)
Conference Paper
Van Dishoeck, E. F.; van der Marel, N.; Bruderer, S.; Pinilla, P.: Quantifying the gas inside dust cavities in transitional disks: implications for young planets. In: Revolution in Astronomy with ALMA: The Third Year, pp. 281 - 284 (Eds. Iono, D.; Tatematsu, K.; Wootten, A.; Testi, L.). Revolution in Astronomy with ALMA: The Third Year, Tokyo, Japan, December 08, 2014 - December 11, 2014. (2015)
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