Publications of A. V. Ivlev

Journal Article (207)

Journal Article
Ivlev, A. V.; Zhukhovitskii, D. I.: The drag force on a subsonic projectile in a fluid complex plasma. Physics of Plasmas 19 (9), 093703, pp. 1 - 4 (2012)
Journal Article
Pustylnik, M. Y.; Ivlev, A. V.; Sadeghi, N.; Heidemann, R.; Mitic, S.; Thomas, H. M.; Morfill, G. E.: On the heterogeneous character of the heartbeat instability in complex (dusty) plasmas. Physics of Plasmas 19 (10), 103701, pp. 1 - 7 (2012)
Journal Article
Du, C.-R.; Sütterlin, K. R.; Ivlev, A. V.; Thomas, H. M.; Morfill, G. E.: Model experiment for studying lane formation in binary complex plasmas. Europhysics Letters 99 (4), 45001, pp. p1 - p4 (2012)
Journal Article
Du, C.-R.; Sütterlin, K. R.; Jiang, K.; Räth, C.; Ivlev, A. V.; Khrapak, S.; Schwabe, M.; Thomas, H. M.; Fortov, V. E.; Lipaev, A. M. et al.; Molotkov, V. I.; Petrov, O. F.; Malentschenko, Y.; Yurtschichin, F.; Lonchakov, Y.; Morfill, G. E.: Experimental investigation on lane formation in complex plasmas under microgravity conditions. New Journal of Physics 14 (7), 073058, pp. 1 - 17 (2012)
Journal Article
Zhukhovitskii, D. I.; Fortov, V. E.; Molotkov, V. I.; Lipaev, A. M.; Naumkin, V. N.; Thomas, H. M.; Ivlev, A. V.; Schwabe, M.; Morfill, G. E.: Nonviscous motion of a slow particle in a dust crystal under microgravity conditions. Physical Review E 86 (1 Part 2), 016401, pp. 1 - 7 (2012)
Journal Article
Röcker, T. B.; Zhdanov, S. K.; Ivlev, A. V.; Lampe, M.; Joyce, G.; Morfill, G. E.: Effective dipole moment for the mode coupling instability: mapping of self-consistent wake models. Physics of Plasmas 19 (7), 073708, pp. 1 - 7 (2012)
Journal Article
Chaudhuri, M.; Nosenko, V.; Knapek, C.; Konopka, U.; Ivlev, A. V.; Thomas, H. M.; Morfill, G. E.: Direct experimental observation of binary agglomerates in complex plasmas. Applied Physics Letters 100 (26), 264101, pp. 1 - 4 (2012)
Journal Article
Khrapak, S. A.; Klumov, B. A.; Huber, P.; Molotkov, V. I.; Lipaev, A. M.; Naumkin, V. N.; Ivlev, A. V.; Thomas, H. M.; Schwabe, M.; Morfill, G. E. et al.; Petrov, O. F.; Fortov, V. E.; Malentschenko, Y.; Volkov, S.: Fluid-solid phase transitions in three-dimensional complex plasmas under microgravity conditions. Physical Review E 85 (6 Part 2), 066407, pp. 1 - 12 (2012)
Journal Article
Morfill, G. E.; Ivlev, A. V.; Thomas, H. M.: Complex (dusty) plasmas—kinetic studies of strong coupling phenomena. Physics of Plasmas 19 (5), 055402, pp. 1 - 14 (2012)
Journal Article
Nosenko, V.; Ivlev, A. V.; Morfill, G. E.: Microstructure of a liquid two-dimensional dusty plasma under shear. Physical Review Letters 108 (13), 135005, pp. 1 - 5 (2012)
Journal Article
Röcker, T. B.; Ivlev, A. V.; Kompaneets, R.; Morfill, G. E.: Mode coupling in two-dimensional plasma crystals: role of the wake model. Physics of Plasmas 19 (3), 033708, pp. 1 - 6 (2012)
Journal Article
Kompaneets, R.; Ivlev, A. V.; Vladimirov, S. V.; Morfill, G. E.: Instability of ion kinetic waves in a weakly ionized plasma. Physical Review E 85 (2 Part 2), 026412, pp. 1 - 11 (2012)
Journal Article
Schwabe, M.; Jiang, K.; Zhdanov, S.; Hagl, T.; Huber, P.; Ivlev, A. V.; Lipaev, A. M.; Molotkov, V. I.; Naumkin, V. N.; Sütterlin, K. R. et al.; Thomas, H. M.; Fortov, V. E.; Morfill, G. E.; Skvortsov, A.; Volkov, S.: Direct measurement of the speed of sound in a complex plasma under microgravity conditions. Europhysics Letters 96 (5), 55001, pp. p1 - p6 (2011)
Journal Article
Annaratone, B. M.; Ivlev, A. V.; Fortov, V. E.; Khrapak, A. G.; Khrapak, S. A.; Molotkov, V. I.; Morfill, G. E.: Complex plasmas with rodlike particles. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 39 (11 Part 1), pp. 2732 - 2733 (2011)
Journal Article
Jiang, K.; Hou, L.-J.; Ivlev, A. V.; Li, Y.-F.; Sütterlin, K. R.; Thomas, H. M.; Morfill, G. E.: Demixing in binary complex plasma: computer simulation. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 39 (11 Part 1), pp. 2752 - 2753 (2011)
Journal Article
Schwabe, M.; Zhdanov, S.; Rubin-Zuzic, M.; Ivlev, A.; Thomas, H.; Morfill, G.: Bursting bubbles in a complex plasma. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 39 (11 Part 1), pp. 2726 - 2727 (2011)
Journal Article
Schwabe, M.; Hou, L.-J.; Zhdanov, S.; Ivlev, A. V.; Thomas, H. M.; Morfill, G. E.: Convection in a dusty radio-frequency plasma under the influence of a thermal gradient. New Journal of Physics 13 (8), 083034, pp. 1 - 17 (2011)
Journal Article
Couëdel, L.; Zhdanov, S. K.; Ivlev, A. V.; Nosenko, V.; Thomas, H. M.; Morfill, G. E.: Wave mode coupling due to plasma wakes in two-dimensional plasma crystals: in-depth view. Physics of Plasmas 18 (8), 083707, pp. 1 - 14 (2011)
Journal Article
Vasilyak, L.M.; Fortov, V.E.; Morfill, G. E.; Ivlev, A. V.; Pustylnik, M. Y.; Polyakov, D.N.; Thomas, H. M.; Vetchinin, S.P.: Increase of kinetic energy of dusty cluster particles due to parametric instability caused by nanosecond electric pulses. Contributions to Plasma Physics 51 (6), pp. 529 - 532 (2011)
Journal Article
Upadhyaya, N.; Nosenko, V.; Mišković, Z. L.; Hou, L.-J.; Ivlev, A. V.; Morfill, G. E.: A full account of compressional wave in 2D strongly coupled complex (dusty) plasmas: theory, experiment and numerical simulation. Europhysics Letters 94 (6), 65001, pp. p1 - p6 (2011)
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