Publications of A. Bähr

Journal Article (3)

Journal Article
Majewski, P.; Aschauer, F.; Aschauer, S.; Bähr, A.; Bergbauer, B.; Hilchenbach, M.; Krumrey, M.; Laubis, C.; Lauf, T.; Lechner, P. et al.: Calibration measurements on the DEPFET Detectors for the MIXS instrument on BepiColombo. Experimental Astronomy 37 (3), pp. 525 - 538 (2014)
Journal Article
Bähr, A.; Aschauer, S.; Bergbauer, B.; Hermenau, K.; Lauf, T.; Lechner, P.; Lutz, G.; Majewski, P.; Meidinger, N.; Miessner, D. et al.: Spectral performance of DEPFET and gateable DEPFET macropixel devices. Journal of Instrumentation 9 (March), P03018, pp. 1 - 10 (2014)
Journal Article
Majewski, P.; Andricek, L.; Bähr, A.; De Vita, G.; Gunther, B.; Hermenau, K.; Hilchenbach, M.; Lauf, T.; Lechner, P.; Lutz, G. et al.: DEPFET macropixel detectors for MIXS: integration and qualification of the flight detectors. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 59 (5 Part 3), pp. 2479 - 2486 (2012)

Conference Paper (10)

Conference Paper
Müller-Seidlitz, J.; Andritschke, R.; Bähr, A.; Meidinger, N.; Ott, S.; Richter, R. H.; Treberspurg, W.; Treis, J.: Spectroscopic performance of DEPFET active pixel sensor prototypes suitable for the high count rate Athena WFI detector. In: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 990567, pp. 1 - 7 (Eds. Den Herder, J.-W. A.; Takahashi, T.; Bautz, M.). Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, June 26, 2016. (2016)
Conference Paper
Ott, S.; Bähr, A.; Brand, W. A.; Dauser, T.; Meidinger, N.; Plattner, M.; Stechele, W.: New evaluation concept of the Athena WFI camera system by emulation of X-ray DEPFET detectors. 17th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors (IWORID2015), Hamburg, Germany, June 28, 2015 - July 02, 2015. Journal of Instrumentation 11 (1), C01028, pp. 1 - 9 (2016)
Conference Paper
Treberspurg, W.; Andritschke, R.; Bähr, A.; Bianchi, D.; Koch, A.; Meidinger, N.; Müller-Seidlitz, J.; Ott, S.; Porro, M.: Studies of prototype DEPFET sensors for the wide field imager of Athena. In: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 99052C, pp. 1 - 7 (Eds. Den Herder, J.-W. A.; Takahashi, T.; Bautz, M.). Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, June 26, 2016. (2016)
Conference Paper
Aschauer, S.; Bähr, A.; Lutz, G.; Majewski, P.; Strüder, L.; Treis, J.: Prospects and limitations of DEPFET active pixel sensors as high speed spectroscopic x-ray imager for the ATHENA wide field imager. In: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 91442K, pp. 1 - 8 (Eds. Takahashi, T.; den Herder, J.-W. A.; Bautz, M.). Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, Montreal, Canada, June 22, 2014 - June 26, 2014. (2014)
Conference Paper
Bähr, A.; Aschauer, S.; Bergbauer, B.; Lechner, P. H.; Majewski, P.; Meidinger, N.; Ott, S. M.; Porro, M.; Richter, R. H.; Strüder, L. et al.: Development of DEPFET active pixel sensors to improve the spectroscopic response for high time resolution applications. In: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 914411, pp. 1 - 9 (Eds. Takahashi, T.; den Herder, J.-W. A.; Bautz, M.). Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, Montreal, Canada, June 22, 2014 - June 26, 2014. (2014)
Conference Paper
Bergbauer, B.; Aschauer, S.; Bähr, A.; Hermenau, K.; Horstmann, J.; Lauf, T.; Lechner, P.; Majewski, P.; Meidinger, N.; Reiffers, J. et al.: Electrical characterization of different DEPFET designs on die level. 15th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors (IWORID), Paris, France, June 23, 2013 - June 27, 2013. Journal of Instrumentation 9, C01020, pp. 1 - 8 (2014)
Conference Paper
Porro, M.; Bianchi, D.; De Vita, G.; Herrmann, S.; Wassatsch, A.; Bähr, A.; Bergbauer, B.; Meidinger, N.; Ott, S.; Treis, J.: VERITAS 2.0 a multi-channel readout ASIC suitable for the DEPFET arrays of the WFI for Athena. In: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 91445N, pp. 1 - 8 (Eds. Takahashi, T.; den Herder, J.-W. A.; Bautz, M.). Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, Montreal, Canada, June 22, 2014 - June 26, 2014. (2014)
Conference Paper
Bähr, A.; Aschauer, S.; Hermenau, K.; Herrmann, S.; Lechner, P. H.; Lutz, G.; Majewski, P.; Miessner, D.; Porro, M.; Richter, R. H. et al.: New simulation and measurement results on gateable DEPFET devices. In: High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy V, 84530N, pp. 1 - 13 (Eds. Holland, A. D.; Beletic, J. W.). High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy V, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 01, 2012 - July 04, 2012. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Bellingham, Wash., USA (2012)
Conference Paper
Majewski, P.; Aschauer, F.; Bähr, A.; De Vita, G.; Günther, B.; Hermenau, K.; Herrmann, S.; Hilchenbach, M.; Lauf, T.; Lechner, P. et al.: Integration and calibration of DEPFET macropixel detectors for MIXS. In: High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy V, 84530Q, pp. 1 - 9 (Eds. Holland, A. D.; Beletic, J. W.). High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy V, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 01, 2012 - July 04, 2012. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Bellingham, Wash., USA (2012)
Conference Paper
Lechner, P.; Andricek, L.; Aschauer, S.; Bähr, A.; De Vita, G.; Hermenau, K.; Hildebrand, T.; Lutz, G.; Majewski, P.; Porro, M. et al.: DEPFET active pixel sensor with non-linear amplification. In: 2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, N13-1, pp. 563 - 568. Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2011 IEEE , Valencia, Spain, October 23, 2011 - October 29, 2011. IEEE, New York (2011)

Working Paper (1)

Working Paper
Rau, A.; Meidinger, N.; Nandra, K.; Porro, M.; Barret, D.; Santangelo, A.; Schmid, L.; Strüder, L.; Tenzer, C.; Wilms, J. et al.: The wide field imager (WFI) for Athena+. The hot and energetic universe (2013), 9 pp.