Publications of O. E. Gerhard

Conference Paper (48)

Conference Paper
Trippe, S.; Gillessen, S.; Gerhard, O. E.; Bartko, H.; Fritz, T. K.; Eisenhauer, F.; Ott, T.; Dodds-Eden, K.; Genzel, R.; Maness, H. L. et al.; Martins, F.: Kinematics of the old stellar population at the galactic centre. In: The Galactic Center: a Window to the Nuclear Environment of Disk Galaxies, pp. 232 - 241 (Eds. Morris, M. R.; Wang, Q. D.; Yuan, F.). The Galactic Center: a Window to the Nuclear Environment of Disk Galaxies, Shanghai, China, October 19, 2009 - October 23, 2009. (2011)
Conference Paper
Ventimiglia, G.; Arnaboldi, M.; Gerhard, O.: A survey for Lyα galaxies at z ~ 3.1. In: Astrophysics of Galaxy Clusters, pp. 335 - 339 (Eds. Cavaliere, A.; Rephaeli, Y.). International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" - Course CLXXII, Varenna, Lake Como, Italy, July 15, 2008 - July 25, 2008. Società Italiana di Fisica, Bologna, Italy (2011)
Conference Paper
Arnaboldi, M.; Gerhard, O.: JD2 - Diffuse light in galaxy clusters. In: Highlights of Astronomy as presented at the XXVII IAU General Assembly, 2009, pp. 97 - 110 (Ed. Corbett, I. F.). XXVII IAU General Assembly, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2009. (2010)
Conference Paper
Coccato, L.; Gerhard, O.; Arnaboldi, M.; Das, P.; Douglas, N. G.; Kuijken, K.; Merrifield, M. R.; Napolitano, N. R.; Noordermeer, E.; Romanowsky, A. J. et al.; Capaccioli, M.; Cortesi, A.; De Lorenzi, F.: Kinematic properties of early type galaxy halos using planetary nebulae. In: Highlights of Astronomy as presented at the XXVII IAU General Assembly, 2009, p. 68 - 68 (Ed. Corbett, I. F.). XXVII IAU General Assembly, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2009. (2010)
Conference Paper
Das, P.; Gerhard, O.; de Lorenzi, F.; McNeil, E.; Churazov, E.; Coccato, L.: The outer haloes of massive, elliptical galaxies. In: Highlights of Astronomy as presented at the XXVII IAU General Assembly, 2009, p. 92 - 92 (Ed. Corbett, I. F.). XXVII IAU General Assembly, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2009. (2010)
Conference Paper
Gerhard, O.: The outer halos of elliptical galaxies. In: Galaxies and their Masks: A Conference in Honour of K.C. Freeman, pp. 339 - 345 (Eds. Block, D. L.; Freeman, K. C.; Puerari, D. L.). Galaxies and their Masks: A Conference in Honour of K.C. Freeman. Springer, New York (2010)
Conference Paper
Gerhard, O.: Dark matter and elliptical galaxy dynamics. In: Highlights of Astronomy as presented at the XXVII IAU General Assembly, 2009, p. 65 - 65 (Ed. Corbett, I. F.). XXVII IAU General Assembly, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2009. (2010)
Conference Paper
Gerhard, O.: Made-to-measure N-body modeling of the Milky Way galaxy. In: Highlights of Astronomy as presented at the XXVII IAU General Assembly, 2009, pp. 198 - 199 (Ed. Corbett, I. F.). XXVII IAU General Assembly, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2009. (2010)
Conference Paper
McNeil, E.; Arnaboldi, M.; Gerhard, O.; Freeman, K.; Das, P.; Coccato, L.: JD1-The planetary nebulae and the dynamics of NGC 1399. In: Highlights of Astronomy as presented at the XXVII IAU General Assembly, 2009, p. 66 - 66 (Ed. Corbett, I. F.). XXVII IAU General Assembly, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2009. (2010)
Conference Paper
Spavone, M.; Iodice, E.; Arnaboldi, M.; Gerhard, O.; Saglia, R.; Longo, G.: Metallicity of the polar disk in NGC4650A: constraints for cold accretion scenario. In: Hunting for the Dark: the Hidden Side of Galaxy Formation, pp. 173 - 174 (Eds. Debattista, V. P.; Popescu, C. C.). Hunting for the Dark, Malta, October 19, 2009 - October 23, 2009. (2010)
Conference Paper
Ventimiglia, G.; Gerhard, O.; Arnaboldi, M.: The formation of cD halos: the case of NGC 3311 in the Hydra I cluster. In: Highlights of Astronomy as presented at the XXVII IAU General Assembly, 2009, p. 86 - 86 (Ed. Corbett, I. F.). XXVII IAU General Assembly, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2009. (2010)
Conference Paper
De Lorenzi, F.; Gerhard, O.; Debattista, V. P.; Sambhus, N.; Coccato, L.; Arnaboldi, M.; Capaccioli, M.; Douglas, N. G.; Freeman, K. C.; Kuijken, K. et al.; Merrifield, M. R.; Napolitano, N. R.; Noordermeer, E.; Romanowsky, A. J.: Constraining the internal dynamics of stellar systems using the NMAGIC particle code. In: Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Bulges, pp. 27 - 30 (Eds. Bureau, M.; Athanassoula, E.; Barbuy, B.). 245th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Oxford, UK, July 16, 2007 - July 20, 2007. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2008)
Conference Paper
Napolitano, N. R.; Romanowsky, A. J.; Coccato, L.; Capaccioli, M.; Douglas, N. G.; Noordermeer, E.; Merrifield, M. R.; Kuijken, K.; Arnaboldi, M.; Gerhard, O. et al.; Freeman, K. C.; De Lorenzi, F.; Das, P.: Dark-matter content of early-type galaxies with planetary nebulae. In: Dark Galaxies and Lost Baryons, pp. 289 - 294 (Eds. Davies, J.I.; Disney, M.J.). 244th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Cardiff, Wales, UK, June 25, 2007 - June 29, 2007. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2008)
Conference Paper
Ulubay-Siddiki, A.; Gerhard, O.; Arnaboldi, M.: Self-gravitating warped disks around black holes. In: VII Microquasar Workshop: Microquasars and Beyond, pp. 1 - 5. VII Microquasar Workshop: Microquasars and Beyond, Foca, Izmir, Turkey, September 01, 2008 - September 05, 2008. SISSA (2008)
Conference Paper
De Lorenzi, F.; Debattista, V. P.; Gerhard, O.; Sambhus, N.: NMAGIC: fast parallel implementation of a χ²-made-to-measure algorithm for modeling observational data. In: Galaxy Evolution across the Hubble Time, p. 91 - 91 (Eds. Combes, F.; Palous, J.). 235th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Prague, Czech Republic, August 14, 2006 - August 17, 2006. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2007)
Conference Paper
Iodice, E.; Arnaboldi, M.; Saglia, R.; Sparke, L.; Gerhard, O.: New kinematics for the central spheroid in polar disk galaxy NGC4650A. In: Galaxy Evolution across the Hubble Time, p. 207 - 207 (Eds. Combes, F.; Palous, J.). 235th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Prague, Czech Republic, August 14, 2006 - August 17, 2006. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2007)
Conference Paper
Ulubay-Siddiki, A.; Gerhard, O.; Arnaboldi, M.: Self-gravitating warped disks around nuclear black holes. In: Black Holes from Stars to Galaxies - Across the Range of Masses, pp. 467 - 468 (Eds. Karas, V.; Matt, G.). 238th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Prague, Czech Republic, August 21, 2006 - August 25, 2006. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2007)
Conference Paper
Arnaboldi, M.; Gerhard, O.; Freeman, K. C.; Kashikawa, N.; Okamura, S.; Yasuda, N.: Kinematic substructures in the coma cluster core as traced by intracluster planetary nebulae. In: Planetary nebulae in our galaxy and beyond (IAU Symposium 234), pp. 337 - 340 (Eds. Barlow, M.J.; Méndez, R.H.). 234th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii, USA, April 03, 2006 - April 07, 2006. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2006)
Conference Paper
Gerhard, O.: Mass distribution and bulge formation in the Milky Way galaxy. In: Mass Profiles and Shapes of Cosmological Structures, pp. 89 - 96 (Eds. Mamon, G.A.; Combes, F.; Deffayet, C.; Fort, B.). 21st IAP Colloquium, Institut d'Astrophysique, France, July 04, 2005 - July 09, 2005. EDP Sciences, Les Ulis (2006)
Conference Paper
Gerhard, O.: Planetary nebulae surveys beyond the local group. In: Planetary nebulae in our galaxy and beyond, pp. 25 - 32 (Eds. Barlow, M.J.; Méndez, R.H.). 234th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii, USA, April 03, 2006 - April 07, 2006. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2006)
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