Advanced Telescope for High-energy Astrophysics
Short Description:
Athena is a new X-ray observatory whose science theme 'The Hot end Energetic Universe' was accepted in November 2013 by ESA's Science Programme Committee as the next large X-ray satellite with launch date in 2036. Athena will host two main scientific instruments, a DePFET based Wide Field Imager and an high-spectral resolution X-ray calorimeter, and will provide an unprecedented view into the X-ray Universe.
Project Type:
Instrument for satellite
MPE Involvement:
MPE is responsible for the development of the Wide Field Imager.
In planning phase.
MPE press release of November 28, 2013
ATHENA pages of the collaboration
High-Energy Astrophysics (web pages of the MPE department involved in the project)

Athena artists impression
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