Café & Kosmos

Café & Kosmos

The Café & Kosmos series of discussions is organised jointly by ESO, the Excellence Cluster Universe and the Max-Planck Institutes for Physics, Astrophysics and Extraterrestrial Physics. The discussions usually take place on the second Tuesday of each month at Vereinsheim in Munich. After a brief introduction the scientists take questions from the audience and discuss current issues from the cosmos.

Next Cafe & Kosmos (in German)

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Selected previous events:

Navigation in Space
with Mike Bernhard, MPE
Igniting a supernova explosion
with Prof. Roland Diehl, MPE more
Between the planets: of asteroids and comets
with Dr. Thomas Müller, MPE more
Café & Kosmos on 8 November 2011
Supernovae – unravelling the mysteries of the biggest cosmic explosions more
Café & Kosmos on September 13, 2011
From ghostly neutrinos to active galactic nuclei: New results from astroparticle physics

Café & Kosmos on July 12, 2011
ALMA - a new radio observatory in thin desert air

Café & Kosmos on June 7, 2011
Quantum Mechanics on Earth and in Space

Café & Kosmos on May 10, 2011
Black Holes - dark traps in space-time

Café & Kosmos on 4 April 2011
What is the Universe made off? more
Café & Kosmos on 14 March 2011
A look back at cosmic history more
Café & Kosmos on 7 Febuary 2011
Dark Energy - why the Universe expands ever faster more
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