Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany
SR | Sebastian Rabien | Project leader/principal investigator | |
RD | Richard Davies | Science | |
LoBa | Lothar Barl | Engineering support | |
HG | Hans Gemperlein | System engineer | |
MD | Matthias Deysenroth | System mechanical engineering | |
JZ | Julian Ziegleder | System electronics engineering, merchandising |
Former members
CK | Christoph Kohlmann | Master student, MASS (multi-apterture scintillation sensor) | |
GOX | Gilles Orban de Xivry | WFS, detector specialist | |
WR | Walfried Raab | Management and laser system | |
CL | Christina Loose | PhD student, laser system | |
RL | Reinhard Lederer | Electronics engineering, motor controller integration | |
NA | Nancy Ageorges | Instrument scientist | |
SKa | Srikrishna Kanneganti | Laser system | |
Florian Gorgeon | Master student, laser tracker algorithm development and tests | ||
Felix Dressler | Student, Piezo characterization, laser tracker tests | ||
Tobias Standke | Student, motor controller integration | ||
Daniel Arweiler | Student, mechanics support | ||
Francisco Llobet | Student, PNCCD power supply firmware | ||
Josef Knapp | Student, system electronics support | ||
Manuel Salzberger | Student, Pockels cell setup | ||
Andrea Münster | Student, motor test | ||
Sebastian Ovari | Student, LED lightsource support | ||
Yvonne Boose | Student, Pockels cell shutter | ||
Andrea Grigorescu | Student, electronics engineering support | ||
Gerhard Hölzl | Diploma thesis student 2008, Pockels cell shutter | ||
Peter Mayer | Master thesis student 2008/09, detector cooling |
Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany
WG | Wolfgang Gässler | Co-PI |
Former members
JLB | Jose Luis Borelli | Software engineering | |
DP | Diethard Peter | Vibration compensation | |
MK | Martin Kulas | Software engineering | |
TB | Thomas Blümchen | Mechanical engineering | |
Alex Sivitilli | Student, LAT software, laser on-sky alignment algorithm |
Instituto nazionale di astrofisica, Osservatorio astrofisico di Arretri, Firenze, Italy
SE | Simone Esposito | Co-PI | |
LB | Lorenzo Busoni | Science, WFS | |
MB | Marco Bonaglia | WFS optics, plumbing artistry | |
TM | Tommaso Mazzoni | WFS optics | |
TM | Mirko Curti | WFS operations |
LC | Luca Carbonaro | Mechanical Engineering | |
Elena Masciadri | Site Characterization |
Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam, Germany
JS | Jesper Storm | Institut representative, AGW-modification & tip/tilt |
Center for astronomical adaptive optics, University of Arizona
Former members
MH | Michael Hart | Co-PI | |
MR | Matt Rademacher | Mechanical engineer | |
JN | Jamison Noenickx | Mechanical engineer | |
VG | Victor Gasho | Local project manager | |
OD | Oli Durney | Optical engineer | |
PH | Pete Hubbard | Aircraft avoidance system | |
J.J. Valenzuela | Optical engineer |
Landessternwarte Heidelberg, Germany
Andreas Quirrenbach | Institut director |
CS | Christian Schwab | Calibration Source |
Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie Bonn, Germany
Gerd Weigelt | Institute director (emeritus) |
Former members
UB | Udo Beckmann | Institute representative | |
CC | Claus Connot | Tip/tilt electronics | |
Marcel Elberich | Tip/tilt electronics | n.a. | |
MH | Matthias Heininger | Detector characterization | |
EN | Eddy Nussbaum | Detector characterization |
Halbleiterlabor der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Germany
Past membersSI | Sebastian Ihle | PNSensor Project Leader | |
RH | Robert Hartmann | pnCCD adviser |
Large Binocular Telescope Observatory
CV | Christian Veillet | LBT director | |
GR | Gustavo Rahmer | Laser systems engineer | |
GR | Michael Lefebvre | Adaptive optics engineer |
N.N. | Missing someone? Please inform the project office! Unhappy with your picture? That's life! |