
In January 2009 our first video podcast ("vodcast") was produced at the MPE. The topics cover our main scientific results, but also the institute itself with its corporate identity, its unique research atmosphere and, most importantly, the persons who meet here every day and collaborate with each other.
(All vodcasts are in German)

The galactic centre

In this vodcast, Stefan Gillessen, Frank Eisenhauer and Mona Clerico (MPE), and presenter Sabrina Bachmann (Video München), put the black hole in the centre of our galaxy in perspective.


This Vodcast introduces the Herschel Space Observatory, the Herschel instrument PACS (Photodetector Array Camera and Sprectrometer), developed and built at MPE, and the PACS team. The viewer gains insight into the operations of technicians and scientists in the MPE cleanroom, laboratory and control centre, which were necessary to make Herschel/PACS ready to study the evolution of stars. The vodcast captures the mood before launch and gives an impression of the hopes that MPE scientists connect with the largest space telescope ever built.

Black Holes

This vodcast deals with exciting findigs about black holes. The viewer learns what is meant by tidal disruption, why two black holes merge and how it is possible for black holes to leave their parent galaxies. NASA and MPE computer animations visualise these events.

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