
Major Subsystems

  • Calibration assembly enables the calibration of the science instrument, by creating suitable sources in a focal plane matching that of the ELT.
  • Relay optics transfer the ELT focal plane into the instrument. These will be used only in the stand-alone mode. With MAORY, they will be replaced by a single-fold mirror.
  • NGS WFS module contains natural guide star wavefront sensors for the adaptive-optics systems, in particular for the SCAO system.
  • Derotator rotates the entire cryostat and the NGS WFS module to match the orientation of the sky as seen by the instrument.
  • Cryostat is the core of MICADO, and contains the cold optics instrument.
  • Support structure keeps the various components at their necessary locations.
  • Corotating platform and cable wrap allow much of the electronics to corotate with the instrument, keeping cable lengths short; the cable wrap enables access to external electronics and service supplies.
  • Electronics facilitate control and monitoring signals, and also provide power for all devices.
  • Control software supports observation preparation and execution, coordinating the operation of the instrument with the telescope and adaptive-optics systems.
  • Pipeline software performs data processing for a quick look at the observatory, for archive and trending analyses, and for the user back home. It includes the data simulator SimCADO.
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