Reinhard Genzel at the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings

Since 1951, the annual Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings provide a globally recognised forum for exchange between Nobel Laureates and young scientists. This year’s programme includes lectures and agora talks, open exchanges as well as panel discussions spanning a wide range of topics from highly topical scientific issues such as pandemics, climate change, and genome editing, to dark matter and energy as well as artificial intelligence – all with relevance for socio-political questions, just like the fundamental questions of trust in science as well as the concept of open science. Reinhard Genzel was this year’s honour guest, please find some interesting links below.
In addition to the Nobel Laureates Meeting, this week Professor Genzel also took part in the (virtual) welcoming reception for new professors by Minister President Markus Söder, where he gave the keynote address.
Nobelpreisträger zum siebzigsten Mal in Lindau
Reporting by RegioTV
(in German)
A 40-year journey
Public Lecture by Reinhard Genzel
Dark & Black
Panel Discussion with Reinhard Genzel, David J. Gross, Saul Perlmutter, Rainer Weiss, Saskia Plura
„Karliczek meets"… Nobel Laureate Reinhard Genzel
Federal Research Minister Anja Karliczek met Professor Reinhard Genzel to talk about conditions for research in Germany.
Rund 880 neue Professorinnen und Professoren an Bayerns staatlichen Hochschulen in den vergangenen zwei Jahren
(in German)