ESO Gruber Summer School: From Nearby Worlds to Distant Galaxies
ESO Workshop Announcement
- Start: Jun 2, 2025 12:00 AM (Local Time Germany)
- End: Jun 6, 2025 12:00 AM
- Speaker: SOC/LOC Team
- Location: ESO Headquarters, Garching
- Host: ESO

Are you interested in learning about how to use ground- and space-based telescope data? Are you interested in learning about a broad range of topics in astronomy? Then this summer school is the perfect opportunity for you! The ESO-Gruber summer school will provide lectures on topics of Exoplanets, Star and planet formation, Galactic astronomy, Transients, AGNs, Gravitational waves, Galaxy evolution, and high-redshift universe. The lectures will be focused on the most interesting questions currently under debate in each topic. There will also be plenty of time for hands-on experience with archival data from the current most powerful telescopes in the world; ALMA, VLA, JWST, VLT, and VLTI. The hands-on session for each telescope will have exercises on various topics covered by the school so that you can learn to use the data in a way that is most relevant to your interest.
Registration required!
For more information and registration link, please go to the ESO Gruber Summer School website (link on the left).