Veranstaltungen am Institut und mit Beteiligung des MPE

Strategies and tools to avoid Predatory Publishers

ESO Informal Discussion

The Hybrid Atmospheres of Sub-Neptunes and Super Earths

SESTAS Seminar

Impact of multi-messenger spectral modelling on blazar-neutrino associations

Plasma Astrophysics Seminar

Three-dimensional fully general-relativistic simulations of magnetorotational core-collapse supernovae on GPUs

Garching Supernova Meeting

Neutrinos in the Era of Multi-Messenger Astronomy

Munich Joint Astronomy Colloquium

Title 1: "The Fun Side of Galaxy 4-Point Functions" Title 2: TBA

Cambridge-LMU Seminar

One-Day Workshop on Galactic Winds

The One-Day Workshop on Galactic Winds, which will bring together researchers from MPA, MPE, ESO, USM, TUM, and the broader ORIGINS community to discuss the latest developments in galactic outflows, feedback processes, and their impact on galaxy evolution. Topics will include the mechanisms driving galactic winds, their interaction with the circumgalactic medium, and their impact on star formation, chemical enrichment, and large-scale structures. [mehr]

ESO Gruber Summer School: From Nearby Worlds to Distant Galaxies

ESO Workshop Announcement
Are you interested in learning about how to use ground- and space-based telescope data? Are you interested in learning about a broad range of topics in astronomy? Then this summer school is the perfect opportunity for you! The ESO-Gruber summer school will provide lectures on topics of Exoplanets, Star and planet formation, Galactic astronomy, Transients, AGNs, Gravitational waves, Galaxy evolution, and high-redshift universe. The lectures will be focused on the most interesting questions currently under debate in each topic. There will also be plenty of time for hands-on experience with archival data from the current most powerful telescopes in the world; ALMA, VLA, JWST, VLT, and VLTI. The hands-on session for each telescope will have exercises on various topics covered by the school so that you can learn to use the data in a way that is most relevant to your interest. [mehr]

Galactic Ecosystems Under The Microscope: Lessons From Highly-Resolved Studies

ESO Workshop
This is the initial announcement for the upcoming ESO workshop "Galactic Ecosystems under the Microscope: Lessons from High-Resolution Studies" at ESO Garching, 7-11 July 2025. This workshop will explore the latest developments in resolved galaxy properties and evolution. With next-generation observatories such as JWST, ELT and SKA, and upgrades to ALMA and VLA, a new era is being entered in understanding these critical aspects of galaxies throughout cosmic history. The aim is to bring together experts working on observational, theoretical and numerical approaches to address the following key questions How do galaxies assemble their baryonic constituents?What mechanisms regulate star formation and feedback in nearby galaxies?How does small-scale physics relate to the global properties of galaxies? [mehr]
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