Publications of R. A. Quinn
All genres
Journal Article (6)
Journal Article
93 (8), p. 085001 - 085001 (2004)
Experimental determination of dust-particle charge in a discharge plasma at elevated pressures. Physical Review Letters 2.
Journal Article
92 (25), pp. 255004-1 - 255004-4 (2004)
Shock melting of a two-dimensional complex (dusty) plasma. Physical Review Letters 3.
Journal Article
10 (11), pp. 4579 - 4581 (2003)
Comment on „Measurement of the ion drag force on falling dust particles and its relation to the void formation on complex (dusty) plasmas” [Phys. Plasmas 10, 1278 (2003)]. Physics of Plasmas 4.
Journal Article
5, 74, pp. 74.1 - 74.11 (2003)
Large-scale steady-state structure of a 2D plasma crystal. New Journal of Physics 5.
Journal Article
88 (19), 195001, pp. 195001-1 - 195001-4 (2002)
Particle interaction measurements in a Coulomb crystal using caged-particle motion. Physical Review Letters 6.
Journal Article
88 (9), 095004, pp. 095004-1 - 095004-4 (2002)
Dissipative longitudinal solitons in a two-dimensional strongly coupled complex (dusty) plasma. Physical Review Letters Conference Paper (4)
Conference Paper
50 (2), pp. 151 - 156 (2005)
Measurement of dust grain charge in a weakly ionized plasma of a dc discharge. International Conference on Physics of Dusty and Combustion Plasmas "Dusty Plasmas in Applications", Odessa, Ukraine, August 25, 2004 - August 28, 2004. Ukrainian Journal of Physics 8.
Conference Paper
50 (2), pp. 179 - 183 (2005)
Measurement of the ion drag force in a complex dc-plasma using the PK-4 experiment. International Conference on Physics of Dusty and Combustion Plasmas "Dusty Plasmas in Applications", Odessa, Ukraine, August 25, 2004 - August 28, 2004. Ukrainian Journal of Physics 9.
Conference Paper
Dust mode in collisionally dominated complex plasmas with particle drift. Tenth Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, 2003-06. Dusty Plasmas in the Light of the Caribbean Sun, pp. 613 - 616 (2004)
Conference Paper
Complex plasmas under microgravity conditions: First results from PKE-Nefedov. In: Dusty Plasmas in the New Millennium: Third International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, pp. 91 - 109 (Eds. Bharuthram, R.; Hellberg, M.A.; Shukla, P.K.; Verheest, F.). Dusty Plasmas in the New Millennium : Third International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, Durban, May 20, 2002. American Institute of Physics, Melville (2002)