Publications of Jason Dexter

Journal Article (104)

Journal Article
Li, Y.-P.; Yuan, F.; Yuan, Q.; Wang, Q. D.; Chen, P. F.; Neilsen, J.; Fang, T.; Zhang, S.; Dexter, J.: Statistics of X-ray flares of Sagittarius A*: evidence for solar-like self-organized criticality phenomena. The Astrophysical Journal 810 (1), 19, pp. 1 - 8 (2015)
Journal Article
Akiyama, K.; Lu, R.-S.; Fish, V. L.; Doeleman, S. S.; Broderick, A. E.; Dexter, J.; Hada, K.; Kino, M.; Nagai, H.; Honma, M. et al.; Johnson, M. D.; Algaba, J. C.; Asada, K.; Brinkerink, C.; Blundell, R.; Bower, G. C.; Cappallo, R.; Crew, G. B.; Dexter, M.; Dzib, S. A.; Freund, R.; Friberg, P.; Gurwell, M.; Ho, P. T. P.; Inoue, M.; Krichbaum, T. P.; Loinard, L.; MacMahon, D.; Marrone, D. P.; Moran, J. M.; Nakamura, M.; Nagar, N. M.; Ortiz-Leon, G.; Plambeck, R.; Pradel, N.; Primiani, R. A.; Rogers, A. E. E.; Roy, A. L.; SooHoo, J.; Tavares, J.-L.; Tilanus, R. P. J.; Titus, M.; Wagner, J.; Weintroub, J.; Yamaguchi, P.; Young, K. H.; Zensus, A.; Ziurys, L. M.: 230 GHz VLBI observations of M87: Event-Horizon-Scale structure during an enhanced very-high-energy gamma-ray state in 2012. The Astrophysical Journal 807 (2), 150, pp. 1 - 11 (2015)
Journal Article
Bower, G. C.; Markoff, S.; Dexter, J.; Gurwell, M. A.; Moran, J. M.; Brunthaler, A.; Falcke, H.; Fragile, P. C.; Maitra, D.; Marrone, D. et al.; Peck, A.; Rushton, A.; Wright, M. C. H.: Radio and millimeter monitoring of Sgr A*: spectrum, variability, and constraints on the G2 encounter. The Astrophysical Journal 802 (1), 69, pp. 1 - 14 (2015)
Journal Article
Ricarte, A.; Dexter, J.: The Event Horizon Telescope: exploring strong gravity and accretion physics. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 446 (2), pp. 1973 - 1987 (2015)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Bower, G. C.; Chatterjee, S.; Cordes, J.; Demorest, P.; Deneva, J. S.; Dexter, J.; Kramer, M.; Lazio, J.; Ransom, S.; Shao, L. et al.; Wex, N.; Wharton, R.: Galactic center pulsars with the ngVLA. In: Science with a Next Generation Very Large Array, pp. 793 - 801 (Eds. Murphy, E.; ngVLA Science Advisory Council) (2018)

Proceedings (1)

Optical interferometry of High-Mass X-ray Binaries: Resolving wind, disk and jet outflows at sub-milliarcsecond scale (Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 14/S346). 346nd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Vienna, Austria, August 27, 2018 - August 31, 2018. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2018)

Conference Paper (7)

Conference Paper
Lutz, D.; Shimizu, T.; Sturm, E.; Santos, D.; Davies, R.; Pfuhl, O.; Dexter, J.; Cao, Y.; Collaboration, G.: The sub-parsec structure of AGN with VLTI/GRAVITY. In: Black Hole Winds at All Scales (IAU Symposium 378), pp. 22 - 24 (Eds. Bruni, G.; Diaz Trigo, M.; Laha, S.; Fukumura, K.). 378th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Haifa, Israel, March 12, 2023 - March 16, 2023. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2024)
Conference Paper
Abuter, R.; Amorim, A.; Bauböck, M.; Berger, J. P.; Bonnet, H.; Brandner, W.; Clénet, Y.; Foresto, V. C. d.; de Zeeuw, P. T.; Dexter, J. et al.; Duvert, G.; Eckart, A.; Eisenhauer, F.; Schreiber, N. M. F.; Garcia, P.; Gao, F.; Gendron, E.; Genzel, R.; Gerhard, O.; Gillessen, S.; Habibi, M.; Haubois, X.; Henning, T.; Hippler, S.; Horrobin, M.; Jiménez-Rosales, A.; Jocou, L.; Kervella, P.; Lacour, S.; Lapeyrére, V.; Bouquin, J. L.; Léna, P.; Ott, T.; Paumard, T.; Perraut, K.; Perrin, G.; Pfuhl, O.; Rabien, S.; Coira, G. R.; Rousset, G.; Scheithauer, S.; Sternberg, A.; Straub, O.; Straubmeier, C.; Sturm, E.; Tacconi, L. J.; Vincent, F.; Fellenberg, S. v.; Waisberg, I.; Widmann, F.; Wieprecht, E.; Wiezorrek, E.; Woillez, J.; Yazici, S.; GRAVITY collaboration: General relativistic effects around the Galactic Center black hole. New Horizons in Galactic Center Astronomy and Beyond, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan , October 21, 2019 - October 24, 2019. Galactic center workshop 2019: New Horizons in Galactic Center Astronomy and Beyond, (2020)
Conference Paper
Fellenberg, S. D. v.; Gillessen, S.; Graciá-Carpio, J.; Fritz, T. K.; Dexter, J.; Bauböck, M.; Ponti, G.; Gao, F.; Habibi, M.; Plewa, P. M. et al.; Pfuhl, O.; Jimenez-Rosales, A.; Waisberg, I.; Widmann, F.; Ott, T.; Eisenhauer, F.; Genzel, R.: A detection of Sgr A* in the far infrared. New Horizons in Galactic Center Astronomy and Beyond, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan , October 21, 2019 - October 24, 2019. Galactic center workshop 2019: New Horizons in Galactic Center Astronomy and Beyond, (2020)
Conference Paper
Rodríguez-Coira, G.; Amorim, A.; Bauböck, M.; Benisty, M.; Berger, J.-P.; Clénet, Y.; Foresto, V. C. D.; Zeeuw, T. d.; Dexter, J.; Duvert, G. et al.; Eckart, A.; Eisenhauer, F.; Ferreira, M. C.; Gao, F.; Garcia, P. J. V.; Gendron, E.; Genzel, R.; Gillessen, S.; Gordo, P.; Habibi, M.; Horrobin, M.; Jimenez-Rosales, A.; Jocou, L.; Kervella, P.; Lacour, S.; Le Bouquin, J.-B.; Léna, P.; Ott, T.; Pössel, M.; Paumard, T.; Perraut, K.; Perrin, G.; Pfuhl, O.; Rousset, G.; Straub, O.; Straubmeier, C.; Sturm, E.; Vincent, F.; Fellenberg, S. v.; Waisberg, I.; Widmann, F.: The molecular layer of GCIRS7. New Horizons in Galactic Center Astronomy and Beyond, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan , October 21, 2019 - October 24, 2019. Galactic center workshop 2019: New Horizons in Galactic Center Astronomy and Beyond, (2020)
Conference Paper
Waisberg, I.; Dexter, J.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Dubus, G.; Perraut, K.; Collaboration, G.: Optical interferometry of High-Mass X-ray Binaries: Resolving wind, disk and jet outflows at sub-milliarcsecond scale. In: High-mass X-ray Binaries: Illuminating the Passage from Massive Binaries to Merging Compact Objects, Vol. 14, pp. 114 - 122 (Eds. Bozzo, E.; Bulik, T.; Oskinova, L. M.; Gies, D. R.). 346nd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Vienna, AUSTRIA, August 27, 2018 - August 31, 2018. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2018)
Conference Paper
Li, Y.-P.; Yuan, Q.; Wang, Q. D.; Chen, P. F.; Neilsen, J.; Fang, T.; Zhang, S.; Dexter, J.: Statistical and theoretical studies of flares from Sagittarius A⋆. In: The Multi-Messenger Astrophysics of the Galactic Centre (IAU Symposium 322), pp. 31 - 38 (Eds. Crocker, R. M.; Longmore, S. N.; Bicknell, G. V.). 322nd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Queensland, Australia, July 18, 2016 - July 22, 2016. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2017)
Conference Paper
Petrucci, P.; Waisberg, I.; Lebouquin, J.; Dexter, J.; Dubus, G.; Perraut, K.; Kervella, P.: First Optical observation of a microquasar at sub-milliarsec scale: SS 433 resolved by VLTI/GRAVITY. In: The X-ray Universe 2017: Proceedings of the conference held 6-9 June, 2017 in Rome, Italy, p. 175 (Eds. Ness, J.-U.; Migliari, S.). The X-ray Universe 2017, Rome, Italy, June 06, 2017 - June 09, 2017. EAS Publication Division, Nordwijk (2017)
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