Publications of A. W. Strong

Journal Article (158)

Journal Article
Courvoisier, T. J.-L.; Walter, R.; Beckmann, V.; Dean, A. J.; Dubath, P.; Hudec, R.; Kretschmar, P.; Mereghetti, S.; Montmerle, T.; Mowlavi, N. et al.; Paltani, S.; Preite Martinez, A.; Produit, N.; Staubert, R.; Strong, A. W.; Swings, J.-P.; Westergaard, N. J.; White, N.; Winkler, C.; Zdziarski, A. A.: The INTEGRAL Science Data Centre (ISDC). Astronomy & Astrophysics 411 (1), pp. L53 - L57 (2003)
Journal Article
Diehl, R.; Baby, N.; Beckmann, V.; Connell, P.; Dubath, P.; Jean, P.; Knödlseder, J.; Roques, J.-P.; Schanne, S.; Shrader, C. et al.; Skinner, G.; Strong, A.; Sturner, S.; Teegarden, B.; Kienlin, A. v.; Weiderspointner, G.: SPI-specific analysis method and software overview. Astronomy & Astrophysics 411 (1), pp. L117 - L121 (2003)
Journal Article
Diehl, R.; Knödlseder, J.; Lichti, G. G.; Kretschmer, K.; Schanne, S.; Schönfelder, V.; Strong, A. W.; Kienlin, A. v.; Weidenspointner, G.; Winkler, C. et al.; Wunderer, C.: SPI measurements of Galactic 26Al. Astronomy & Astrophysics 411 (1), pp. L451 - L455 (2003)
Journal Article
Kienlin, A. v.; Beckmann, V.; Rau, A.; Arend, N.; Bennett, K.; McBreen, B.; Connell, P.; Deluit, S.; Hanlon, L.; Hurley, K. et al.; Kippen, M.; Lichti, G. G.; Moran, L.; Preece, P.; Roques, J.-P.; Schönfelder, V.; Skinner, G.; Strong, A.; Williams, R.: INTEGRAL spectrometer SPI’s GRB detection capabilities: GRBs detected inside SPI’s FoV and with the anticoincidence system ACS. Astronomy & Astrophysics 411 (1), pp. L299 - L305 (2003)
Journal Article
Roques, J. P.; Schanne, S.; Kienlin, A. v.; Knödlseder, J.; Briet, R.; Bouchet, L.; Paul, P.; Boggs, S.; Caraveo, P.; Cassé, M. et al.; Cordier, B.; Diehl, R.; Durochoux, P.; Jean, P.; Leleux, P.; Lichti, G.; Mandrou, P.; Matteson, J.; Sanchez, F.; Schönfelder, V.; Skinner, G.; Strong, A.; Teegarden, B.; Vedrenne, G.; Ballmoos, P. v.; Wunderer, C.: SPI/INTEGRAL in-flight performance. Astronomy & Astrophysics 411 (1), pp. L91 - L100 (2003)
Journal Article
Strong, A. W.: Maximum Entropy imaging with INTEGRAL/SPI data. Astronomy & Astrophysics 411 (1), pp. L127 - L129 (2003)
Journal Article
Strong, A. W.; Bouchet, L.; Diehl, R.; Mandrou, P.; Schönfelder, V.; Teegarden, B. J.: Diffuse continuum emission from the inner Galaxy: First results from INTEGRAL/SPI. Astronomy & Astrophysics 411 (1), pp. L447 - L450 (2003)
Journal Article
Vedrenne, G.; Roques, J.-P.; Schönfelder, V.; Mandrou, P.; Lichti, G. G.; Kienlin, A. v.; Cordier, B.; Schanne, S.; Knödlseder, J.; Skinner, G. et al.; Jean, P.; Sanchez, F.; Caraveo, P.; Teegarden, B.; Ballmoos, P. v.; Bouchet, L.; Paul, P.; Matteson, J.; Boggs, S.; Wunderer, C.; Leleux, P.; Weidenspointner, G.; Durouchoux, P.; Diehl, R.; Strong, A.; Cassé, M.; Clair, M. A.; André, Y.: SPI: The spectrometer aboard INTEGRAL. Astronomy & Astrophysics 411 (1), pp. L63 - L70 (2003)
Journal Article
Winkler, C.; Gehrels, N.; Schönfelder, V.; Roques, J.-P.; Strong, A. W.; Wunderer, C.; Ubertini, P.; Lebrun, F.; Bazzano, A.; Del Santo, M. et al.; Lund, N.; Westergaard, N. J.; Beckmann, V.; Kretschmar, P.; Mereghetti, S.: First results from the INTEGRAL galactic plane scans. Astronomy & Astrophysics 411 (1), pp. L349 - L355 (2003)
Journal Article
Wunderer, C. B.; Connell, P.; Hammer, J. W.; Schönfelder, V.; Strong, A. W.: Testing SPI imaging of high-energy and extended sources. Astronomy & Astrophysics 411 (1), pp. L101 - L105 (2003)
Journal Article
Moskalenko, I. V.; Strong, A. W.; Mashnik, S. G.; Ormes, J. F.: Challenging cosmic-ray propagation with antiprotons: evidence for a “fresh” nuclei component? The Astrophysical Journal 586, pp. 1050 - 1066 (2003)
Journal Article
Jean, P.; Knödlseder, J.; Lonjou, V.; Allain, M.; Roques, J.-P.; Skinner, G. K.; Teegarden, B. J.; Vedrenne, G.; Ballmoos, P. v.; Cordier, B. et al.; Caraveo, P.; Diehl, R.; Durouchoux, P.; Mandrou, P.; Matteson, J.; Gehrels, N.; Schönfelder, V.; Strong, A. W.; Ubertini, P.; Weidenspointner, G.; Winkler, C.: Early SPI/INTEGRAL measurements of 511 keV line emission from the 4th quadrant of the Galaxy. Astronomy & Astrophysics 407, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20031056, pp. L55 - L58 (2003)
Journal Article
Dogiel, V. A.; Inoue, H.; Masai, K.; Schönfelder, V.; Strong, A. W.: The origin of diffuse X-ray emission from the galactic ridge. I. Energy output of particle sources. The Astrophysical Journal 581 (2), pp. 1061 - 1070 (2002)
Journal Article
Dogiel, V. A.; Schönfelder, V.; Strong, A. W.: The cosmic-ray luminosity of the galaxy. The Astrophysical Journal 572 (2), pp. L157 - L159 (2002)
Journal Article
McConnell, M. L.; Zdziarski, A. A.; Bennett, K.; Bloemen, H.; Collmar, W.; Hermsen, W.; Kuiper, L.; Paciesas, W.; Phlips, B. F.; Poutanen, J. et al.; Ryan, J. M.; Schönfelder, V.; Steinle, H.; Strong, A. W.: The soft gamma-ray spectral variability of Cygnus X-1. The Astrophysical Journal 572 (2), pp. 984 - 995 (2002)
Journal Article
Dogiel, V. A.; Schönfelder, V.; Strong, A. W.: Nonthermal hard X-ray emission from the Galactic Ridge. Astronomy & Astrophysics 382 (2), pp. 730 - 745 (2002)
Journal Article
Moskalenko, I. V.; Strong, A. W.; Ormes, J. F.; Potgieter, M. S.: Secondary antiprotons and propagation of cosmic rays in the galaxy and heliosphere. The Astrophysical Journal 565 (1), pp. 280 - 296 (2002)
Journal Article
Bloemen, H.; Hermsen, W.; Swanenburg, B. N.; de Vries, C. P.; Diehl, R.; Schönfelder, V.; Steinle, H.; Strong, A. W.; Connors, A.; McConnell, M. et al.; Morris, D.; Stacy, G.; Bennett, K.; Winkler, C.: COMPTEL imaging of the galactic disk and the separation of diffuse emission and point sources. The Astrophysical Journal - Supplement Series 92, pp. 419 - 423 (1994)

Book Chapter (2)

Book Chapter
Grenier, I. A.; Black, J. H.; Strong, A. W.: The nine lives of cosmic rays in galaxies. In: Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 53, pp. 199 - 246. Annual Reviews Inc., Palo Alto, CA, USA (2015)
Book Chapter
Moskalenko, I. V.; Strong, A. W.: Diffuse gamma rays. In: Cosmic Gamma-ray sources, pp. 279 - 310 (Eds. Cheng, K. S.; Romero, G. E.). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (2004)
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