
Publications of Christian P. Endres

Journal Article (17)

Journal Article
Araki, M.; Lattanzi, V.; Endres, C. P.; Caselli, P.: Millimeter and Submillimeter Spectroscopy of the Deuterated Molecular Ion SD+. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 965 (1), 46 (2024)
Journal Article
Alberton, D.; Lattanzi, V.; Endres, C.; Rivilla, V. M.; Guillemin, J. C.; Caselli, P.; Jiménez-Serra, I.; Martín-Pintado, J.: A High-resolution Spectroscopic Analysis of Aminoacrylonitrile and an Interstellar Search toward G+0.693. The Astrophysical Journal 951 (2), 108 (2023)
Journal Article
Asensio, J. F.; Spezzano, S.; Coudert, L. H.; Lattanzi, V.; Endres, C. P.; Jørgensen, J. K.; Caselli, P.: Millimetre and sub-millimetre spectroscopy of doubly deuterated acetaldehyde (CHD2CHO) and first detection towards IRAS 16293-2422. Astronomy and Astrophysics 670, A177 (2023)
Journal Article
Schmid, P. C.; Thorwirth, S.; Endres, C. P.; Töpfer, M.; Sánchez-Monge, Á.; Schwörer, A.; Schilke, P.; Schlemmer, S.; Asvany, O.: Rotational rest frequencies and first astronomical search of protonated methylamine. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 8, 805162 (2022)
Journal Article
Endres, C. P.; Mellau, G. C.; Harding, M. E.; Martin-Drumel, M.-A.; Lichau, H.; Thorwirth, S.: High-resolution infrared study of vinyl acetylene: The v13 (214 cm-1) and v18 (304 cm-1) fundamentals. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 379, 111469 (2021)
Journal Article
Endres, C. P.; Martin-Drumel, M.-A.; Zingsheim, O.; Bonah, L.; Pirali, O.; Zhang, T.; Sánchez-Monge, Á.; Möller, T.; Wehres, N.; Schilke, P. et al.; McCarthy, M. C.; Schlemmer, S.; Caselli, P.; Thorwirth, S.: SOLEIL and ALMA views on prototypical organic nitriles: C2H5CN. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 375, 111392 (2020)
Journal Article
Albert, D.; Antony, B. K.; Ba, Y. A.; Babikov, Y. L.; Bollard, P.; Boudon, V.; Delahaye, F.; Zanna, G. D.; Dimitrijevic, M. S.; Drouin, B. J. et al.; Dubernet, M.-L.; Duensing, F.; Emoto, M.; Endres, C. P.; Fazliev, A. Z.; Glorian, J.-M.; Gordon, I. E.; Gratier, P.; Hill, C.; Jevremovic, D.; Joblin, C.; Kwon, D.-H.; Kochanov, R. V.; Krishnakumar, E.; Leto, G.; Loboda, P. A.; Lukashevskaya, A. A.; Lyulin, O. M.; Marinkovic, B. P.; Markwick, A.; Marquart, T.; Mason, N. J.; Mendoza, C.; Millar, T. J.; Moreau, N.; Morozov, S. V.; Möller, T.; Müller, H. S. P.; Mulas, G.; Murakami, I.; Pakhomov, Y.; Palmeri, P.; Penguen, J.; Perevalov, V. I.; Piskunov, N.; Postler, J.; Privezentsev, A. I.; Quinet, P.; Ralchenko, Y.; Rhee, Y.-J.; Richard, C.; Rixon, G.; Rothman, L. S.; Roueff, E.; Ryabchikova, T.; Sahal-Bréchot, S.; Scheier, P.; Schilke, P.; Schlemmer, S.; Smith, K. W.; Schmitt, B.; Skobelev, I. Y.; Sreckovic, V. A.; Stempels, E.; Tashkun, S. A.; Tennyson, J.; Tyuterev, V. G.; Vastel, C.; Vujcic, V.; Wakelam, V.; A.Walton, N.; Zeippen, C.; Zwölf, C. M.: A decade with VAMDC: results and ambitions. Atoms 8 (4), 76 (2020)
Journal Article
Endres, C. P.; Caselli, P.; Schlemmer, S.: State-to-state rate coefficients for NH3–NH3 collisions from pump–probe chirped pulse experiments. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10 (17), pp. 4836 - 4841 (2019)
Journal Article
Chantzos, J.; Spezzano, S.; Endres, C.; Bizzocchi, L.; Lattanzi, V.; Laas, J.; Vasyunin, A.; Caselli, P.: Rotational spectroscopy of the HCCO and DCCO radicals in themillimeter and submillimeter range. Astronomy and Astrophysics 621, A111 (2019)
Journal Article
Bizzocchi, L.; Melosso, M.; Dore, L.; Degli Esposti, C.; Tamassia, F.; Prudenzano, D.; Lattanzi, V.; Laas, J. C.; Spezzano, S.; Giuliano, B. M. et al.; Endres, C. P.; Caselli, P.: Accurate laboratory measurement of the complete fine structure of the N = 1 − 0 transition of 15NH. The Astrophysical Journal 863 (1), 3 (2018)
Journal Article
Prudenzano, D.; Laas, J.; Bizzocchi, L.; Lattanzi, V.; Endres, C.; Giuliano, B. M.; Spezzano, S.; Palumbo, M. E.; Caselli, P.: Accurate millimetre and submillimetre rest frequencies for cis- and trans-dithioformic acid, HCSSH. Astronomy & Astrophysics 612, A56 (2018)
Journal Article
Bizzocchi, L.; Lattanzi, V.; Laas, J.; Spezzano, S.; Giuliano, B. M.; Prudenzano, D.; Endres, C.; Sipilä, O.; Caselli, P.: Accurate sub-millimetre rest frequencies for HOCO+ and DOCO+ ions. Astronomy & Astrophysics 602, A34, pp. 1 - 7 (2017)
Journal Article
Möller, T.; Endres, C.; Schilke, P.: eXtended CASA Line Analysis Software Suite (XCLASS). Astronomy & Astrophysics 598, A7 (2017)
Journal Article
Endres, C. P.; Schlemmer, S.; Schilke, P.; Stutzki, J.; Müller, H. S.P.: The Cologne Database for Molecular Spectroscopy, CDMS, in the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre, VAMDC. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 327, pp. 95 - 104 (2016)
Journal Article
Dubernet, M. L.; Antony, B. K.; Ba, Y. A.; Babikov, Y. L.; Bartschat, K.; Boudon, V.; Braams, B. J.; Chung, H.-K.; Daniel, F.; Delahaye, F. et al.; Del Zanna, G.; de Urquijo, J.; Dimitrijević, M. S.; Domaracka, A.; Doronin, M.; Drouin, B. J.; Endres, C. P.; Fazliev, A. Z.; Gagarin, S. V.; Gordon, I. E.; Gratier, P.; Heiter, U.; Hill, C.; Jevremović, D.; Joblin, C.; Kasprzak, A.; Krishnakumar, E.; Leto, G.; Loboda, P. A.; Louge, T.; Maclot, S.; Marinković, B. P.; Markwick, A.; Marquart, T.; Mason, H. E.; Mason, N. J.; Mendoza, C.; Mihajlov, A. A.; Millar, T. J.; Moreau, N.; Mulas, G.; Pakhomov, Y.; Palmeri, P.; Pancheshnyi, S.; Perevalov, V. I.; Piskunov, N.; Postler, J.; Quinet, P.; Quintas-Sánchez, E.; Ralchenko, Y.; Rhee, Y.-J.; Rixon, G.; Rothman, L. S.; Roueff, E.; Ryabchikova, T.; Sahal-Bréchot, S.; Scheier, P.; Schlemmer, S.; Schmitt, B.; Stempels, E.; Tashkun, S.; Tennyson, J.; Tyuterev, V. G.; Vujčić, V.; Wakelam, V.; Walton, N. A.; Zatsarinny, O.; Zeippen, C. J.; Zwölf, C. M.: The virtual atomic and molecular data centre (VAMDC) consortium. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 49 (7), 074003, pp. 1 - 18 (2016)
Journal Article
Thorwirth, S.; Martin-Drumel, M.A.; Endres, C. P.; Salomon, T.; Zingsheim, O.; van Wijngaarden, J.; Pirali, O.; Gruet, S.; Lewen, F.; Schlemmer, S. et al.; McCarthy, M.C.: An ASAP treatment of vibrationally excited S2O: The ν3 mode and the ν3 + ν2 − ν2 hot band. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 319, pp. 47 - 49 (2016)
Journal Article
Martin-Drumel, M.A.; Endres, C. P.; Zingsheim, O.; Salomon, T.; van Wijngaarden, J.; Pirali, O.; Gruet, S.; Lewen, F.; Schlemmer, S.; McCarthy, M.C. et al.; Thorwirth, S.: The SOLEIL view on sulfur rich oxides: The S2O bending mode ν2ν2 at 380 cm−1 and its analysis using an Automated Spectral Assignment Procedure (ASAP). Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 315, pp. 72 - 79 (2015)
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