Publications of F. Martins
All genres
Journal Article (18)
Journal Article
708 (1), pp. 834 - 840 (2010)
An extremely top-heavy initial mass function in the galactic center stellar disks. The Astrophysical Journal 2.
Journal Article
675 (2), pp. 1319 - 1342 (2008)
The initial mass function of the massive star-forming region NGC 3603 from near-infrared adaptive optics observations. The Astrophysical Journal 3.
Journal Article
383 (2), pp. 458 - 466 (2008)
Variable accretion and emission from the stellar winds in the galactic centre. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 4.
Journal Article
672 (2), pp. L119 - L122 (2008)
On the nature of the fast-moving star S2 in the galactic center. The Astrophysical Journal 5.
Journal Article
478 (1), pp. 219 - 233 (2008)
The most massive stars in the Arches cluster. Astronomy & Astrophysics 6.
Journal Article
669 (2 Part 1), pp. 1024 - 1041 (2007)
Evidence for a long‐standing top‐heavy initial mass function in the central parsec of the galaxy. Astrophysical Journal 7.
Journal Article
468 (1), pp. 233 - 254 (2007)
Stellar and wind properties of massive stars in the central parsec of the galaxy. Astronomy & Astrophysics 8.
Journal Article
128, pp. 17 - 22 (2007)
Exploring the near-infrared at high spatial and spectral resolution: first results from CRIRES science verification. The Messenger 9.
Journal Article
375 (3), pp. 764 - 772 (2007)
A polarized infrared flare from Sagittarius A* and the signatures of orbiting plasma hotspots. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 10.
Journal Article
656 (2 Part 2), pp. L77 - L80 (2007)
Spectroscopy of SMC Wolf-Rayet stars suggests that wind clumping does not depend on ambient metallicity. Astrophysical Journal 11.
Journal Article
457 (2), pp. 637 - 644 (2006)
UBVJHK synthetic photometry of galactic O stars. Astronomy & Astrophysics 12.
Journal Article
649 (2 Part 2), pp. L103 - L106 (2006)
GCIRS 16SW: a massive eclipsing binary in the galactic center. Astrophysical Journal 13.
Journal Article
456 (2), pp. 659 - 664 (2006)
On the sensitivity of He I singlet lines to the Fe IV model atom in O stars. Astronomy & Astrophysics 14.
Journal Article
643 (2 Part 1), pp. 1011 - 1035 (2006)
The two young star disks in the central parsec of the galaxy: properties, dynamics and formation. The Astrophysical Journal 15.
Journal Article
640 (2 Part 2), pp. L163 - L166 (2006)
Variations in the spectral slope of Sagittarius A* during a near-infrared flare. Astrophysical Journal 16.
Journal Article
448 (1), pp. 305 - 311 (2006)
GCIRS34W: an irregular variable in the galactic centre. Astronomy & Astrophysics 17.
Journal Article
441 (2), pp. 735 - 762 (2005)
O stars with weak winds: the galactic case. Astronomy & Astrophysics 18.
Journal Article
436 (3), pp. 1049 - 1065 (2005)
A new calibration of stellar parameters of galactic O stars. Astronomy & Astrophysics Conference Paper (14)
Conference Paper
Massive young stars in the galactic center. In: The Galactic Center: a Window to the Nuclear Environment of Disk Galaxies, pp. 100 - 103 (Eds. Morris, M. R.; Wang, Q. D.; Yuan, F.). The Galactic Center: a Window to the Nuclear Environment of Disk Galaxies, Shanghai, China, October 19, 2009 - October 23, 2009. (2011)
Conference Paper
HST's view of the youngest massive stars in the Magellanic clouds. In: The Impact of HST on European Astronomy, 6, pp. 31 - 36 (Ed. Duccio Macchetto, F.). 41st ESLAB Symposium of the European Space Agency, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, May 29, 2007 - June 01, 2007. Springer, Dordrecht (2010)