Publications of Hongyan Zhou
All genres
Journal Article (8)
Journal Article
708 (1), pp. 742 - 749 (2010)
Detection of a superstrong 2175 Å absorption galaxy at z = 0.8839 toward the quasar SDSS J100713.68+285348.4. The Astrophysical Journal 2.
Journal Article
703 (1), pp. L1 - L5 (2009)
Eddington ratio governs the equivalent width of Mg II emission line in active galactic nuclei. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 3.
Journal Article
701 (1), pp. 105 - 121 (2009)
NTT, Spitzer, and Chandra spectroscopy of SDSSJ095209.56+214313.3: The most luminous coronal-line supernova ever observed, or a stellar tidal disruption event? The Astrophysical Journal 4.
Journal Article
137 (4), pp. 4002 - 4010 (2009)
X-ray absorption and optical extinction in the partially obscured Seyfert nucleus in Mrk 1393. Astronomical Journal 5.
Journal Article
489 (2), pp. 543 - 554 (2008)
Evolution of tidal disruption candidates discovered by XMM-Newton. Astronomy & Astrophysics 6.
Journal Article
680 (2), pp. 926 - 938 (2008)
On the nature of Seyfert galaxies with high [O III] λ5007 blueshifts. The Astrophysical Journal 7.
Journal Article
678 (1), pp. L13 - L16 (2008)
Discovery of superstrong, fading, iron line emission and double-peaked balmer lines of the galaxy SDSS J095209.56+214313.3: the light echo of a huge flare. The Astrophysical Journal 8.
Journal Article
383 (2), pp. 581 - 592 (2008)
Broad-line Balmer decrements in blue active galactic nuclei. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Conference Paper (1)
Conference Paper
The density of the narrow-line region of type 1 active galactic nuclei. In: The Nuclear Region, Host Galaxy and Environment of Active Galaxies, pp. 93 - 95 (Eds. Benítez, E.; Cruz-González, I.; Krongold, Y.). The Nuclear Region, Host Galaxy and Environment of Active Galaxies, Huatulco, Oaxaca, México, April 18, 2007 - April 20, 2007. UNAM, Mexico, DF (MEX) (2008)