Publications of Armin Gabasch
All genres
Journal Article (11)
Journal Article
701 (1), pp. 787 - 803 (2009)
The evolution of early- and late-type galaxies in the cosmic evolution survey up to z ≈ 1.2. The Astrophysical Journal 2.
Journal Article
383 (4), pp. 1319 - 1335 (2008)
A deep i-selected multiwaveband galaxy catalogue in the COSMOS field. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 3.
Journal Article
378 (2), pp. 429 - 448 (2007)
The Munich Near-Infrared Cluster Survey – IX. Galaxy evolution to z ~ 2 from optically selected catalogues. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 4.
Journal Article
128, pp. 51 - 55 (2007)
The puzzle of the Lyα galaxies: new results from the VLT. The Messenger 5.
Journal Article
125, pp. 15 - 19 (2006)
The evolution of galaxies in the FORS deep and GOODS-S field. The ESO Messenger 6.
Journal Article
455 (1), pp. 145 - 152 (2006)
Ly α emission galaxies at a redshift of z approximate to 5.7 in the FORS deep field. Astronomy & Astrophysics 7.
Journal Article
448 (1), pp. 101 - 121 (2006)
The evolution of the luminosity functions in the FORS deep field from low to high redshift - II. The red bands. Astronomy & Astrophysics 8.
Journal Article
633 (1 Part 2), pp. L9 - L12 (2005)
Specific star formation rates to redshift 5 from the FORS deep field and the GOODS-S field. The Astrophysical Journal 9.
Journal Article
619, pp. L131 - L134 (2005)
The stellar mass function of galaxies to z ~ 5 in the fors deep and GOODS-South fields. The Astrophysical Journal 10.
Journal Article
616 (2), pp. L83 - L86 (2004)
The star formation rate history in the fors deep and goods-south fields. The Astrophysical Journal 11.
Journal Article
421 (1), pp. 41 - 58 (2004)
The evolution of the luminosity functions in the FORS Deep Field from low to high redshift. I. The blue bands. Astronomy & Astrophysics Conference Paper (1)
Conference Paper
Tracing the mass-assembly history of galaxies with deep surveys. In: Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology - Einstein's Legacy, pp. 310 - 313 (Eds. Aschenbach, B.; Burwitz, V.; Hasinger, G.; Leibundgut, B.). Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology - Einstein's Legacy, Munich, Germany, November 07, 2005 - November 11, 2005. Springer, Berlin, Germany (2007)