Publications of A. Quirrenbach
All genres
Journal Article (5)
Journal Article
108 (1), pp. 326 - 336 (1994)
Four years of astrometric measurements with the mark III optical interferometer. The Astronomical Journal 2.
Journal Article
107 (5), pp. 1859 - 1867 (1994)
Very high precision orbit of capella by long baseline interferometry. The Astronomical Journal 3.
Journal Article
75, pp. 33 - 37 (1994)
Contribution of the ESO adaptive optics programme to astronomy: a first review. The ESO Messenger 4.
Journal Article
284, pp. 331 - 339 (1994)
An updated list of radio flux density calibrators. Astronomy & Astrophysics 5.
Journal Article
283, pp. L13 - L16 (1994)
Maximum-entropy maps of the Be shell star ζ Tauri from optical long-baseline interferometry. Astronomy & Astrophysics Conference Paper (3)
Conference Paper
Adaptive optics nir imaging of R136 in 30 Doradus: the stellar population of a nearby starburst. In: Proceedings of the Topical Meeting on Adaptive Optics, pp. 521 - 526 (Ed. Cullum, M.). Topical Meeting on Adaptive Optics, Garching bei München, Germany, October 02, 1995 - October 06, 1995. ESO, Garching bei München (1996)
Conference Paper
Recent results from the imaging beam combiner simulator COSI at the MPE. Proceedings of SPIE, pp. 458 - 468 (1994)
Conference Paper
Design and construction of the MPE beam combiner simulator COSI. Proceedings of SPIE, pp. 469 - 478 (1994)